Defining Scalability for ZoomRooms
As Starin promotes our new ProAV Outfitting, we want explain the thinking behind it for how it helps the integrator scale. What does that mean? Having the ability to produce something in a high output way is at the core of scalability, yes?
Scaling implies systematizing. Networked coordination. Speedy process execution. Cost reductions. Cutting errors in variations and deviations. Repeatability. Reliability. One point of accountability. No single points of failure.
The AV industry has had a very custom-build oriented mindset and methodology. In fact, there are cases where an integrator may build the same set of features and capabilities into very similar spaces and yet use different components from different brands, with different techniques and different signal flows, mounting or cabling. Everyone seems to love to put their own "personal spin" or signature on a project.
Ok. What does that have to do with the effectiveness in execution at the integrator? Custom requires a "retooling" in some ways mentally and physically for each project.
Being flexible is a great attribute to meet the very detailed requests or requirements a customer may have. When there is a sophistication to what a system must perform to meet needs, certainly having flexibility is an advantage. However, it takes times. Time to gather the info in discovery, think through the engineering, confirm the understanding of the scope with the customer, relay the details of the technical installation and implementation, test the system for integrity and above all see how the customer is satisfied and getting valued functional use from it.
So, let's look at the pyramid of conditions to scaling. You can only have 2 of the 3 sides working. Why? Because scaling and flexibility run counter to each other. You can see the more flexible you are, the more costly a process or product may become. The intersection of full scalability and low flexibility is where the lowest cost is found. The beauty in Outfitting is we have designed in some flexibility and still give the cost benefit the customer needs. . And the process has not become complicated.
Do people want complex? Zoom Video Conference software has proved the simpler a conference call experience is exactly what people want. It is the more engaging. The Zoom mission is to create happy customers. As a result, Zoom adoption is Zooming. Making hardware complement that software simplicity, is what Starin was asked by Zoom to accomplish. We've done that in a venture called ProAV Outfitting. All the known steps in the preparing and execution of installation to be streamlined were considered. How to make the Outfitting experience easier was a goal. How it has been tested, tried and true to its design and performance is the critical difference that makes it scalable.
It starts with standards. Zoom Professional Services Organization reviews and approves all components as standards. And yet there are sets of variables, designing in some flexibility for the application. My CEO coach calls this “mass customization”. There are 13 different room size and function templates for the ProAV Outfitters ZoomRooms. Instruction sets, to hand to a B or C team tech crew for fast install are available. The other net effect of this process is a fast and more efficient supply chain partnership. Starin commits to an always-in-stock service level agreement for registered and quoted projects. Solutions are shipped by location, by room, complete with materials for mounting. Concierge service is rapid and handled with care.
Some integrators have recognized how they need to now deploy many more point-of-presence across the enterprise for clients. Getting that done efficiently is important. That is what ProAV Outfitters supports.
Zoom certified integrators are now coming into a system that has already proven to deliver hundreds of rooms from prototyping, to piloting, to replication stages of scaling the development. A digital quote tool renders fast and automagically registers the project. Zoom certified integrators aligned with Starin ProAV Outfitters are being promoted this week at Zoomtopia. Connect with us for more info. I'd be glad to discuss the objectives, methods and execution in scaling your business as well.
Chief Executive Officer at
6 年Very cool indeed.