Venture Capitalist |Angel Investor| Digital Transformation |CEO | Managing Director | Entrepreneur at Quantum Leap Alleviates
Absolute Truth is:
1. Balanced neutral mind
2. Beyond by diving deep within oneself and one will find it easily and simply
3. Beyond by focusing the mind on ‘I am’, ‘am a witness only’ remains and that too submerges in ‘I am all’ t
4. Beyond by focusing the mind on ‘I am’, all becomes the One and the One – yourself, not to be separate from me
5. Beyond by focusing the mind on ‘I am’, on the sense of being, ‘I am so and-so’ dissolves
6. Beyond by getting rid of restlessness and worry where mind dwells, calmly
7. Beyond by getting rid of the grasping mind which is the cardinal problem, the defilements which are lodged therein will spontaneously disappear
8. Beyond by guarding speech and actions, Mind can be graceful
9. Beyond by knowledge of oneself, world attaches no longer
10. Beyond by removing the forms, pure space remains
11. Beyond by the destruction of ignorance, It is realised.
12. Beyond by turning the mind inwards, God manifests as the inner consciousness
13. Beyond capability of undoing the conditioning our biological, emotional and psychological nature which are unreal
14. Beyond caring for ones own body mind personal integrity and for the welfare of others
15. Beyond casting out all imaginings, conjectures, and all inclinations of the vain gloriousness of ‘I’ and ‘mine
16. Beyond catching your mind as a blameworthy intention which is about to arise
17. Beyond cessation of desire
18. Beyond cessation of that wrong identification, achieved by right understanding, and by no other means
19. Beyond cessation of the appearance of the universe
20. Beyond challenging every deception, wipe out and eradicate false views and wily ways
21. Beyond characteristics of the absence of pleasure and pain
22. Beyond cherishing only the banishment of unwholesome attachments
23. Beyond conceiving of the benefits of letting-go
24. Beyond concentrating which dwells in a state, of thought-free, alertly-wakeful attention
25. Beyond concentration on ‘I am’ which is just a form of attention to be
26. Beyond conquering anger with lack of anger, angry man by love, ill-natured man by goodness
27. Beyond conquering the lie with truth
28. Beyond conquering the miserly with generosity
29. Beyond conquering vice with virtue
30. Beyond conscious enough to realize that’s its dreaming
31. Beyond conscious of both poles of its paradoxical nature
32. Beyond conscious of the reality of oneness
33. Beyond conscious presence in which all appearances arise
34. Beyond constantly bringing the mind back and disengaging it from the tangles is the basic practice of everyday life
35. Beyond contemplating the actions of the five senses and mind, so you won’t tag along after them
36. Beyond contemplating the beginning of a sound and contemplate the ending of a sound
37. Beyond contemplating the objects of the five senses and mind with non-involvement and detachment
38. Beyond contemplating the world as empty space
39. Beyond contraries which are not necessarily contradictions, although seems to be
40. Beyond creative vibration, the seed vibration
41. Beyond cultivating merit-making through giving, moral conduct, and meditation, recognizing untroubled and joyful stateless state
42. Beyond cultivating tolerance, sincerity, compassion, contentment, and truthfulness as the antidote for illusionary mind
43. Beyond cutting down the forest of desire and, keep clearing away the underbrush to reveal the naked truth
44. Beyond cutting the ignorance that binds the body to the mind
45. Beyond cutting the rope that ties you to the post, and there is no post
46. Beyond decimating the conceptual machinery
47. Beyond deep into the sense of ‘I am’ and one will find
48. Beyond deep understanding of who we are
49. Beyond delight in seclusion and solitude
50. Beyond delightfully accepting anything when offered with love
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