Defining Role of Indian Institute of Architects in Promoting Quality Architectural Education in India - both formal and Informal
Defining Role of Indian Institute of Architects in Promoting Quality Architectural Education in India - both formal and Informal
??????????????????????????????????????????????????*Jit Kumar Gupta; email- [email protected]
With history spanning over 100 years, having origin in?sprawling lawns of the excellent academic environment of JJ School of Art and Architecture, Mumbai, Indian Institute of Architects was conceptualized and made a?distinct reality. Institute was ?established, primarily and essentially, to promote, protect, spread, establish and make people, communities and?nation aware about the role and importance of ?young and emerging profession of architecture and for creating valuable state of art?and sustainable built environment besides promoting highest quality of life in both urban and rural India.
?Established in 1917 with membership standing at 158 in the year 1929, ?Indian Institute of Architects has grown gradually and steadily ?in fabric, stature and strength, over the years, with?membership??now standing at??more than 20,000. Indian Institute of Architecture remains the?apex body of professional architects ?in the country, ?with physical and professional spread covering the entire length, breadth and depth of the country.
Beginning the journey in India, under the stewardship of professional architects with vision and ideals at the helm of affairs,??having thorough?understanding and appreciation of the complexity about the role and ?importance of the architectural profession, has ?helped the Institute, in laying and building strong foundation for rapid growth and expansion of the profession of the architecture in the country, duly supported by ideals of ?sustainability,??latest innovations, and technological advances made in the art and science of planning, designing and construction of the quality built environment.
?In addition to promoting and?putting the profession of architecture on high pedestal, locally and globally, Indian Institute of Architects, has continued its focus and commitment to play critical role in promoting the quality of architectural education in the country, by engaging in and ?promoting aesthetic, scientific and practical efficiency of the profession?in the domain of architectural ?education. Looking objectively at the history and geography, of its?functioning and operations, it can be safely concluded that past journey of ?more than 100 years of the Indian Institute of Architects, right from its inception, ?has been ?journey of its continued and sustained commitment ?in the area of ?promoting architectural education ?and rebirth, growth and development ?of ?architecture, as an exclusive and standalone?profession ?in the country.
Footprints of IIA ?in Architectural Education; Considering and appreciating the context, value, role and importance of quality ?teaching-learning, ?in?creating quality professionals , Institute made valuable contributions?on continued basis, in defining the course intent, contents , scope ?and methodology for ?teaching-learning of architecture. This has helped in making the profession of architecture?more qualitative ?and vibrant by creating appropriate cadre of quality professional architects. Focus and effort of the Indian Institute of Architects, right from its inception, has been to make architectural education qualitative, focused and community oriented.
Constitution governing the Indian Institute of Architects, in addition to the looking at and promoting profession of architecture, inter-alia also ?provides and makes dedicated and specific provision for ?encouraging ?standards of architectural education, creating?space?for??establishing architectural institution including library etc. ?in terms of;
·??????To encourage the science and the art of planning and building the standards of Architectural education, training ?and practice, by making grants to the Technical institutions, or by paying or assisting to pay the fees and expenses of the students, or by providing and giving scholarships, prizes or other rewards?to such students, or by any or all such methods;
·??????To purchase, lease, rent,?hold and dispose of any land or property,?and any building or hall, and to erect any such building or buildings to be used?as a place of meeting ?for the members of the institute, or as a college and school or Reading Room or Library for the advancement of the objects of the institute, and to provide accommodation for any meeting, conference, exhibition or congress, whether promoted wholly or partly by the institute or which, in the opinion of the Council, may conduce to assist in the carrying on with the objects of the institute or tends to do so;
·??????To form or acquire by purchase, donation, request or otherwise a library and collection of models, drawings, designs or other material, and to maintain, extend and improve the same;
Considering its ?defined objectives and absence of any?institution imparting?education in the domain of architecture in the country, propelled IIA to collaborate with The Royal Institute of British Architects for creating opportunities?for higher learning / education in architecture, for?the aspiring student/professionals . Footprints ?of architectural education?in country were laid?initially by affiliating ?the institute with The Royal Institute of British Architect, London. The five year Diploma Course in Architecture inaugurated in ?the?year 1923, was ?subsequently recognized by the Royal Institute of Architects. First examination of RIBA was conducted in India, in the year the year 1930. Affiliation with RIBA brought lot of credibility to the institute which also ?led to ?making numerous changes and redefining the ?constitution and bye-Laws?governing the Institute. This was done to bring large number of architects registered with the RIBA,( spread over the country), into the fold of the Institute of architects , enlarging its scope and area of operation from Mumbai to pan-India
Over the years, ?in addition to making architectural education more qualitative, Indian Institute of Architects, through its chapter, centers and members have ?helped in setting up number of institutions?imparting ?architectural education in the various regions of the country. Till the year?1972, when the Indian Architects Act ?became operational in the country, and Council of Architecture?was mandated/ entrusted?with the task of defining minimum standards of architectural education in the country, the entire framework of architectural education was being catered, supported, supervised, looked after ?and empowered by the Indian Institute of Architects. ?
Genesis of?introduction of?granting Associateship of Indian Associateship by examination; ?In addition to promoting formal education in architecture, Institute is also credited with creating appropriate opportunities of higher learning and improving the career options, through informal system. However, this facility remains limited to the in-service ?three year diploma holders, engaged/working, under the?continued supervision and guidance of?professional?architects, ?rendering architectural services?in the country. For catering to these needs of the higher professional learning for diploma holders, Institutes runs a dedicated program for Associateship of Indian Institute of Architects(By Examination). After successful completion/ qualifying the?Associateship exam, such candidates become eligible for election as Associate members of IIA and also for registration as architects under the Indian Architects Act, 1972.
?Introduction of Associateship by examination, was the outcome of??number of??interventions/evaluations/reviews/ decisions made at?the levels of;??Indian?Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, Department or Education; Government of India; Indian Parliament; All India Board of Technical Studies in Architecture & Regional Planning and Council of Architecture, established under the Indian Architects Act,1972; as detailed below;
·??????Genesis of?introduction of?granting Associateship of Indian Institute of Architects by examination, lies in the detailed representation made by the Association of Architectural Assistantship, Diploma holders in September ,1972?to the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare , Department , Government of India,?regarding providing opportunities for higher studies and career promotion.
·??????Said request?was forwarded by the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, to the All India Board of Technical Studies in Architecture & Regional Planning,( then responsible for guiding, directing and regulating the profession of Architecture and planning in the country), for consideration and taking appropriate decision.
·??????All India , Board of Technical Studies in Architecture & Regional Planning, considered the said ?request of Diploma holders, forwarded by the MOESW, under item 7 of the 29th meeting of the Board, held on December, 4, 1972 at Delhi, under the item , ‘To receive the report of curriculum committee regarding revised Architectural Assistantship Course’ and decided as under;
i. “While accepting that revised?syllabus of Diploma in Architectural Assistantship covers the syllabus of first two years of the five-year full-time Degree/Diploma Course in Architecture, successful diploma students would be eligible for admission to?3rd year of B Arch Course”.
ii. Board recommended that Indian Institute of Architects, Bombay?be requested to?conduct professional examination equivalent to a Degree in Architecture as soon as possible for the benefit of architectural personnel engaged in the profession.
·??????Based on the decision taken by the Board of Technical Studies in Architecture & Regional Planning, ?Ministry of Education and Social Welfare , Department , Government of India in its letter dated May 10, 1973 , addressed to the Secretary Association of Architectural Assistantship, Diploma holders, informed that-- Indian Institute of Architects was going to conduct a professional examination equivalent to a degree in architecture for the benefit of those engaged in the profession in the near future. This examination would open avenue for the holders of Diploma in Architectural Assistantship to acquire?a higher qualification in Architecture .Further?MOESW informed that;-The Indian Institute of Architects have been requested to arrange to organize their examination as soon as possible.
·??????The issue of?conducting ?examination for the diploma holders ?by the Indian Institute of Architects ,was also raised by Sh. Ram?Bilas Paswan, Member Parliament, in the 6th Lok?Sabha under unstarred question no 4564 dated 28th August, 1978. In reply to the said question, Minister of Education, Social and Welfare and Culture replied that;
1.???That Indian Institute of Architects Bombay, has stated that it will be pleased to conduct the professional examination in Architecture for the diploma holders.
2.???Institute will enroll the successful diploma students as the?student members of the Indian Institute of Architects on the same lines as done by the Royal Institute of British?Architects. The said students?can appear for the final examination of the Indian Institute of Architects, but the scheme of final?examination is not yet?finalized. The institute has intimated?that subject, dates and other details of examination are being finalized.
·??????Syllabus and subjects to be studied for the IIA studentship examination was finalized by the Indian Institute of Architects?based on the recommendations made by the Council of Architecture.
·??????First ?Associateship Examination for the Indian Institute of Architects, was conducted by the institute?in the year 1982 simultaneously at six centres, including, Bombay, Delhi, Calcutta, Hyderabad, Chandigarh?and Madras.
·??????Later on, based on ?the request made by the IIA,?to the ?Ministry of Education and Social Welfare , Department , Government of India, to accept the Associateship Examination of Indian Institute of Architects, at par with the Bachelor Degree in?Architecture of a recognized university?for recruitment to the superior posts and services under the control of?the Central Government, MOESW, referred ?the matter for to COA for consideration.
·??????Executive Committee of the COA?in its meeting held on October 27, 1988, constituted, a three member evaluation committee?with ?Sh. S.Y. Madan as the Convenor and?Ar. Uttam C Jain and Ar Raja ?Poredi, as?members.
·??????Said Evaluation Committee visited and examined the premises of IIA and sourced detailed information with regard to;?Administrative setup for conducting the examination; Criteria for Eligibility of Candidate for appearing in the examination; mode of examination; Centres for Examination; Syllabus of the studies and subjects for examination; Basis for selection of paper setters and examiners; Review of Question papers and Answer papers; Financial resources available with the Institute. After interacting with Chairman BOE, Controller of Examination and examining relevant documents, Evaluation Committee concluded ?and recommended to COA, in its report dated November 16, 1990, as under;
“The Committee, therefore recommends recognition by the ?Council of Architecture, the examination conducted by the Indian Institute of Architects and consequently the Associate Membership of the Indian Institute of Architects ( by Examination) to be at par?with?the Bachelor??degree in Architecture of the universities recognized ?by the Council of Architecture and for recruitment to superior posts and ?services under the control of Central Government
·??????The ?said recommendations of Evaluation ?Committee , were accepted by the COA , in its meeting held on October 9,1991at Bangalore .
·??????Based on the recommendations of the Board of Assessment for Educational Qualifications, Government of India recognized?the Associateship Examination of The Indian Institute of Architects( By examination), at par with the Bachelor??degree in Architecture of a recognized Indian university, for the purpose of employment to posts and services under the Central Government in the appropriate field, vide letter dated August, 5, 1992.This ?recognition?granted was later ?recognized from ?backdate ?of December, 1982, vide?Government letter dated?March 30, 1998
Philosophy and approach for conducting the examination; The Indian Institute of Architects ?is conducting associateship ?examination, based on the approval given by the Government of India, to provide an opportunity to in-service diploma holders in Architectural Assistantship, employed and working in the office of professionally qualified architects, having minimum experience of 5 years in the profession, who could not pursue?their higher education for various reasons,?to help them in improving their academic qualification and improving career opportunities. Candidates?are mandated to continue to??gain practical experience?in Architecture?under the continued ?guidance of the?qualified architect?during the entire duration of studentship.
The Associateship examination of ?Indian Institute of Architects, is being conducted?for approximately?last 40 years, ?starting from the year 1982. Institute is conducting the exam with the policy/objective of ensuring that students qualifying the exams should have acquired appropriate level of?competency, capacity and expertise to discharge their professional duties, as an architect, in the?most effective and efficient manner. Examination system is carefully planned and designed to empower , assist?and making value addition to the knowledge , appreciation and ?understanding ?of the candidates, in ?the ?art and science of planning, designing and construction of buildings.
Structure and Operation of the System of Examination; It needs to be understood and appreciated that IIA is a professional body and not a body imparting architectural education like other institutions/universities. However, in order to conduct the examination and discharge its professional duties, in a most professional manner, IIA ensures ?maintaining highest standards of the profession. Accordingly.?large number of ?checks and balances have been put in place by the institute for maintaining the appropriate standards of professional competency for the examinees, which include?setting up a separate and independent Examination Department, in an exclusive building ?located at Belapur, headed by a qualified and ?experienced?Controller of Examination, who also acts as, Ex-Officio Member Secretary of the Board ,duly supporting by qualified supporting manpower. ?Controller of Examination works under the overall guidance, supervision, control ?and direction of ?a High-Powered??Board?of Examination and Architectural Education, constituted by?the Council of?Indian Institute of architects. Board, comprising of eminent?professionals and academicians, working/teaching architecture across India, ?is mandated?to regulates, guide, monitor, evaluate, promote qualitative system of examination while maintaining highest professional standard of ??associateship examination. Existing BOE&AE includes?six?members?who have been/are, Dean/Director/Principles/HOD of reputed Universities/Institutions, imparting architectural education in the country, besides eminent professionals working in the profession. Board has a tenure of two years. The Board appoints the eminent professionals/academicians pan India , to set the question paper and?evaluating answer books by constituting a CAP . The Board is also empowered to moderate ?and declare the ?exam results besides taking all the policy decisions, related to?conduct and ?regulate the examination to make it relevant and qualitative. ?
?Eligibility requirements; Based on the eligibility?criteria defined for admission to Associateship Examination (already approved by Council of Architecture), candidates having basic qualification of 3 year full time Diploma either in Architectural Assistantship/ Interior Design/ Civil Engineering, ?with minimum 50% marks after having qualified the?aptitude test NATA conducted by COA, are?eligible for registration?for studentship with IIA. In addition to requisite qualification, candidate must possess?practical?experience?for One /two years architectural?experience, prior to seeking admission, depending upon the basic?qualification, under an?architect registered?with Council of Architecture, having?minimum five year experience.
Looking at the conditions and qualification defined, the eligibility criteria defined for admission to the Associateship by?examination, remains higher than what is specified for admission to B Arch course in the regular institutions. IIA does not make any ?provision of granting exemption?to any candidate in any subject and ?in any part of study, during ?the entire duration of studentship, besides no lateral entry?at any stage?in the IIA course of examination is permitted to any student.
Candidates?admitted to Associateship by Examination of IIA,?are supposed to be in service , working in the office??and under the ?constant guidance of qualified Architects at the time of admission as well as during the entire duration of the Associateship examination; to remain in touch?with the profession?including?designing?and construction of the?various architectural?projects
Course contents and Syllabus; Entire course of studentship, from admission to completion, is divided into 5?distinct stages comprising of???Part-I, Part-II, Part-III;?Part-IV -A?&?Part- IV-B. Course contents , subjects to be studied ?and scheme of examination for the studentship examination,?have been ?prepared ?and designed by the Board of Examination involving ?experts comprising of the eminent professional architects, working and operating in the academics and profession.?Course contents are, primarily and essentially, ?based on the pattern followed by the leading institutions imparting architectural education in India.
?Detailed syllabus has been evolved, considering the basic needs of the profession and maintaining?highest standards?of the professional education. Course?contents and subjects of the ?study for IIA examination, compare favorably with what is defined and prescribed for the students studying in the formal system of ?education in architecture. Contents ,intent ?and detailed syllabus, currently in operation, ?has already been reviewed, revised and redefined in consultation?with the Council of Architecture.
?Considering the understanding and involvement of the members of BOE&AE?in ?the academic institutions?of repute imparting architectural education and professional practice, system of examination/ course contents/conduct of examination/setting and evaluating the question papers is?monitored on continued basis to make it more objective, focused, rational, relevant and cater to the emerging needs of the architectural education and the profession. Syllabus and scheme of Examination has already been reviewed and revised five times in the years 1988, 1992,1998, 2004 and 2014 , since it launch in?the year 1982.
?Question paper and assessment of student work; The Board of Examination , appointed by the Council of IIA is mandated to regulate and manage the entire system of examination. Paper setters and?evaluators ?for different subjects are selected amongst the renowned teachers/professionals, from all over India, working in the various?institutions imparting architectural education?or practicing in the profession, based on?detailed and well-defined guidelines, within the framework of given syllabus. The question papers received, are moderated by the Board of Examination. Process of table marking for evaluating the?answer sheets by qualified professionals?is?adopted?in the IIA premises at Belapur, Navi Mumbai , keeping/ practicing all norms of secrecy , transparency and objectivity. IIA believes in following highest professional/academic standards,?while setting the?question papers and?evaluation ?the student’s answer-sheets.
?Conduct of Examination; Exams for studentship, are conducted physically in the centers approved by BOE, under the strict supervision, guidance and control of the respective Chapters of IIA, following a detailed and well defined- system of conducting the exam. Independent observers are appointed by the BOE for ?objectively evaluating?the process and conduct of the examination at?each centre of examination, ?in a transparent and professional manner. These observers are mandated to?visit the ?examination centres ??and ?send a detailed report about ?the quality and conduct of examination to BOE for consideration and taking appropriate decision. Due to Covid 19, for the first time , online Examination ?was ?conducted, while using?the platform of IES College of Architecture, Bandra, Mumbai . In the physical mode. ?IIA, in the past, has conducted the exam at ?different ?centers including;?Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Chennai, Kottayam & Lucknow. Assistance, help and active involvement of architectural institutions, operating in the identified cities, is also sourced for conducting the exam in a professional manner?
Focus on Architectural design; Besides working?continuously on various?architectural projects , as part of employment and?taking exams periodically, in the specified subjects, candidates enrolled are required to?carry out?detailed design exercise, ?in each part of the examination, ?under the supervision of?a qualified architect appointed by BOE . Student is required to ?prepare??design portfolio?on a?specified?topic. Progress of the candidate is monitored on regular basis during the entire duration?of project. BOE appoints Internal jurors to assess their works and guide the candidates?to finalize the project. After submission of the project, final?evaluation of the project is done?by eminent juror appointed externally?by BOE&AE.
As integral part of the Part-II study, ?candidates are required to learn the process of Architectural Appraisal, for ?creating awareness among the students regarding the role and importance, observation, analysis and expression of the various components of build environment for improving their?understanding?of the context of ?Architectural design and architectural vocabulary. Besides other drawing/theory subjects, students are also required to undergo external ?examination in the subject of Architectural Design at the level of??Part-I, II, III.IV-A. The duration of exam for the said examination is, 6, 12,15 and 18 Hours, respectively. Design problems are framed and design solutions are evaluated by the qualified and expert professionals operating in the domain of ?architectural practice and academics, ?appointed by BOE&AE.
Architectural ?Thesis; As integral part of syllabus and study curriculum, of Part IV- b; candidates ?are required to prepare ?a thesis on an approved subject, based on the knowledge and learning made in the architecture , during the study of earlier 4 parts. Thesis is required to prepare under constant supervision of an Architect, appointed by the BOE&AE The Syllabus and manuals for preparation of thesis, is made available to all?the students.
?Thesis Guide is appointed?by the BOE. Student is required to have minimum 8 to 10 sitting with Guide.?Guide is required to maintain attendance sheet; give certificate in prescribed format and also award internal marks based on students work, progress and understanding. Final design is evaluated?through Viva- Voce by a panel of external jurors appointed by the BOE,?describing allocation of the marks for ?various components?including;?concept, site analysis, case studies, site plans, detailed plans of all floors, elevations, sections, services, model, views etc.
In order to aid, advise, assist and guide the?candidates, in the art and science of preparation of Design portfolio, IIA has prepared a detailed-?Manual?for Architectural Design Thesis for?Part- IV-b students . Manual details the process of preparing thesis in terms of; selection of the project; defining objectives; selecting site; carrying on site analysis and?case studies besides defining ??stages of?preparing thesis including; preparing synopsis; data collection, preliminary viva-voce, pre-final design and viva-voce; final Design and viva-voce . Manual also details out data collection, site analysis, study of climatic conditions, case studies, along with the contents of each stage of thesis preparation. It also details out the intent, context of report and the detailed?guidelines to be followed by the student while preparing architectural drawings.
Way Forward; ?Based on the study made and data sourced, regarding the journey of IIA studentship exam since 1982, when the said exam was introduced ,it can be safely concluded that, ?Associateship examination has made valuable contribution to the growth, spread and development of both, profession and academics of architecture, in the country. Total number of students completing the?prescribed course of associateship?examination?since its inception in 1982 till 2022 stands at 2423. Large number of associate members after completing ?examination, are known to peruse higher studies in architecture and planning, by obtaining?higher qualifications leading to ?award of Doctorate /Master’s degree in architecture & planning. Many of these Associates, are now heading Institutes of learning imparting architectural education in the country, in the capacity of Directors/Principles and senior faculty. In addition, large?number of Associates qualifying from the IIA, are also practicing in the metropolitan/other cities, providing employment to graduate architects and providing facility for training?for the students of Architecture studying in the formal system of examination. Being involved in the architectural practice,?immediately after qualifying the architectural assistantship exam, these associates have facilitated the growth and spread of the profession at local level.
Large number of Associates , who were employed in the service of state/ central departments, at the junior level at the time of admission to studentship,?have?grown after completing the examination, in?learning, understanding and status in the service. Large number of them are positioned at the level of?Senior Architect/Senior Town Planner/ ?Architects/District Town Planners/ Assistant Architects in the various state/central level ?architectural/planning?services. Associates are ?known to?also head ?even the State department of Architecture.
Besides contributing to the rapid growth, spread and expansion of profession/ academics, accepting its quality?and contents, Associateship?examination has also been accepted and recognized by?leading academic Architectural and Planning Institutions ?of the country ;including Schools of Planning and Architecture, Delhi, Jamia Milia University etc, for admission to the Doctorate level and ?Master level Courses in Architecture, Urban and Regional?Planning , Housing, urban Design, Landscaping etc.
Despite all the positivity, Indian Institute of Architects?is taking?all the?possible steps and?making constant efforts, on continued basis, for ?improving the quality of ?examination and?updating knowledge of candidates ?pursuing Associate examination, for making them stay relevant to the ever changing needs and requirements of the profession of architecture. For enabling /facilitating /empowering students in the professional learning, they have been provided ?easy access?to study material; course material and reference books, relevant to the subject of study, which are?defined?and made?integral part of the?syllabus. Reading material received from the various sources/experts, is shared?with the student community, through a dedicated??portal,?created for the students, perusing associateship examination ??from time to time. E-books?prepared by the architects are ?loaded on the IIA portal for reference and study?of the candidates. In addition, invitations to participate in the various?expert lectures, programs, conferences and workshops organized by the respective chapters of IIA are also extended to the students. ?All student’s quarries pertaining to examination are being ??answered?from time to time. Members of IIA are also requested to support students in making value-addition to their learning architecture.
?For facilitating the architectural education and meeting its objectives, Institute ?has already?established ?“Sohrab Bharucha Architectural Library”, located at its Headquarters in Mumbai, which remains accessible to ?all the members and students of architecture in the country. The IIA Publications Board and the Editorial Committee ?publishes a newsletter every month. All student members of the Institute receive a copy of the said newsletter of IIA
For Making the examination more qualitative, IIA is involving number of eminent professionals to engage with the students and share their professional knowledge and experience, to improve their professional capacity and understanding. Institute is also looking/studying ?the pattern and approach and good practices being ?followed, by other ??professional institutions conducting examinations for in-service professional courses of higher learning including that of ?institute of Town Planners India (ITPI), who is?running an Associateship Examination,?leading to award of?Master level qualification?in Town Planning for the in-service professionals employed/working in the town planning since the year 1963.Institute remains open to all suggestions made for making the examination system more qualitative and focused.
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