Defining Wellness In Todays World

Defining Wellness In Todays World

“Wellness comes from personal balance. Not bodily perfection.”

What is wellness to you? Is it prioritizing self-care in your daily routine? Is it making

healthy meals? Challenging yourself mentally?

Wellness is an ancient concept that is constantly taking on new modern meanings. In

past centuries, wellness was seen as conventional medicine, self-healing practices, and

preventive care to keep the body in good health. Fast forward to the 21st century, we

are constantly surrounded by self-care, healthy living, fitness, and self-help influences

that are always readily available. However, wellness is usually referred to as good

health or being happy, or making time for yourself.

So, what exactly is wellness?

Wellness is not a passive state of being that needs to be achieved. Rather, wellness is

personal balance. It’s an active harmony between every element of your health:

Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, environmental, and intellectual.

Giving attention to each of these dimensions of our wellness and actively strengthening

each individual area is what leads to personal balance in our lives. This may look

different to each individual person and may require more work in certain areas than

others. Let’s take a look at a few realistic examples of how to actively pursue wellness

in our lives!

Physical: Take care of your body. Learn how to give yourself proper nourishment, stay

active, and learn when your body needs rest, sleep, etc.

Mental: Take time to explore your creativity, expand your knowledge in a certain

subject or skill, and learn how to problem-solve effectively.

Emotional: Be able to identify and express your feelings. Practice empathy towards

others and understanding their feelings. Learn how to manage your emotions in a

healthy and constructive way.

Spiritual: Find your purpose and calling in life. Discover your beliefs and values in life

and live according to them.

Social: Maintain your healthy friendships and relationships. Look for volunteer

opportunities in your community and be open to developing new relationships.

Environmental: Learn to care for the earth and all living things. Actively work to protect

the planet, and understand how your environments affect your well-being.

Intellectual: Always have a curious mind. Challenge yourself to learn new skills and be

open to learning from those who have more knowledge and wisdom than you.

The key component in having a well-balanced life is perseverance rather than focusing

on achieving perfection. No one is perfect. Sometimes, our lives are disrupted, we fall

into old habits, and we experience life-altering moments. But continuing to find balance

and working on our wellness through every circumstance will help lead you to holistic


Learn how to find balance and wellness in a fast-paced world by joining the Flowell

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