Absolute Truth is:

1.  Beyond knowing that not to become attached to anything; likes or dislikes which are like chains

2.  Beyond knowing that not to call in outside witnesses to come in to inspect your progress in the practice, which is futile

3.  Beyond knowing that not to cling to good things; let it come and go

4.   Beyond knowing that not to cling to kind things; let it come and go

5.  Beyond knowing that not to cling to mental actions of the mind

6.  Beyond knowing that not to concentrate on the evil creeper; cut out its root

7.  Beyond knowing that not to contemplate the end of the universe; contemplate the end of the moment

8.  Beyond knowing that not to desire calm and the illusionary mind may become calm of its own accord

9.  Beyond knowing that not to doubt that the mind is basically pure

10.              Beyond knowing that not to feed the burning fire: cut off the fuel that feeds it

11.              Beyond knowing that not to feel guilty about having a foolish desire; just bring it out into the open so you can see it for what it actually is, then, set it aside and no longer be attached to it

12.              Beyond knowing that not to feel lonely, but the entire universe is inside him

13.              Beyond knowing that not to feel proud when shown respect; feel humble

14.              Beyond knowing that not to follow in the footsteps of old seers and sages, seek what they sought

15.              Beyond knowing that not to get hung-up in a veiled metaphor

16.              Beyond knowing that not to get involved in anything, stay in the consciousness ‘I am’ and don’t go on an intellectual binge again

17.              Beyond knowing that not to grab as much as possible but give as much as you possibly can

18.              Beyond knowing that not to grab hold of danger. Let it go and watch where it goes

19.              Beyond knowing that not to hang onto distress and delusion; free your mind and focus on the moral as your refuge

20.              Beyond knowing that not to judge desire as good or bad; first, just recognize it for what it is

21.              Beyond knowing that not to keep anything. If you live like this, you are like an empty heart, empty of evil but full of wisdom

22.              Beyond knowing that not to know what and know what not

23.              Beyond knowing that not to let suffering give you a beating; train the mind to be alert and avoid the blows and the pain coming at you from every direction

24.              Beyond knowing that not to let the mind buzz around like a restless fly; train it to cease to buzz and rest in peace

25.              Beyond knowing that not to let the mind wander from the foundation post to which it is focused and anchored

26.              Beyond knowing that not to let your focus get too tense; Don’t force things to fall into line

27.              Beyond knowing that not to look to anyone for one needs, for the one who created you, waters you

28.              Beyond knowing that not to over-act and over-react

29.              Beyond knowing that not to paint the objects of perception with fake make-up

30.              Beyond knowing that not to practice with grim determination; find delight and joy and strength in concentration

31.              Beyond knowing that not to rely on your own will which is not trustworthy

32.              Beyond knowing that not to send the mind out to external things or it will come back disappointed

33.              Beyond knowing that not to set a time limit for focus in meditation; let meditation follow its own course

34.              Beyond knowing that not to start imagining that if you meditate in such-and-such a way, one’s distractions will go away

35.              Beyond knowing that not to starve yourself and don’t stuff yourself; find the perfect balance in-between

36.              Beyond knowing that not to think that any one day is somehow exceptional or unusual

37.               Beyond knowing that not to think, ‘I feel guilty for being the way I am and I want to be different.’ ; Don’t think in terms of ‘I.’

38.              Beyond knowing that not to think, ‘This desire is really me and there is something wrong with me for having this desire.’

39.              Beyond knowing that not to try to take advantage of others; help give others the advantage of being able to take care of themselves

40.              Beyond knowing that not to wait until the breath comes only in gasping fits and starts to turn to breathing meditation

41.              Beyond knowing that nothing is certain at all

42.              Beyond knowing that nothing is ever the same for even two milliseconds

43.              Beyond knowing that nothing really matters in this world

44.              Beyond knowing that nothing to do and nothing to gain

45.              Beyond knowing that nothing to revert to and nothing to receive

46.              Beyond knowing that obedience towards ultimate reality is a powerful solvent of all desires and fears.

47.              Beyond knowing that once you realize that all happens by itself (destiny , will of God , accident), you remain as witness only, understanding and enjoying, but not perturbed

48.              Beyond knowing that once you stabilize in the knowledge ‘I am’ unconditionally you are the manifest ‘I amness’ – no more an individual.

49.              Beyond knowing that one assist in training others in meditation after one has become proficient in it oneself

50.              Beyond knowing that one can easily fall into the smell and feel of a woman/man, but it is very hard to get back out

#Truth #Past #Present #Future #Motivation #Inspiration #Encouragement #QuoteOfTheDay #Quote #Wisdom#success #goodness #simple #openminds. #success #life #work #future #money #learning #teamwork #opportunity #service #respect #mindfulness #nature #purpose #people #thankful #quality #friends #positive #believe #relationships #opportunities #human #courage #successful #strength #start #kindness #mind #giving #true #nonduality #enlightenment #awakening #joy #peace #love #ego #being #consciousnes #advaita, #advaitavedanta, #alone, #aloneness, #eternal, #eternal-life, #eternal-truths, #everyone, #everyone-belongs, #global-oneness, #insights,# inspirational, #interconnectedness, #life, #life-lessons, #loneliness, #nonduality, oneness,# spiritual-growth, #spiritual-quotes, #spirituality,# unity, #vedanta,# wisdom, #wisdom-quotes #sufi #tao #mystic #zen #buddha-nature #confucius #tibetian 



