Venture Capitalist |Angel Investor| Digital Transformation |CEO | Managing Director | Entrepreneur at Quantum Leap Alleviates
Absolute Truth is:
1. Beyond knowing that if you don’t see the relationship between a state of mind and what is causing it, you won’t be practicing right mindfulness
2. Beyond knowing that if you forget to monitor the mind, the mind will try to confuse you
3. Beyond knowing that if you get stuck in the happiness of breathing meditation, that is all that you will achieve
4. Beyond knowing that if you have contemplated an
evil deed, let it go
5. Beyond knowing that if you have done a good deed, let it go
6. Beyond knowing that if you have right understanding, and you are able to share it, that is right action
7. Beyond knowing that if you have something good, you should share it
8. Beyond knowing that if you just indulge in your memories and opinions, you will never live in the awareness of the moment
9. Beyond knowing that if you know how to see yourself, you’ll not be able to fool yourself
10. Beyond knowing that if you love the sacred and despise the profane, you are still bobbing in the ocean of illusion
11. Beyond knowing that if you observe that the serpent of wild motivation is about to arise, and you try to grab it too rapidly, you are sure to be bitten
12. Beyond knowing that if you persevere in the practice, you too will see the limitations of the world and be able to let it go
13. Beyond knowing that if you see a mental creeper creeping up, cut it out at the root with the knife of knowledge
14. Beyond knowing that if you seek direct understanding, don’t hang onto the images, names, forms
15. Beyond knowing that if you want to get rid of all your desires, this is just one more form of want
16. Beyond knowing that if you want to hold onto something beautiful because you don’t want to be separated from it, that is suffering
17. Beyond knowing that if you want to know about yourself in the future, look into yourself in the present
18. Beyond knowing that If you want to make real progress, one must give up all ideas of personal attainment
19. Beyond knowing that If you yearn for holy felicity, shed your arrogance and become a seeker of hearts
20. Beyond knowing that if you’re always giving to others and never on the receiving end, don’t worry, but the good that you do will bear fruit in the end
21. Beyond knowing that if your actions and speech are dirty, this is a sign that your mind is dirty
22. Beyond knowing that if your happiness depends on everyone in the world saying good things, about you, then, you will never find happiness
23. Beyond knowing that Ill-gotten gain causes pain
24. Beyond knowing that illness is one of the inevitabilities of life
25. Beyond knowing that in a land where everyone lies, nobody will believe the truth
26. Beyond knowing that in a land where true is false and false is true, the sage knows what to do
27. Beyond knowing that in a person who lives heedlessly, craving grows like a creeping vine
28. Beyond knowing that in midst full of notions and ourselves, one neglect to see beyond ‘I’ and ‘me.’
29. Beyond knowing that in ones lives, they have two possibilities: indulgence in the world or deliverance from the world
30. Beyond knowing that in solitude, we sow and cultivate the seeds of wisdom
31. Beyond knowing that in the absence of Virtuous discipline, man is prone to errant conduct and actions that lead him into discord and grief
32. Beyond knowing that In the Absolute the ‘I amness’ comes and then the experience takes place
33. Beyond knowing that in the certainty of practicing purity, we become serene in our minds
34. Beyond knowing that in the great void, there is no ‘we’ no ‘they’ no ‘Ego-self’ at all
35. Beyond knowing that in the here and now, we must battle it out with the defilements and vanquish the mind’s stubborn obsessions with coarse pleasures and desire for things
36. Beyond knowing that in the manifested state of ‘I amness’ there is no question of your doing, because you are no more an individual
37. Beyond knowing that in the place of being somebody and doing something, concentrate on being nobody and doing nothing
38. Beyond knowing that in the realm of lotuses, tranquility reveals itself
39. Beyond knowing that in the stopping between the movements, there is supreme illumination
40. Beyond knowing that in unguarded moments, one often lapses into one’s habitual, mental mind-set
41. Beyond knowing that inclining the mind towards freedom and release from the entanglements of passion and lust leads the mind to a state of natural purity and calm
42. Beyond knowing that inconstancy causes suffering and stress dependent on inconstancy
43. Beyond knowing that inconstant is the mind, as it moves from label to label
44. Beyond knowing that individuals create desire but desire does not create individuals
45. Beyond knowing that infinitely more precious than life is that moment when one is alone with God
46. Beyond knowing that inside the mind is the key to the door of awareness
47. Beyond knowing that insisting on fulfilling your dreams, and you will not be happy with the world as it seems
48. Beyond knowing that instead of just resigning himself and leaving everything up to karma, the wise follows Dharma, makes right Karma to makes a strenuous effort to pull the weeds and sow useful seeds in their place for the future is in his own hands
49. Beyond knowing that intense sensuality is oblivious even to the greatest risks
50. Beyond knowing that introspection is a tool you can use as an extinguisher, to snuff out fiery feelings as you see them arising
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