?In the last few weeks there has been a persistent fuel crisis in Lagos Nigeria where I stay. It started like something that would fade away in a week or so but with the Christmas celebrations it seemed to heighten. The attendant celebrations that come with the season have made it even more frustrating.
Depending on your frequency on the roads, you’d have to employ all the wiles and if need be pull all the strings you have to get this scarce resource. Sometimes it can be very frustrating finding which station is dispensing or the exact time to be there. For most people it is time spent that is most discouraging as some end with no success at the end of the day.
Most people probably have a ‘survival story’ that displays their dexterity in surviving this period. I managed to stick to a station over the years knowing that the problem will resurface just when you think its ugly head will never come to the rear. This has saved me a lot of discomfort and really made life a lot easier. A typical station has its share of drama if the people are not well managed and they get to air their frustrations. Other times there is comradery and people get to make new acquaintances and strengthen their networks. ??
As is the case most times, you get to see people drive in from perhaps an exit gate and are given easy access to fill up their tanks. On this particular day, a gentle man (he looked it), had driven in though the back gate and seemed to be very friendly with all the attendants at the station. Immediately, one of the people loafing in the station whose car was still very distant went straight to his car and promised him that he would ensure he didn’t get to buy the product as he only just came in. The staff tried to explain to him that he was a prepaid customer and they always got preference but the man didn’t budge and kept threatening.
The gentleman came out of his car when he put a little blockade in front of his car and started hitting hard on his car. He came out of his car and politely but firmly told the man to desist but he only yelled more and started aggressing the man even poking his chest. The gentleman looked very neat and slim and one that gave attention to his dressing. The type of person that won’t want to get himself dirty especially in a place like this. Perhaps it gave the man the impetus to aggress some more believing he will get away with his actions.
The aggressor picked up a weapon this time and threaten to break his side mirror if he proceeded. At this point everyone told him he had gone too far but he just turned a deaf ear to all entreaties. Suddenly. It happened! Perhaps by accident, he broke a mirror and stood there in defiance. Suddenly, the gentleman was in front of him and like a movie ‘slapped’ him thrice with his long legs the last of the slaps knocking him out while sending him flying away. The drama that followed is for another day.
I fill up my tank and drive home feeling like a victor (a feeling that comes when you drive pass hundreds of others still trying to get the precious liquid that has now filled your car. I’m back in My Quiet Place (a place in my home where I recount the events of the past period) and I’m just there thinking of everything that happened. It’s always been my opinion that at every point you must be able to define your location. A location is the place where a particular point or object exists. If you fully understand this, every time you go to a place you will focus on what you went there to do or achieve. Imagine going to get fuel and returning with a broken jaw/ Think about it #TurnAroundThursday#DiaryOfACorporateTrainer