Defining Happiness
Paul E. Kotz
??Director - Doctorate of Education in Leadership Program & Doctorate of Business Administration
Today, someone I respect asked me to define “happiness.”
I couldn’t put it in a few sentences.
I have seen it, felt it and have experienced it.
It varies for all of us. There are few universals. My list may not represent how you define it, and it could change if you asked me another day.
For me… this writing…..
It’s when you first fall in love, and everything seems light and effortless.
It’s when you have a friend who understands you and takes you - as you are.
It’s when you see your son or daughter do something good you did for them as young people, and reflect it right back at you as adults.
It’s seeing the sunshine - when you expected darkness.
It’s feeling rain hit you unexpectedly when you are overheated.
It’s seeing that first snowflake on your windshield, when you’ve never seen the beautiful design it can make each time.
It’s when someone sees your authentic value and lets you know it.
It’s when someone is kind to you when all appears lost.
It’s when someone gives you a genuine hug and you undeniably feel their love.
It’s when you eat a deliciously satisfying meal, when you are famished or hungry.
It’s when you can effortlessly make someone else crack up in laughter.
It’s when someone else makes you laugh so hard you are crying tears of joy.
It’s when you come to a positive revelation about yourself that until now, you never knew.
It’s when you realize that your purpose is to help make others see their true selves, believe in the person they are becoming and that they too, can possibly attain happiness.