Venture Capitalist |Angel Investor| Digital Transformation |CEO | Managing Director | Entrepreneur at Quantum Leap Alleviates
Absolute Truth is:
1. Pays no regard to anything
2. Peace
- Peace that you are searching for is already inside your heart
- Peace which was never created and is the perfume of the living God, of truth
5. Peaceful and pure within has no desire for renunciation
6. Peaceful and pure within has no sense of loss in anything
7. Peaceful mind which lives as if without a body
8. Perennial
9. Perfect equilibrium
10.Perfect harmlessness and divine love
11.Perfection personified
12.Permanent state which never comes and goes, and it is not experienced at one time but not at other
13.Permanently perfect
14.Perpetual immutability
15.Pervade all the quarters and the intermediate directions
16.Phenomena which cannot be owned by any person or group
17. Point where seeing returns to its source
18. Pointers are only a reminder that you are not what you think you are
19.Possess everything that speech and mind can refer to
20.Potent purifier of the heart
21.Praiseworthy in the relative reality
22.Presence alone in the inert entities like the body and the senses, are able to function through acceptance and rejection
23.Presence existence shines
24. Presence of awareness that has been here all along
- Presence which is here by itself
26. Present in yourself, as yourself
27. Present, clear, open awareness in which all is appearing
28.Priceless treasure
29.Prior to any concepts
30.Prior to empirical consciousness
31.Prior to that recognition of I am
32.Prior to the next thought appears, you are present and aware
33. Prior to thinking, sensing
35. Profound than we are apt to assume
37.Pure awareness,
38.Pure being, without being this or that
39. Pure consciousness in which lies the immense infinity of the absolute, the source
40.Pure consciousness which appear in the form of the phenomenal universe without undergoing any change.
41.Pure consciousness, and the world is like a magician's show which never happened
42.Pure dispassion
43.Pure immortal bliss
44.Pure light, whether you say ‘I’ or not
45.Pure mind that keeps itself free of taints
46.Pure root” of all manifested existence
47. Pure sense of ‘I am’
48.Pure wisdom which completely wiped out all infiltrators, every kind of defilement will disappear
49.Pure wisdom which fathomed the truth, then the conjurations and suppositions will be seen for the frauds that they are
50.Pure wisdom which follows through with the clean-up work
51.pure worship of the Lord
52.Pure, transcendent and self-sufficient - the everlasting, undiluted bliss which is enthroned undivided and inseparable within
53.Pure-hearted one, with clear vision, will never be reborn in the cycle of suffering
54.Purer than all pure things
55.Purity, in Itself, by Itself
56.Putting an end to the link between the mind and the life-force
57.Putting an end to vasanas
58.Quiescent and immaculate and manifests itself as the universe
59.Radiance of Infinity
60. Real nature which includes and transcends all dualities
61.Real nature, perfect, free, and actionless consciousness
62.Real Self
63. Reality centered beyond Non-objective being
64.Reality in the ego-sense
65.Reality itself is its own evidence
66.Reality knows nothing of these contortions
67.Reality never ceases to exist
68.Realizing that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road, not to reach a goal, but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdom
69.Recognized by right discrimination between what is truly oneself and what is not
70.Recognized easily by the saintly
71.Recognized through perfect knowledge
72.Recognizing the unreality of body-mind independence from the infinite consciousness which is liberation
73.Reflected in all of these as symbols
74.Rejecting all that does not necessarily go with basic fact ‘I’
75.Relationships in a spiritual sense when you and I really see that we are one
76. Relaxing as unaware of awareness or awareness
77.Remaining at peace within yourself
78.Remains free and action less simply by acknowledging that there is no acknowledger
79.Remains resting in consciousness, seeing as distinct from the body-mind, world
80.Remains undisturbed even when doing what there is to do
81. Removal of the very basis and root of all personal problems, doubts and suffering
82.Removal of thoughts about "me" and such like from oneself
83.Remover of ignorance and knowledge
84.Removing obstacles
85.Removing the ‘here and now’
86.Removing the impurities of the mind
87.Removing whole from the whole, the wholeness remains
88.Renunciation is renunciation of hopes and aspirations
89.Repeatedly forgiving
90.Resplendent everywhere
91.Result that will lead into tranquility
92.Return or revival of Self
93.Reverting to nothingness
94.Rid of imagination
95.Root of all existence and on which the restraint of the mind is based is called the restraining root
96. Root of it all, the inescapable one who cannot be denied
- Sacrosanct
98. Sage learned is one who totally dedicates to one thing, restraint of inward moving energy and the End to the mind — if one of these three is perfected, one attains the supreme state
99. Sage learned who are fully awakened and who are constantly engaged in samadhi
100. Sage learned who reached the state of bodiless
101. Sage liberated allures all joy and all auspicious qualities
102. Sage liberated contemplation of the self is devoid of mentation
103. Sage liberated contemplation of the self which is infinite consciousness banishes sorrow, terminates the long-dream vision of the world-appearance
104. Sage liberated dispels worries and misfortunes
105. Sage liberated does nt get afflict evil forces
106. Sage liberated is able to see the space within oneself
107. Sage liberated is not born again
108. Sage liberated neither gives up nor gathers, though he is constantly engaged in appropriate action
109. Sage liberated neither seeks nor does he spurn
110. Sage liberated remain firmly established in the imperishable and eternal self
111. Sage liberated remains free from nescience and from all seeking
112. Sage liberated slays the ghost of duality or division and fix the heart onthe one truth, which alone is sweet in the beginning, in the middle and in the end
113. Sage liberated vision always on the one infinite consciousness
114. Sage liberated while living who has abandoned all motivated actions
115. Sage liberated who in which the concepts of duality, unity or such others do not arise in them, for there are no tendencies in their mind
116. Sage liberated who established in pure being or awareness only after one has investigated the nature of the truth as expounded, in the company and with the help of enlightened sages
117. Sage liberated who has given up all desires and hopes
118. Sage liberated who is free from conditioning
119. Sage liberated who reaches the supreme stateless state does not grieve
120. Sage liberated who see that the supreme self is without beginning or end
121. Sage liberated who see that these countless objects are in fact the self and no other, is the right vision
122. Sage liberated whose mind is firmly established in peace through the practice of yoga has the right vision of the truth
123. Samadhi which is simply in quietness, beingness within the mind where there is no meditator, meditated, process of meditation
124. Same in all states, with a mind free from craving whether it is seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, or tasting
125. Same in all states; waking, dreaming, deep sleep and any other
126. Same within and without
- Sanctified
128. Satguru
129. Search for reality, God, Guru and the search for the self are the same, when one is found all are found
130. Seeing everything as it is, you will also see yourself as you are
131. Seeing is real, but what is seen is not real
132. Seeing the body hair, nails, teeth and skin as they really are
133. Seeing the moods as empty
134. Seeing the waiting net of Samsara
135. Seeing the world as though it were empty
136. Seeing things as they really are
137. Seeing truth in all beings, in all objects.
138. Seer who is without thoughts even when thinking
139. Sees same to earth, a stone, or gold
140. Sees without seeing
141. Self alone that appears as various notions
142. Self at rest
143. Self in all conditions of life, whatever changes may take place in the world or in the environment
144. Self is the self in the beginning and in the end and therefore in the middle
- Self which cannot leave you
146. Self, when finite, is Human and when infinite, is God
147. Self-evident
148. Self-illuminating
149. Self-king
150. Self-knowledge
151. Selfless action, without agency and expectation of fruits
152. Self-luminous
153. Self-mastery which is the supreme victory
154. Self-possessed in all circumstances
155. Self-reliance which is the mind holding onto wholesome objects
156. Self-reliant
157. Self-shining consciousness
158. Self-sufficient
159. Separation ceases
160. Serving the sick, poor, parents, humanity in general as service to Lord
161. Severing it with the knife of knowledge that “I am awareness,” and be happy.
162. Sharing joyfully in everything, being as you are as an expression of awareness
163. Shine uninterruptedly
164. Shines in the sun & the moon
165. Shines in you
166. Shines with the radiance of infinity
167. Shining in peace from within and be a shining light to society
168. Showing equanimity when honor is bestowed upon you
169. Showing you what was there already but you were looking for something else
170. Sight of the seer nothing exists at all
- Silence which is here by itself,
172. Silence which is the mother of everything that has come out from the Depth
173. Silence which kept quiet about what it was unable to describe: the unspeakable
174. Silence which speaks louder than words
175. Silent but, when met with questions about its true nature, is compelled to speak
176. Silently luminous
177. Simple
178. Simple and obvious that nearly everyone overlooks it.
179. Simple. Instead of seeing things as imagined, learn to see them as they are.
- Single
- Singular
182. Sleepless sleep
183. Smaller than the smallest
- Sole
185. Sole intent of the spirituality which is to liquidate your identity
186. Sole player in the divine game
187. Sole witness reflects itself in the countless bodies as ‘I am’
188. Sole-existent
189. Solely of the nature of knowledge.
190. Solitude
191. Sorrow less
192. Soul of souls, the one with infinite attributes.
193. Soul which has been given its own ears to hear things the mind does not understand
194. Soundless sound of existence
195. Source and heart of all
196. Source of all that appears, including the reflected consciousness that knows it all
197. Source of the realization of truth is within man; he himself is the object of his realization
198. Sovereign
199. Spacious emptiness within which contains everything I am experiencing exists
200. Speaking a new silence language so that the world will be a new world...
201. Speaks without speaking
- Special
- Specific
204. Spiritual balm in the face of death
205. Spiritual light
206. Spontaneous unassuming
207. Spotless reality in which duality appear because of ignorance
208. Stainless and immaculate Spiritual Ether
209. State free from ideation, nothing is perceived
210. State of desire less ness in bondage or liberation
211. Stateless state as pure awareness beyond emperical consciousness.
- Staying in this imageless seeing
213. Steady consistent wisdom
214. Stepping into the fire of self-discovery
215. Stillness or peace which is realization
- Stillness which is here by itself
- Stop believing the mind
218. Stopping imagining itself doing or being this or that
219. Stopping the activity of the false illusionary-identification and so on
220. Subjectively tranquilized by purifying the mind of restlessness
and worry
221. Sublime
- Subtle
223. Subtler than space itself
224. Sudden awareness of the such-ness of things over-rides happy and sorrow
225. Supreme
226. Supreme consciousness
227. Supreme Lord of all the Worlds
228. Supreme meditation is the supreme worship
229. Supreme peace in the Self
230. Supreme reality, non-dual in the absence of any other reality beside itself.
231. Supreme renunciation, having renounced even the desire to live
232. Supreme self, that is omniscience
233. Supreme self-nature in the person of the witness
- Surrendering which allows you to merge in your own eternal being
- Surrendering ones fear
- Surrendering to awareness
- Surrendering to life which supports the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of the one who is open to self-discovery.
- Surrendering to Silence, let silence have you
- Surrendering to the source
- Surrendering to the trust which opens your eyes to the recognition of awareness
- Surrendering which is not a weakness but is strength
- Surrendering which is not a weakness but is strength. It takes tremendous strength to surrender life to the supreme – to the cosmic unfolding
- Surrendering your mind and you will know all
244. Sweeter than all sweet things
Symbolizes God the cycle of time ,full, unfolded glory, good luck and prosperity
245. Sympathetic joy which is the divine smile on the face of the Enlightened One
246. That thou art ("you are the supreme.")
247. That which is full; this which is full
248. That which is perfect, This which is perfect
249. That which is reality, this which is reality
250. That which is the absolute, this which is the absolute
251. That which is the whole, this which is the whole
252. That which is zero, this which is zero
253. Thorough resolution of the very cause of all possible suffering, doubt and seeking
254. Thou art the universe
255. Thou art Truth, thou art as space.
256. Thoughtlessness is the path to deathless death
257. Thoughtlessness is the path to lifeless life
258. Thyself
259. To be ourselves
260. To be still
- Too sacred to be uttered
262. Totality of being
- Totality—to the will and dance of the Cosmos
264. Traceless which keeps entering into traces
265. Tranquil mind which is a mind that is focused and clear
266. Tranquility
267. Tranquility which is good in itself but not an end in itself as tranquility is a means to an end
268. Treasure which cannot be described in words, the mind cannot conceive of it
269. Treating everything as a dream liberates
270. Trinity of truth
271. True knowledge
272. True life
273. True nature which was never a burden to “me”
274. True place of refuge is within
275. True Self which perceives or observes
276. Truth
277. Truth can burn up a mountain of lies
278. Truth of who you are is evident, you do not need to worry about
279. Truth which remains the same
280. Ultimate subjectivity, which cognizes even the sense of being, emeprical consciousness and peace
281. Ultimate teaching which is written in your heart
282. Unassailable
283. Unattached to sense desires
284. Unattached to speculations
285. Unattached to views
286. Unattached which is beyond form and formless
287. Unblemished nature in which there are no elements, no body, no faculties, no mind, no universe
288. Unblemished Self
289. Unborn phenomena which rests in the dark
290. Unchanging existence
- Unchanging manifesting as the changefulness
292. Unchanging substratum of Pure Self
293. Uncompounded
294. Unconcerned about what has been attained or not
295. Unconditional love full of goodness and joy
296. Unconditional love that will not betray you
297. Unconditional love totally fulfilled
298. Unconditional Love which is nothing other than being the truth
299. Unconditional love, but it’s not a love affair
300. Unconditioned and changeless, formless and immovable,
- Uncorrupt
302. Uncovering silence within mind's own rose garden
303. Uncreated Stillness
- Undefiled
305. Undifferentiated and homogeneous
306. Undiscouraged if one seems to be striving without results
307. Unencumbered by ideas, the enlightened ones see reality
308. Unending consciousness
309. Unfathomable awareness
310. Unfelt but always there
311. Unfettered awareness
312. Ungraspable
313. Unicity of the Real which posits the oneness of existence
314. Unifier
315. Unimaginable,
- Unique
317. Unique
318. Unity
319. Universal self seated in the hearts of all beings
320. Universe of atoms, an atom in the universe
321. Un-manifested/un-differentiated Nature arose
322. Unmodified homogeneous consciousness
323. Unnamable
324. Unperturbable: so nothing but consciousness
325. Unseen but always present
326. Unselfish love which can be extended to everyone
327. Unshakable equanimity, living in the holy temple of nothingness
328. Unshakable, unconcerned mind which can never be entangled and troubled
- Unspeakable
330. Unsurpassable sublime sympathetic joy
- Untainted
- Untellable
333. Unthinkable
334. Untouched because its Truth itself
335. Untouched within by good deeds or bad
- Unutterable
- Unworldly
338. Upright individual who does whatever presents itself to be done, good or bad, for his actions are like those of a child
339. Using everything without using anything
340. Using oneself as the standard for deciding how to treat others
341. Using thought to stop thinking
342. Vast realm beyond all concepts
343. Vast realm of perfect Being
- Venerable
345. Very nature
346. Vibration which is a silence, which is already present in you
347. Virtue which is virtuosity seeking true joy
348. Vividly known which is clearly recognized
349. Way which is wordless since the words are delusions
350. Wayless way
351. Weapon to decimate the mind
352. Well-wisher of all living entities
353. What is to be known through the holy scriptures, sages, saints
354. What remains after the appearances are negated
355. What you are cannot be a ‘person’, because a person is a conceptual construction appearing in the waking state
356. What you are. So it makes no sense to ask ‘how?’
357. What you have understood dissolves in your openness
358. Whatever and wherever
359. When ‘I am myself’ goes the ‘I am all’ comes.
360. When all doubts are swept away in the flood tide of pure non-conceptual knowing beyond words
361. When it comes to describing what you are, all words are false
362. When it is pointed out, something resonates and we can directly recognize this for ourselves
363. When perfection is taken from the perfect, Perfect alone remains
364. When the ‘I am all’ goes, ‘I’ remains.
365. When the absolute is added to or taken away from the absolute, the absolute alone remains
366. When the energy of belief no longer goes into that false self image because you see who you are
367. When the fullness is added to or taken away from the fullness, the fullness alone remains
368. When the heart flowers in humility, sincerity, openness and resonance
369. When the non-existent is removed the individual which is disclosed as the supreme self
370. When the zero is added to or taken away from the zero, the zero alone remains
371. Where all the questions get subsumed into that one
372. Where the assumed seeker disappears
373. Where the bondage is eliminated
374. Which can be found by self-enquiry, as for the subsidence of mind there is no other means more effective and adequate than Self-enquiry
375. Which is hidden in the illusionary darkness
376. White Fire
377. Whoever knows realizes himself as Truth
378. Whoever knows, disappears as a separate entity
379. Whole heartedly engaging in life as life
380. Whole round world is full of awareness alone
381. Whose attachment to the body has dropped away, where there is neither attachment nor aversion.
382. Whose enemy is not yet and cannot born, as Truth permeates everything and everywhere
383. Will not be realized within until one can forget everything including realization
384. Wisdom existed before the wise
385. Witness of everything and are always completely free
386. Wordless
387. World which is created every moment
388. World which is God itself
389. World without identifying with name, form and cause
390. Yoga which is to be content with what you are sure of Trueself
391. You are everything for yourself
392. You alone exists, and all things pass
393. You alone is
394. You are already a liberated being: live like one
- You are already inside this flow
396. You are already present inside your Heart
- You are already the being, without any condition
- You are already the One Self
399. You are already what you are
400. You are always presence
- You are and It is enough, full stop
402. You are and you know you are
403. You are beauty alone
404. You are before the next thought arises.
405. You are even before that thought, sense or feeling ‘I am’ appears.
406. You are free from attachment to any idea
407. You are freedom itself, waking up to its obviousness
408. You are Here
409. You are Here, simply Here
410. You are Here, whole and One
411. You are Here, you are Here, you are Here
412. You are in the body, since you do not have the body, you are bodiless
413. You are looking from and as the Source itself
414. You are neither wishing for change nor holding onto any story
415. You are One
416. You are Spiritual Ether, but not mental Ether and elemental/gross ether
417. You are the great silence, great stillness
418. You are the observer which is immaterial intelligence
419. You are the One from whom you can never be separate
420. You are the one watching all of these dreams and appearances
421. You are the presence that all of this is reporting to
422. You are the pure Self
423. You are the seed which has to flower in you and has to burst open
424. You are the singular being
425. You are totally alone
426. You are your friend, your God, your teacher, your healer; Stay with your True Self
427. You can never be lost
428. You cannot conceive that which is impossible
429. You cannot leave you, even if you think you can and have
430. You cannot see you
431. You cannot show it
432. You cannot speak about this
433. You cannot teach spirituality as it cannot be taught
434. You cannot un-be what you are
435. You don’t have any moment when the Self is not
436. You don't have to speak anything, because it is not your words
- You have to be you without ‘you’
438. You have to blossom in you, this seed of freedom
439. You move in Here as Here itself
440. You only be now-ness
441. You were never born, and though only desire takes birth
442. You which is God
443. You which is not a spiritual fantasy, not escapism
444. You which is not the transient, you are not
445. You which is not what you never were
446. You which is That
447. You which is the awareness that knows the coming and going of that image
448. You which is the common factor, the only link between the minds,
449. You which is the principle in which non-duality is pointing to as reality
450. You which is to whom it appears.
451. You which remain
- You who already are; the peace you are looking for
- You who are eternally yourself
454. You who cannot become aware—because you are already awareness.
455. You who cannot part with it,
456. You who do not need to ‘live’ in awareness
457. You who were before pain / pleasure was and After pain/ pleasure had gone
458. You will be everything for you
459. You will never lose it
460. You will spontaneously come to recognize your real place of Being
461. You yourself who is God, the Supreme Reality
462. You, as a person, who have never existed
463. You, I and all these things are pure awareness
464. Your beingness which is its presence/ existence as awareness are facts
465. Your Self, you can never not be
#Truth #Past #Present #Future #Motivation #Inspiration #Encouragement #QuoteOfTheDay #Quote #Wisdom #success #goodness #simple #openminds. #success #life #work #future #money #learning #teamwork #opportunity #service #respect #mindfulness #nature #purpose #people #thankful #quality #friends #positive #believe #relationships #opportunities #human #courage #successful #strength #start #kindness #mind #giving #true #nonduality #enlightenment #awakening #joy #peace #love #ego #being #consciousness #advaita, #advaita #vedanta, #alone, #aloneness, #eternal, #eternal-life, #eternal-truths, #everyone, #everyone-belongs, #global-oneness, #insights,#inspirational, #interconnectedness, #life, #life-lessons, #loneliness, #nonduality, oneness #spiritual-growth, #spiritual-quotes, #spirituality, #unity, #wisdom, #wisdom-quotes #sufi #tao #mystic #zen #buddha-nature #confucius #tibetian