Venture Capitalist |Angel Investor| Digital Transformation |CEO | Managing Director | Entrepreneur at Quantum Leap Alleviates
Absolute Truth is:
1. Beyond knowing that physical pleasure increases stress
2. Beyond knowing that pleasure and pain were the same a thousand life-times ago
3. Beyond knowing that pleasure, bliss, tranquility and calm are also states that have a beginning and an end
4. Beyond knowing that post despair, many hopes flourish just as after darkness, thousands of suns open and start to shine
5. Beyond knowing that Practice is only a vessel and it must be filled to be brim with earnestness, which is but love in action since nothing can be done without love
6. Beyond knowing that reason is powerless in the expression of Truth
7. Beyond knowing that reason is the illusion of reality.
8. Beyond knowing that seeing a belief/ concept to be illusionary, the energy drops out of it.
9. Beyond Knowing that seeing that there is no individual does not mean that you disappear, but what vanishes is the assumed reality of the person
10. Beyond knowing that seeing the desireless lion, the elephants of the senses silently run away, or, if that is impossible, serve him like courtiers
11. Beyond knowing that seeing the tigers of the senses, the frightened refuge-seekers at once enter the cave in search of cessation of thought and one-pointedness
12. Beyond knowing that Seeing things as they are but we see them as we are
13. Beyond knowing that seeing this, the concept of attaining enlightenment drops away
14. Beyond knowing that sense ‘I am’ to the exclusion of everything else
15. Beyond knowing that sense of shame and fear of wrong-doing are positive states of mind that lay a foundation for clear conscience and moral integrity
16. Beyond knowing that sensory experience in the world leaves us very exposed and vulnerable
17. Beyond knowing that sensual desire which is infatuation that brings no lasting satisfaction
18. Beyond knowing that sensual pleasures can only bring happiness in the short term at best; and, sooner or later, suffering will follow
19. Beyond knowing that separation, disappearance, misfortune and ruin act in accordance with impermanence and dissipation in nature
20. Beyond knowing that shame and fear of blame is the basis of respect for oneself and others
21. Beyond knowing that shame is motivated by self-respect and inward-looking
22. Beyond knowing that solids are mostly empty space evolving and moving in time and space
23. Beyond knowing that space has a name but no form
24. Beyond knowing that speaking wisdom is much easier than living it
25. Beyond knowing that spiritual joy is free of distress
26. Beyond knowing that spiritual practitioner knows not of any other single thing that brings such bliss as the mind that is tamed, controlled, guarded and restrained
27. Beyond knowing that spiritual practitioner knows not of any other single thing that brings such woe as the untamed, uncontrolled, unguarded and unrestrained
28. Beyond knowing that spiritual practitioner should associate with those spiritual ones who give what is hard to give and bear
29. Beyond knowing that strengthening and stabilizing the ‘I am’, we do all sorts of things – all in vain for the ‘I am’ is being rebuilt from moment to moment
30. Beyond knowing that subtler than ‘I am’ is awareness which alone exists
31. Beyond knowing that subtler than Bliss is the ‘I
32. Beyond knowing that subtler than mind is the Bliss
33. Beyond knowing that subtler than the mind is the intelligence
34. Beyond knowing that such self-identifications are patently illusionary and the cause of bondage
35. Beyond knowing that suffering and torment arise out of the false notion that an object of desire belongs to ‘me’ and is ‘myself.’
36. Beyond Knowing that suffering arises from nothing other than thought
37. Beyond knowing that suffering can be a condition caused by how we see ourselves in relation to the world
38. Beyond knowing that suffering can no longer arise within the body when the body is no longer imagined as ‘me’ or ‘mine.’
39. Beyond Knowing that suffering equals living a lie, a falsehood.
40. Beyond knowing that suffering is a stern but well-meaning friend which teaches us the lesson of looking at ourselves
41. Beyond knowing that suffering is an attempted communication with the un-awakened
42. Beyond knowing that suffering is an incomprehensible retribution
43. Beyond knowing that suffering is like a greedy insatiable demon continually straining to satisfy an insatiable appetite, and so the cycle continues
44. Beyond knowing that suffering is the common bond that we all share
45. Beyond knowing that suffering is to be understood not only as experienced pain and sorrow, but more widely as the wretchedness of everything conditional
46. Beyond knowing that the concept is false, but you are truth itself
47. Beyond knowing that the knowledge ‘I am’ is in the body, but it is not the body
48. Beyond knowing that Truth is certain, the way of all things is uncertain
49. Beyond knowing that when the knowledge ‘I am’ is not there do you perceive or observe anything?
50. Beyond knowing to let every action just come and go with the flow
#Truth #Past #Present #Future #Motivation #Inspiration #Encouragement #QuoteOfTheDay #Quote #Wisdom#success #goodness #simple #openminds. #success #life #work #future #money #learning #teamwork #opportunity #service #respect #mindfulness #nature #purpose #people #thankful #quality #friends #positive #believe #relationships #opportunities #human #courage #successful #strength #start #kindness #mind #giving #true #nonduality #enlightenment #awakening #joy #peace #love #ego #being #consciousnes #advaita, #advaitavedanta, #alone, #aloneness, #eternal, #eternal-life, #eternal-truths, #everyone, #everyone-belongs, #global-oneness, #insights,# inspirational, #interconnectedness, #life, #life-lessons, #loneliness, #nonduality, oneness,# spiritual-growth, #spiritual-quotes, #spirituality,# unity, #vedanta,# wisdom, #wisdom-quotes #sufi #tao #mystic #zen #buddha-nature #confucius #tibetian