Absolute Truth is:

1.  Beyond knowing that better to conquer yourself than others

2.  Beyond knowing that better to destroy minds own evil thoughts than to do harm to another

3.  Beyond knowing that better to fight passion than become the slave of depravity

4.  Beyond knowing that Beware of committing yourself exclusively to a specific belief so that you disbelieve everything else, or else you will miss out on much good—in fact, you will miss out on recognizing the authentic truth

5.  Beyond knowing that birth and death will have no meaning for your beingness

6.  Beyond knowing that blind is this world; few can clearly see

7.  Beyond knowing that bondage and suffering are proportionate to the extent we let our senses dominate us

8.  Beyond knowing that both good and evil actions will bear fruit

9.  Beyond knowing that bottom of the pond is dark and rotten, but the lotus that rises above it is clean and clear

10.              Beyond knowing that bringing joy to one heart with love is better than one thousand repetitive prayer recitings

11.              Beyond knowing that bringing the mind to the feeling ‘I am’ merely helps turning the mind away from everything else

12.              Beyond knowing that by examining the source of unrest and anxiety in your mind, you will find they emerge from the diseases of greed, hatred and delusion

13.              Beyond knowing that by insight meditation, it is important to be aware of whatever is present in the mind, no matter how weak or strong it appears to be

14.              Beyond knowing that by insight meditation, there is no longer the feeling that you are your body or your feelings or your thoughts: things are just as they are

15.              Beyond knowing that by insight practice enables you to gain wisdom by seeing things as they really are rather from your own, usual egocentric perspective

16.              Beyond knowing that by meditation, allow all despair, fear, anguish, suppression and anger to arise and become conscious and by bringing it out, into the clear light of knowledge and it will eventually go away

17.              Beyond knowing that by not clinging, we approach the opposite pole

18.              Beyond knowing that conjurations and suppositions

designed by those masters of deception and are the defilements

19.              Beyond knowing that conquering huge armies is easier than conquering one’s mind

20.              Beyond knowing that conscious images of objects are seen, but their causes usually remain unseen

21.              Beyond knowing that contentment is greater than wealth

22.              Beyond knowing that Death is considered to be a traumatic experience, but understand what death is just an illusion

23.              Beyond knowing that defilement is the result of an action that has tainted, besmirched, sullied, corrupted, polluted or degraded, voices in the center of our minds, without knowing any humility

24.              Beyond knowing that desire is personal; Virtue, moral conduct is not

25.              Beyond knowing that desire is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings

26.              Beyond knowing that desire means any kind of intentional action, whether mental, verbal or physical in thought, word and deed

27.              Beyond knowing that dissatisfaction is caused by the distraction of desiring satisfaction

28.              Beyond knowing that disturbances which are dependent on perceptions have no presence in the void

29.               Beyond knowing that doctrines are only useful for pointing the mind

30.              Beyond knowing that doing good is not a goal that we set for ourselves but a natural response to wisdom

31.              Beyond knowing that doing the good and keep doing it again and again until joy begins to replace pain and happiness

32.              Beyond knowing that drawing ones attention to the one incontrovertible factor that of being

33.              Beyond knowing that drowsiness or distraction must not be met with irritation or despair

34.              Beyond knowing that during concentration, discursive thinking decreases and the mind becomes stilled, like a clear pool of water.

35.              Beyond knowing that during practice of in-and-out breathing, note the distractions and the types of the distractions and the roots of the distractions until you are finally able to see them for what they are and analyze them away

36.              Beyond knowing that each small renunciation of Ego, builds upon its own reward in the mind

37.              Beyond knowing that Ego means attachment by a short rope to endless desire and hope

38.              Beyond knowing that enjoyment of sensual pleasures is like drinking salt water to quench thirst

39.              Beyond knowing that eradicating the cause is less stressful than suppressing the effect

40.              Beyond knowing that establishing moral awareness first, and be mindful of actions and speech

41.              Beyond Knowing that even the ‘I am’ is a thought or a pointer

42.              Beyond knowing that even those who live wholesome lives can experience suffering so long as the fruit of their earlier acts has not yet come to full-fruition

43.              Beyond knowing that even what smells bad is good for something

44.              Beyond knowing that even when we get everything we want, we still have the feeling that something is missing, that something is still incomplete

45.              Beyond knowing that events and hopes seldom agree, but those who can step back in detachment don’t worry

46.              Beyond knowing that every action is accompanied by a shadow

47.              Beyond knowing that every element in the body has the stamp of death upon it

48.              Beyond knowing that every individual has a definite task, and the fulfillment of each individual purpose can alone lead man aright

49.              Beyond knowing that every man has Buddha nature within himself, so that it lies within his power to overcome all barriers and triumph even over death itself

50.              Beyond knowing that every mental, volitional activity and every deed of body and speech at some time or other bears fruit

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