Absolute Truth is:

1.  Essence of the three bodies (Subtle, Gross, Causal)

2.  Essence of the three qualities of Prakriti (tamo, Rajo, Satva)

3.  Essence of the trapped in the snare of identification with the Body-Mind.

4.  Essence of the trick of the ‘I am’ notion which tries to get back into the picture in some form or another

5.  Essence of the trust and trustee

6.  Essence of the trust or believe in the identity your mind has created

7.  Essence of the truth and nontruth

8.  Essence of the understanding

9.  Essence of the unity and separation

10.Essence of the universal consciousness

11.Essence of the universe and multiverses

12.Essence of the untrained-mind which will fight for what it wants to call its own

13.Essence of the usual attitude is ‘I am this’ or ‘that’

14.Essence of the vicious illusionary circle which transfers energy from one point to another

15.Essence of the virtue practices that can steadily uncover and enlighten the darkness that enshrouds the mind

16.Essence of the wisdom one who rebukes one for one’s thoughts as one would follow a guide to some hidden treasure

17.Essence of the wise man who constantly leads an upright and compassionate life

18.Essence of the wise man who is endowed with purity and firm in righteousness

19.Essence of the witness of everything and the three states ( waking, dreaming, deep sleep)

20.Essence of the witness, in need of nothing

21.Essence of the witnesser and witnessed of everything

22.Essence of the words which do not contain the truth, they only point us to it

23.Essence of the world to see God is to be God.

24.Essence of the world which appears imagined due to ignorance

25.Essence of the world which appears imagined just as a snake appears in the rope

26.Essence of the world which appears imagined just as the mirage of water in the sunlight

27.Essence of the world which appears imagined just as the silver in mother of pearl


29.Eternal and infinite consciousness which is indeed free of all modifications

30.Eternal existence

31.Eternal freedom

32.Eternal friend and guide in which even when this universe become extinct, there is no loss to Awareness, just as there is no detriment to space (within a pot), when the pot is broken

33.Eternal knowledge

34.Eternal reality

35.Eternal satisfaction

36.Eternal wisdom

37.Eternal, everlasting god exists in the totality of things

38.Eternity is now

39.Eternity of endless space in which a day of wind and moon appears

40.Ever fresh

41.Ever relenting

42.              Ever undisturbed and at peace.




46.Ever-present reality

47.Every moment which is made glorious by the light of truth

48.Every moment, a new beauty

49.              Everyone is already that

50.Everything and else is just an interpretation

  1. Everything, everything, everything simply is


53.Exist everywhere

54.Existence alone

55.Existence of no other material cause of this phenomenal universe except itself

56.Existence which is hidden within it, just as a giant tree is hidden within a seed

57.Existence, when no religion was formed or founded and will be there in the existence, if all the religions are demolished

58.Existing substratum for all phenomenal appearances

59.Experience less experience that is flowering of presence

60.Experience less experience that is flowering of the power

61.Experience less experience that is flowering of the presence of presence

  1. Expression of pure spirit and being

63.Faithless faith which is like a lamp in which wisdom makes the flame burn bright

  1. Faultless

fertility and longevity

65.Finding balance in the ever-restless ocean in an island of internal equanimity

66.First teacher

67.First, the beginning-less

68.Form of formless, unchanging, and spotless

69.Form of the sages who do not cling to the past or future, nor do they cling to the present

70.Form of the substratum of everything

71.Form of undivided peace

72.Formless in the midst of forms,

  1. Formless witness within
  2. Fragrance of peace, this spaciousness, own being
  3. Fragrance of your own pure heart

76.Free from attachment

77.Free of contradictions

78.Free spirit which is not bound by this, that, matter, materialism or opinion - for they are at one with it.

79.Freedom is freedom 'from' the person

  1. Freedom itself

81.Full and sane life, that is a door

82.Fullness of Being

  1. Glory itself

84.God himself

85.God meeting God—the true meaning of Namaste

86.God of Gods

87.God of unconditional love

88.God which is nectar of truth

89.Grasped by the grasping of grasping are beyond grasping

90.Ground of existence

  1. Hallowed
  2. Heart in which your life is tailor-made for awakening

93.Heart is infinite which fills everything as expression of awareness

  1. Heart which is the light of this world and must not cover it with your illusionary mind
  2. Heart, your being

96.              Here and now

97.Hidden behind one’s individuality

98.Higher than the highest

99.I am that I am

100.           I am the world

101.          identity that cannot be doubted or contradicted

102.           Illustrious

  1. Immaculate

104.          Immediate

105.           Immortal Self

106.           Impassable

107.           Impeccable Silence

108.           Imperatives of the boon of wisdom is to impart it to others

109.           Imperceptible

110.           Imperishable

111.           Imperishable nature

112.           impersonal is real, the personal appears and disappears

113.           Incarnation of the ultimate joy and satisfaction

  1. Incommunicable

115.           Inconceivable

  1. Indefinable

117.           Independent, existing in a state that is clear, radiant and untarnished, pure and peaceful and free of any feeling at all

118.           Independent, existing in a state that is free of any feeling at all

119.           Independent, existing in a state that is pure and peaceful

120.           Independent, existing in a state that is radiant

121.           Independent, existing in a state that is untarnished

  1. Indescribable

123.          Indescribable source that knows the coming and going of relative reflected consciousness

124.           Indestructible

125.           Indifferent to everything.

126.           Indifferent to pain and pleasure

127.           Indivisible unity of life

128.           Indomitable

129.           Indulgent

130.           Inevitably everything.

131.           Inexhaustible

132.           Inexplicable

  1. Inexpressible

134.           Inexpressible

135.           Infinite consciousness alone which is real and that there is no disturbance at all in its nature

136.           Infinite consciousness that perceives the universe within itself, through its own power known as Maya

137.           infinite consciousness), which alone exists even after the cosmic  dissolution, exists even now, utterly devoid of objectivity

138.           Infinite consciousness, which alone appears as all this by its own mysterious energy

139.           Infinite peace

140.           infinite potential Playing as God, individual, universe, living and nonliving

  1. Informationless being

142.           Inner focus of the unconditioned

143.           Inner focus of the unconditioned which is quite spontaneous

144.           Inner freedom of having nothing hard to achieve

145.           Inner intelligence

146.           Inner light all the time, even though they seem to be engaged indiverse actions

147.           Inner light or consciousness

148.           Inner light that shines as pure experiencing in all beings and non beings

149.           Inner light which rests in supreme peace

  1. Inner pure awareness

151.           inner revelation

152.           Inner self

153.           Innermost being of all

154.           Inseparable from Itself

155.           Inseparable oneness with Absolute

156.           Insight into Life

157.           Intelligence in the intellect

158.           Interconnected mess of 'everything' which awakens us to our true nature

159.           Internal worship of the self which is the greatest among all purifiersand which destroys all darkness completely

160.           Interval between yin and yang

161.           Invisible

162.           Invulnerable

163.           Irresistible

164.          Joke which is that there is no one to be liberated or not liberated

165.           Journey which is to resolve the relation between you, the other sentient beings and the objects, for once and forever

166.           Joy in which even in bondage because there is no bondage.

167.           Joy in which suffering is divine

168.           joy of being complete in itself

169.           Joy of being complete in itself without possessions

170.           Joy which is in itself

171.           Joy which is the end of all names and forms

172.           Just

173.           Just letting it happen

174.           Killer of illusion

175.           Killing selfishness

176.           Knowledge is the knowledge of the reality

177.           Knows without knowing

178.           Lasting beauty which is the beauty of the heart

179.           Leaving the idea you have of you

180.          Letting go

181.           Letting go of its attachment to the unreal

182.          Liberation which is understanding the fact that you have never been bound

183.          Life free of attachment to the mind

  1. Life imbued with pure joy
  2. Life of timeless presence
  3. Life stream which is unique
  4. Life which is abundant
  5. Life which is always fresh
  6. Life which is spontaneity

190.           Lifeless life beyond life

191.           Light by which you see the world

192.           Light of Awareness which makes us see everything

193.          Light of consciousness which emerges from a source that cannot be described or named

194.           Light of lights

195.           Light of truth

196.           Light which is to this body-mind, so to the world

197.           Like the tree in which roots and branches belongs to the same tree, In reality they are one and separable

198.           Like a child, without desire in all actions, there is no attachment for such a pure one even in the work he does.

199.           Like a child, without desire in all actions, there is no attachment for such a pure one even in the work he does

200.           Like a cloth which is found to be just thread

201.           Like a dead leaf blown about by the wind of causality

202.           Like a deep lake, clean and clear, so a well-centered mind remains unruffled and calm

203.           Like a detached-mind which observes noises and disturbances as normal actions

204.           Like a great lake, cleared of defilement remains undisturbed

205.           Like a jug back into clay, a wave into water, and a bracelet into gold

  1. Like a king who does not need to go shopping in his own kingdom

207.           Like a large mass of salt which easily dissolves in water and is no more visible, but when (that water is) boiled that salt (Truth) appears as before

208.           Like a loving mother who cleans us of our clutters collected through many incarnations in illusionary world

209.           Like a man who can live in nature without hating a tiger for being a tiger, so a man can learn to live amongst the beasts of human nature without blaming them for their nature

210.           Like a medicine for the sick and weary, nursing them until their

afflictions are gone forever

211.           Like a mirror which is both mute and expressive

212.           Like a monk who dwells, perceiving again and again, feelings as just

feelings, not mine not ‘I,’ not ‘self,’ but just as phenomena

213.           Like a moon that is freed, emerging out of a cover of clouds

214.           Like a mountain which keeps an echo deep inside. That's how it hold ones voice

215.           Like a shaved head which cannot become the home of a louse, so a heart free of mental objects and creations cannot become a home for suffering

216.           Like a ship firmly anchored in the storm, a virtuous monk is anchored in the practice

217.           Like a skilled worker knows his limits and will refrain from

straining his strengths Essence of their limits, so a skilled meditator will

be careful not to strain himself beyond his limits

218.           Like a tree, even when it has been cut to a stump, will sprout and grow again

219.           Like a white heron on a snowfield hides itself, unseen in its own image

220.          Like An empty sky is not affected with one filled with clouds and thunder

221.           Like as hard as a rock

222.           Like as soft as a flower

223.           Like as space which is not touched by smoke, however much it may appear to be

224.           Like birds who escape from the cage

225.           Like cleansing a mirror as the same mirror that shows you the

world as it is will also show you your own face

226.           Like cream hidden in the soul of milk

227.           Like gold from which bracelets, armlets and anklets came from gold

228.           Like growing rice; even when you don’t see the rice appearing, it is available

229.           Like in a dream all is different, except the sense of ‘I’,

230.           Like Infinite like space, and the natural world is like a jar in that space

231.           Like Infinite ocean, in which the mind-creation called the world takes place

232.           Like Infinite ocean, that, stimulated by the colorful waves of the world, everything suddenly arises in the wind of consciousness

233.           Like Infinite ocean, the waves of living beings arise, collide, play, and disappear, in accordance with their nature

234.           Like Infinite ocean, the world boat drifts here and there, moved by its own inner wind.

235.           Like looking in the sky, seeing clouds or rainbows or lightning or stars, whatever it is that is arising inside of you, whether it is in the form of thoughts or sensations or feelings or imagination

236.           Like lotus leaf by water, remains untouched by sin and virtue

237.           Like not curdling of milk, in which case the curd cannot once again return to its milk-state

238.           Like not transformation of a substance into another

239.           Like once you reach the other shore, the other shore doesn’t exist anymore

240.           Like once you see your faults clearly, you can cut them away without delay

241.           Like once you see your own nature, the whole becomes so

much serene

242.           Like one can drop a piece of straw, one can with equal ease also drop the three worlds

243.           Like one roams in this forest of samsara, or repetitive history, till there is the dawn of that wisdom which is able to dispel the root-ignorance in which the world appears to be real

244.           Like persevering through the lamp of the mind and drive the darkness away

245.           Like piercing the balloon of illusion with a pin, and you’ll be out rather than in

246.           Like placidly upon the pond, the silver sky reflects, between darkling leaves

247.           Like polishing a mirror which becomes bright when the dust is


248.           Like severing the passions as one would sever arms and legs, never to be used again

249.           Like stopping the cart, the wheels come to rest, same way, stopping the mind wandering, Truth reveals

250.           Like sugar produced from the juice of the sugarcane is permeated throughout with the same taste.

251.           Like that of a bird in the sky, the path of the wise one is difficult to understand

252.           Like the bird of the heavenly garden which does not belong not to the illusionary sphere.

253.           Like the birds that make great sky-circles of their freedom

254.           Like the boiling water which must first be calmed before it is capable of reflection

255.           Like the bottomless pit which cannot be avoided

256.           Like the boundless in which abides in the mansion of the sky

257.           Like the cart will break down and fall apart, but the elements of

its components will continue moving along

258.           Like the clay being the cause of inanimate things like a mud pot and hence the various thoughts in me are the reason for what I see

259.           Like the cow that jumped over the moon, and this moon is ones mind

260.           Like the essence of gold that is hidden in dust and need to reveal its splendor one need to burn in the fire of Gods love

261.           Like the excellent charioteer, who skilled in the taming of excellent horses tames a thoroughbred, so shall wise, standing firm in the five powers, tames

262.           Like the expression of the sage in this world, who is above good and evil

263.           Like the expression of the sage in this world, who is freed from both impurity and grief

264.           Like the expression of the sage in this world, who is not by caste but by virtues towards self-cognization

265.           Like the fire which acts in accordance with its own nature

266.           Like the fire which is the direct cause for cooking, so without Knowledge no emancipation can be had

267.           Like the firmly anchored post which is not shaken in the wind, so the anguish and distress of the defilements can no longer shake and afflict the mind

268.           Like the knowledge has dawned which is absolutely joyful

269.           Like the lake water is clear and pure in the bottom and the fish swims calmly

270.           Like the light which emanates every dawn from the solar sphere

271.           Like the light which is the same although lamps are different

272.           Like the lotus plant which is rooted deep in the mud, the beautiful lotus remains to be clean and continues to float on the water and so it gives clear teaching of how humans should carry themselves throughout their lives, untouched by sin

273.           Like the Mirror exists everywhere both within and apart from its reflected images

274.           Like the mother of pearl, and the imagined world is like the silver

275.           Like the nature which just carries on, as it has always done, whether we are aware of it or not

276.           Like the one picture with little bits of a puzzle that we can’t quite

piece together

277.           Like the one space and the same all-pervading space exists within and without a jar

278.          Like the one substance of water appears as both ocean and apparently separate waves

279.           Like the ox that keeps moving through the deep mire carrying a heavy load as the ox will never really relax until he is out of the mire

280.           Like the placid pond, the silver sky reflects between darkling leaves

281.           Like the rain which does not exist but there is only raining

282.           Like the saint who lives on whatever happens to come to it, roams wherever it pleases, and sleeps wherever the sun happens to set, is at peace everywhere

283.           Like the sea looking across the waves and currents upon its surface and realizing that all there is, is water.

284.           Like the sea where hundred streams coming in

285.           Like the seed of the banyan tree although very tiny, the huge banyan tree, (universe) always existed in it

286.           Like the silver slip of the moon, moving yet motionless, suspended in the sky

287.           Like the single sun in the sky gets its many reflections in various vessels of water

288.          Like the sky does not care what clouds arise and pass through it

289.          Like the sky remains as it is

290.           Like the snake misconstrued in a rope — appears: that joy, supreme joy, and awareness is what you are, so be happy.

291.           Like the snowflake which never falls in the wrong place

  1. Like the Space which is not affected by whatever appears in it and You are that

293.           Like the space therein unites with all space

294.           Like the space which seems broken and diverse because of the many forms in it

295.           Like the spider which rushes and binds the insects that fly into its web, so one can catch the defilements where they are arising and return back into its center again

296.           Like the spider, weaving our life and then move along in it

297.           Like the sword is sharp, once the mind is concentrated, it is much easier to cut through the bonds of ignorance

298.           Like the taste of the ocean has but one taste, the taste of salt, so the doctrine and discipline of the nonduality has but one taste, the taste of freedom

299.           Like the traces of water birds come and go, but they never forget their path

300.           Like the trail of birds through space which cannot be traced

301.           Like the water in the ocean, and the multiplicity of objects is comparable to a water in the wave

302.           Like the water which has one essence but takes on the shapes of the vessels that contain it, so the teaching of the virtues must be shaped to fit the minds of those who are being instructed and trained in it

303.           Like the waves of the sea which surge and subside without attachment

304.           Like the wheel ever-turning, going nowhere

305.           Like the wheels which are round, yet the tracks behind are long

306.           Like the white poppy lies a butterfly wing

307.           Like the whole moon and entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the end of a blade of grass

308.           Like the wind blows on everything, so the Truth living with a heart of loving-compassion is for all

309.           Like the world shines forth, it is only Truth that is shining forth

310.           Like though air exists in space it is not attached to space, and hence awareness is free from spatial limitation

311.           Like volume of water poured into water which is inseparably united with water

312.           Like wandering from room to room hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck

313.           Like warriors who fight single-handedly against a multitude of foes

  1. Like washing your hands before eating, clear your mind before engaging with the world

315.           Like water refreshes thirst; Truth lifts the heart,

316.           Like water returns to the ocean, so the light which departs from the "I", returns tothe higher light

317.           Like we paint our fingers, so we color our thoughts

318.           Like when one candle lights a thousand lamps, it cannot be said that the original lamp is exhausted

319.           Liking/ beingness, as long as it is neutral and natural

320.           Live in everyone and in everything

321.           Lives as if without a body

322.           Lives in the beauty of freedom from me and mine

323.           Living Dharma 

324.           Living in the immediacy of the moment

325.           Living lucidly in love

326.           Living Truth

327.           Living without any support

328.           Living without eager for achievement

329.           Locking into stability of mind

330.           Lord of nectar

331.           Love existed before the lover and loved

332.           Love for love’s sake.

333.           Love in the relation between the person who says ‘I am’ and the observer of the ‘I am’

334.           Love is God.

335.           Love is the experience that others are not others

336.           Love itself is the lover and the beloved

337.           Love of the self in you is for the self in all.

338.           Love which is a gift from God to man

339.           Love which seeks union with the Beloved

  1. Love, loves to love

341.           Love, peace and Joy are inherent in the knowing of our own being

342.           Magic of changes

343.           Magnificent

344.           Majestic

345.           Man centered in loving kindness who dies free of fear and confusion

346.           Man centered in loving-kindness who sleeps in comfort

347.           Man centered in loving-kindness, dreams no evil dreams

348.           Manifesting things by its own resplendence

349.           Mastering the mind and escaping the flood of passions and find the island which no flood can overwhelm

350.           Masterpiece of homogeneity

351.           Me

352.           Means of liberation from temporal existence

353.           Meditating on itself as motionless awareness

354.           Meditation alone which is true worship

355.          Meditation’ which is to do nothing at all

356.           Meeting of equal opposites comes to a balance in the middle

357.           Melting into wisdom in the end

358.           Merciful

359.           Merging the mind feeling ‘I am’, till your mind and feeling become one

360.           Message of sages like Ramana Maharshi, Sri Adi Shankara, Buddha, Jesus, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and other holyones which are not only just a philosophical message, but their living message right now

361.           Message which is spread on the trees and the mountains, on the stars and the river, on the Sun and the moon

362.           Micro existence beyond all thoughts

363.           Mind of the knower of the truth which is no-mind

364.           Mindless ones: the knowers of the truth are called as

365.           More a man explores himself, the more power he finds within.

366.           Most constant

367.          Most intimate, warm, essential heart of things

368.           Much-forgiving

369.           Multiformed

370.           Mystery of being is a permanent mystery.

371.           Mystery of life made manifest

372.          Natural condition and ever-present reality

373.           Natural state of reality, not a religion or cult or escape

374.           Naturally empty mind, doing just as it pleases, there is no such thing as pride or false humility, as there is for the natural man.

375.           Nature of no thought

376.           Nature of no-mind

377.           Nature of perpetual meditation — whether one is walking or standing, whether one is awake or asleep, in and through all of one’s actions

378.           Nature the cosmic egg

379.           Nature, the consciousness, in which the whole world wells up, like waves in the sea.

380.           Naught

381.           Nectar of beatitude,

382.           Negation of all directions.

383.           Neither seeking, nor refusing

384.           Never alone, but eternally connected with everyone

385.          Never been an ego, except as an assumption

386.           Never born nor dies

387.           Never deteriorates and remains perfect always

  1. Never thinking against which is against you and the world

389.           Nirvana which is Brahman or Buddha Nature

390.           No agents and establishes direct relationship with all

391.           No arrogant vanity

392.           No attachment in the heart whether one sees or pays homage to a learned scholar, a celestial being, a holy place, a woman, a king or a friend

393.           No Body-mind which are identical – yet all Souls are unified

394.           No creativity required

395.           No desire left in its heart

  1. No identity

397.           No imagination is needed now

398.           No longer look for being and becoming as separate and opposite

399.           No longer misled by names, causes and forms

400.           No teacher, no seeker, no goal, no attainment

401.           No thingness is the actual core of outward and inward existence , but not the mere, blank mind and is free of the presuppositions which we usually add to experience

402.          No word for it, but it is.

403.           No words can reveal Truth yet words alone set it free

404.          Non-conceptual awareness itself

405.          Non-conceptual awareness, which is the source of emeprical consciousness and all else, is clearly not a separate ‘you’

  1. Nondescript

407.           None can see it, but can “Be it”

408.          None of the mental concepts (identities, beliefs, preferences) apply to you any longer

409.           Not a caravan of despair. Can meet even if you have broken your vows a thousand times.

410.           Not a sum of particulars

411.          Not an attainment, because it is already present

412.           Not any fixed teaching at all

413.          Not based on the assumption that one is limited being

414.           Not being anything in particular

415.           Not brought about by any other means than Self Enquiry, just as an object is nowhere perceived (seen) without the help of light.

416.           Not clinging which is not permanent; just as it arises, so it will end

417.           Not clinging with adherence to one’s own views, without consideration for those of others, leads to disputation and conflict

418.           Not coming and going, never being content, the mind exhausts itself

419.           Not dependent upon the senses for his satisfaction

420.           Not distracted in distraction

421.           Not earth nor space nor sky

422.           Not even concerned about its own, Not even nonduality

423.           Not even the totality of all particulars, which make up a multi universe

424.           Not expecting even thanks or appreciation for its work

425.           Not getting addicted to the bliss that comes from it

426.          Not getting caught in the illusion of time.

427.           Not having sorrow over the dead or living

428.           Not in competition with anyone ; because there is no other exist

429.           Not in creation, sustenance and dissolution because it never happened

430.           Not jealous of anyone because there is no other exist

431.           Not knowing whether was then a man dreaming it was a butterfly, or whether now a butterfly dreaming a man

432.           Not like Earth, Stars, Space etc. which appear as ever-present to human scale of vision but in fact are temporary appearances in Self

433.           Not of the nature that is manifold.

434.           Not One! Not Two! Not Three! Not Many!

435.           Not part of the universe but it in universe is appearance on Awareness.

436.           Not pleased when praised nor upset when blamed.

437.          Not present in those ‘I am thinking’, ‘I am deciding’, ‘I am remembering’

438.           Not really giving you anything new

439.           Not reveal itself to a mind clouded by defilements

440.           Not seeing dualism in a crowd of people

441.           Not seeing God apart from the world

442.           Not standing, walking or lying down

443.           Not subject to natural causality there is neither bondage, liberation, pleasure, nor pain

444.          Not the imagined self to be

445.           Not the mind like which colored water prevents a true reflection

446.          Not the one who creates thoughts, but happen spontaneously in illusionary mind

447.           Not this, not this

448.           Not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it

449.          Not waiting for enlightenment in the future

450.          No-thing

451.           Nothing and everything - void and expanse

452.          Nothing at all can be said about that primordial reality

453.           Nothing at all to serve as a barrier to our boundless expression of love

  1. Nothing belongs

455.           Nothing ever existed

456.           Nothing has ever happened,

457.           Nothing in reality

458.          Nothing is needed to be what you are

459.          Nothing needed for this—no awakening, no embodiment, no liberation

460.           Nothing needing to be done

461.          Nothing needs to happen to be what you already are.

462.           Nothing other than that

463.           Nothing outside of absolute

464.           Nothing to achieve or assess

465.           Nothing to desire for I am complete forever

466.           Nothing to remedy

467.          Nothing which can move you from your nature of being-awareness

468.           Nothingness

469.           Nothingness you are

470.           Now is all it know

471.           Nowhere to be found

472.           Now-ness, this now of now

473.           Ocean of attributes though attribute less

474.           Ocean of consciousness

475.           Omnipotent

476.           Omnipresent, beyond all thought

477.           One at the root – assumed we is just part at the branch

478.           One instant which is eternity

479.           One moment of observing true reverence which is better than making a thousand years of merit

480.           One self in all beings and creatures—in a cow, an elephant, and even in a dog and an outcaste.

481.           One stainless reality, consisting of consciousness

482.           One undivided beyond consciousness alone

483.           One with all

484.           One without a second

485.           One without second

486.           One’s self

487.           Oneness, the Subtle, the Knower and known, the Witness and witnessed, the Ever-Existent, and the Unchanging

488.           Only fact you are sure of is that you ‘are’

489.           Only one worthy of

490.           Only state

491.          Only that remains

492.           Origin of all beings and the support of the whole universe, which is immutable and in which the enlightened are completely merged …

493.           Original source of all

494.          Overlooked by searching for reality in the mind

495.          Overlooked, not because it is complicated but because it is so simple

496.           Own body which is the temple of God

497.           Own heart which is the shrine

498.           Owner of all sovereignty

499.           Paradox

500.           Pathless Path out of suffering and goes its way

#Truth #Past #Present #Future #Motivation #Inspiration #Encouragement #QuoteOfTheDay #Quote #Wisdom #success #goodness #simple #openminds. #success #life #work #future #money #learning #teamwork #opportunity #service #respect #mindfulness #nature #purpose #people #thankful #quality #friends #positive #believe #relationships #opportunities #human #courage #successful #strength #start #kindness #mind #giving #true #nonduality #enlightenment #awakening #joy #peace #love #ego #being #consciousness #advaita, #advaita #vedanta, #alone, #aloneness, #eternal, #eternal-life, #eternal-truths, #everyone, #everyone-belongs, #global-oneness, #insights,#inspirational, #interconnectedness, #life, #life-lessons, #loneliness, #nonduality, oneness #spiritual-growth, #spiritual-quotes, #spirituality, #unity, #wisdom, #wisdom-quotes #sufi #tao #mystic #zen #buddha-nature #confucius #tibetian



