Defining the real growth which can be right for your anxious career!

Defining the real growth which can be right for your anxious career!

People get monotonous when they hear the word growth about their career, as they directly relate it to moving from the lower stage to higher, getting into a higher designation or achieving a promotion. But does the meaning of growth really end there or are we lacking in the perception as we are oriented towards just one meaning due to the competition we are trying to have or the prolonged dream like some sees to become or reaching the utmost position in the company. Growth is not about being reaching the highest point where you want to be or your end goal but it is also about the small or little improvements you do in your life. Life will always test you in different scenarios where your real strength is tested and when a person can pass that or crosses their tough time then that is also a growth you had in life as you learned new a lesson no matter you failed or pass but the learning which had because of that phase gave a real growth in life as you learned something new in life, you learned how to survive from those kind situations and that is the real growth a person will have.

A growth in your profession doesn't get counted on the yearly or quarterly basis not because it is difficult to quantify it but every single day you spent in your company you will have a new learning or a new experience which might look monotonous to you but will add value in you, your work or career & in your company as well and this is the growth which you should look for in reality no matter you get any monetary benefit out of it or not. Even slightest learning which brings the change in your career like doing some certifications no matter it is related to your field of work or not, but if it interests you and adding value in you no matter in what way, it is a sign of growth you are having in your career eventually will benefit you in one way or the other. But the benefit is not necessarily will be in form of money, it might be in form of education, decision making by making better decisions, thought leadership, more principled perception and that's how to have considered your growth as by seeing the bright of the situation not matter in what form it is and so this will be an also a sign of growth in you as you are trying to think in multidimensional which will always be beneficial for your career not matter at what stage you are.

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To attain the maximal growth in your career one should have the desire to learn from his failure as well which give the person not only career lesson but life lesson as well which will eventually support to survive the extreme situations in your career and that's when you will attain real growth. Persistence, faith, self-belief should always be enabled in you that will not only help you to keep on going but also be part of your base foundation in your growth. Things don't get over here, one should always be in perception of having some learning or some benefit not necessarily monetary from every part of their life, the situation they are going through to have a growth in every aspect of their career. Career is one such thing where everyone wants to attain the utmost position of there domain or fulfil every dream they have but in reality, do we work in the favourable or the required way so that we can achieve or to have the desired growth because if we not then its high time to think about it by making the change in our perception, thought to process the way we work or handle situations when we face it or in a more professional manner maybe its time to change our strategy for our career to procure the paramount growth.


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