Defining Generalists - Limiting the Limitless?

Defining Generalists - Limiting the Limitless?

Oh the irony of trying to define generalists.

On one hand, the origins of the word definition come from the Latin "de-" meaning completely, and "finire" meaning to bound, limit. When combined, having a meaning to limit, determine, explain.

On the other hand, a generalist is commonly regarded as one who has expansive knowledge and experience thanks to their super curious nature. A Jack/Jill of all trades.

So, expansive knowledge or knowing everything, all trades, and many other descriptions are literally the definition of limitless!

Let's stick with the "explain" part of the definition of definition then. It also aligns with my photographic and imaging interests where the word definition relates to the distinctiveness of outline or detail. Making things clear.

I'm going to attempt to explain and make things clear about generalists and confuse the heck outta everyone with synonyms! This is a glossary, not a definition of a generalist.

There are many who have given names to generalists, complimentary and derogatory ones, and there are many terms of analogy. Different ones will resonate with different people as the one identifying with the term, and usage to describe to others.

Back to the irony, generalists don't typically fit into a box, or find themselves to be proverbial square pegs. Still, many humans like labels. And people have come up with all kinds. So let's go!

Glossary of Generalist Descriptors

Accomplished - skilled or polished through practice or training; having done or achieved many good or important things; someone who has achieved many impressive things in life or in their career.

Agilist - one who is agile in their ability to jump from one topic to another. Not to be confused with one who is proficient in Agile methodologies often used in project management particularly in software development.

All over the place - a typically derogatory phrase describing ones diverse set of skills.

Cobbler - one who cobbles together many components to make something. Comes from shoe making.

Competent Man / Competent Woman / Competent Person - one who exhibits a very wide range of abilities and knowledge. A term for a stock character, character archetype or stereotype for a novel, play, or TV/film.

Cross-disciplinary - viewing of one discipline from another is the typical definition. However, some may interchange this with interdisciplinary, or consider cross being the intersecting of two or more disciplines.

Cross-pollinator - one who connects or brings together ideas, processes, people, or skills from many areas.

Dabbler - one who dabbles, typically in one or more areas. Often considered as not having serious interest, or deep engagement.

Deep Generalist - An expansion on the generalist having broad knowledge where they have deeper knowledge in broad areas. Akin to the comb, or M shaped professional.

Dog's Breakfast - a slang description of something that is messy or poorly done. Sometimes used to imply one's career or diverse interests are non-linear, neat, etc. Refer to fruit salad.

Dot Connector / Connector of Dots - one who connects ideas or "dots", often across diverse disciplines, silos, or industries.

Expert Generalist - an expansion on generalists, one who is an expert at being a generalist. Refer to specialist generalist.

Explorer - one who explores many topics, interests, or disciplines.

Fruit Salad - an analogous term to describe the mixture of skills and interests of a generalist. Fruit salad is usually considered in positive light and pleasant. Refer dog's breakfast.

Generalist - one who has a range of skills and knowledge

Glue / Glue People - one who sits at the "joints" of organisations keeping things together, sometimes also glue is used as a "filler" for joints or gaps. Filling roles where there is no formal role or description and could be in any area of a business. See Oil.

Hummingbird - one who tries many things like a hummingbird eating from many flowers cross-pollinating the world. Coined by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love

I-dunno-ist - one who is not sure what they want to do when they grow up, or are unsure if they are a specialist, generalist, or one of the many other terms here. Coined by Darren Wu, generalist.

Integrator - one who integrates ideas, experience, or skills from many areas.

Interdisciplinary - using different perspectives of different disciplines on one topic or theme in an integrated manner. Distinct from transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary.

Jack of All Trades / Jill of All Trades - one having many skills. Is a shortening of a figure of speech, "Jack of all trades, master of none" which itself is considered a truncation of a full saying, "Jack of all trades, master of none, but often times better than a master of one."

Juggler - one who skilfully juggles numerous skills or roles. A circus performance analogy.

Multidisciplinary - studying a topic from multiple different disciplines. Does not integrate but keeps the disciplines distinct. Refer to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary.

Multihyphenate - having many hypens joining many skills, experience, job titles, roles.

Multi-passionate - one having multiple passions.

Multipotentialite - one with many interests and creative pursuits. Has strong potential in many areas. Coined by Emilie Wapnick, first presented in a TED talk.

Multi-talented - one with multiple talents.

Oil / Oil Person - one who fills the gaps in the organisational machine and keeps things running well, reducing friction. May not be a specific traditional role or job title. See Glue.

Octopus - an analogous term for generalists. Octopi have many similar traits of curiosity, complex learning and problem solving skills, multiple arms representing interests.

Philomath - a lover of learning and studying

Plate Spinner - one who skillfully balances the spinning of many plates/skills/jobs. A circus performance analogy.

Polyhistor - one gifted or learned to a great extent or in?multiple?disciplines; a great scholar

Polymath - from the Greek polymathēs “having learned much”, is a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas

Portfolio Career - usually one holding several roles at once, or less often, having a series of seemingly unrelated roles over a career.

Portfolio Careerpreneur - diverse income streams (which often mean part time work and boards) and interests typical of a portfolio careerist + more of an entrepreneurial bent towards product development, writing books etc. Coined by Penelope Barr.

Purple People - People with a blend of diverse and perhaps opposing traits. Perhaps originating from article by Wayne Eckerson on people exhibiting versatility of the mind and experience, in the context of people delivering success in business intelligence blending technology and business oriented skills. See Unicorn and Purple Squirrel.

Purple Squirrel - one with many unique skills/traits but is as rare as spotting a purple squirrel in the wild. See Unicorn and Purple People.

Renaissance Man / Renaissance Woman / Renaissance Soul - referring to the Renaissance period of Italy and its most accomplished people gifted in knowledge, physical development, social accomplishments, and the arts. Leonardo da Vinci is a commonly known example. Renaissance Soul coined by Margaret Lobenstine, author of The Renaissance Soul: How to make Passions your Life.

Scanner - one who scans, has, or tries many pursuits, often unrelated. Usually very curious. Sometimes referred to as a personality type eg scanner personality. Coined by Barbara Sher, author of Refuse to Choose.

Shape Shifter - one who adapts with skills to the job at hand. Typically one who fits into a variety of specialist roles, at will.

Slasher - A modern term where one who has multiple jobs, titles, skills, or interests uses the / or | slash symbol to depict themselves rather than the specialist's single title. Eg: one might be an Actor / Politician / Environmental Activist.

Specialist Generalist - an expansion on generalist indicating that one specialises in generalism. For example, Australian Law recognises medical general practitioners as a specialist general practitioner.

Spiky - a shape ?? analogy to the many interests or skills of a generalist.

Squiggly Career - describing the non-linear nature typical of a generalist's career.

Swiss Army Knife - a tool with many functions used as an analogy to the many skills of a generalist.

Transdisciplinary - seeks to build bridges between disciplines and other stakeholders so diverse perspectives can intersect, ideas can be shared more fluidly between industries, and people can thrive through exposure to new ways of thinking. Distinct from interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary.

Unicorn - one with unique and impressive traits and skills that make them highly valuable to a company. Not necessarily a generalist, applies also to specialists. However, seekers of specialists without knowledge or appreciation of generalists are often looking for a generalist and consider generalists the unicorn. See Purple People and Purple Squirrel.

Universal Adaptor - in contrast to a single power plug as a metaphor for generalist vs specialist. Similar concept to the Swiss Army Knife vs any single tool it has.

Universal Genius - one having exceptional intellectual abilities across many areas.

Universalist - one who has or enjoys a universe (many, infinite) of interests, knowledge, or activities.

Utility Player - a sporting analogy for a generalist, one who can play several positions competently, recognising a player's versatility.

Versatilist - one who applies a depth of skills to a progressively widening scope of situations. Having versatility in skills. Originated from Gartner in a talent framework of specialist, generalist, and versatilist.

Skills Shapes

Originally starting with I, T and dash shapes for specialists, generalists and generalising specialists, these have expanded as people added variations and nuance. The shapes generally were visual representations of the skills in breadth versus depth using letters. However, some have co-opted the alphabet lettering representing words of that letter such as E and P "shapes". Then there are shapes of things also added such as comb, and spiky.

  • Comb Shaped - an expansion of T and M shapes indicating multiple deep skills as in teeth of a comb.
  • Dash Shaped / Hyphen Shaped / Horizontal Shaped - no specific expertise, purely generalist with broad skills
  • E Shaped - combining skills shapes with alliteration, combines one area of Expertise with strong traits of Exploration and Execution
  • I Shaped - Deep knowledge in one area.
  • Key Shaped ?? - Having several areas of disciplinary skills with varying degrees of depth.
  • M Shaped - Broad skills with deep skills in multiple areas - an expansion of T shaped.
  • Mushroom Shaped - Similar to T in shape, closer to V in concept. Likely coined by IDEO Design Consultancy.
  • O Shaped - Rounded skills.
  • Pi/π Shaped - Broad skills with deep skills in two areas - an expansion of T shaped.
  • P - sometimes blended into the alphabet of shapes, but representing P for Polymath.
  • Spiky Shaped - ?? A visual variation of the Comb shape with many deep skills around a core of generalism
  • T Shaped - Broad skills with deep skills in one area. Generalising specialist. Transdisciplinary. Originated 1980's at McKinsey & Co, popularised by Tim Brown, IDEO 1991
  • V Shaped - Deep knowledge in one area with gradually broadening knowledge in adjacent areas
  • W Shaped - expanding on V shaped with deep knowledge in two or more areas with gradually broadening knowledge in adjacent areas
  • X Shaped - Brings together two or more skills, transdiciplinary.

Related Terms

Authority - confidence or recognition resulting from expertise

Expert - one who is very knowledgeable or skilled in a particular area

Genius - exceptional intellectual, creative, or other natural ability

Jackhammer - one who focuses in on one thing and drills into it

Maestro - a distinguished person in a specific area. A term coming from the classical music sector

Master - having or showing great skill or proficiency at something

Ninja - a person who excels in a particular skill or activity

Specialist - one who concentrates primarily on a particular topic or activity

Virtuoso - a highly skilled person in a particular pursuit. A term coming from the music sector

Wiz / Wizard - a clever or skillful person who can "do magic" in a particular field.

Books of Interest

How To Be Everything: A Guide for Those Who (Still) Don't Know What They Want to Be When They Grow Up - Emilie Wapnick

The Mosaic Principle: The Six Dimensions of a Successful Life & Career - Nick Lovegrove

The Renaissance Soul: How to Make Your Passions Your Life - Margaret Lobenstine

Refuse to Choose! Use All of Your Interests, Passions, and Hobbies to Create the Life and Career of Your Dreams - Barbara Sher

Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World - David Epstein

The Silo Effect: The Peril of Expertise and the Promise of Breaking Down Barriers - Gillian Tett

The Squiggly Career - Helen Tupper, Sara Ellis

Your Problem is that you're Multi-talented: Proven and Effective Strategies to Maximising Your Gifts and Potentials as a Multi-potentialite - Saamuel Ekundayo

Your Rainforest Mind: A Guide to the Well-Being of Gifted Adults and Youth - Paula Prober

Hi, I'm Darren Wu , an engineering, tech, and data generalist leader. I usually talk about data and technology for ESG and climate reporting, focussing on carbon accounting, carbon accounting systems, and the data that goes with it.

If your business needs help on any of those topics, say [email protected].

For generalist chat, message me here on LinkedIn.

If you found this article and my posts useful, follow me, like the content, and reshare. Thanks!

?? Alex Freeman

Think better ? Perform Better ? Feel Better.

3 个月

Thanks for sharing Darren. Very thought provoking.

Julie Lavergne

Creative Strategist | Generalist | Business Management Consultant | High Stakes Facilitator | Executive Performance Coach

5 个月

Thanks for resharing this. Great environmental scan.

Penelope Barr

Global Executive | Portfolio Careerpreneur | Transition Coach helping people and organisations transition from where you are now to where you want to be, through the messy middle | Author | Board Member | Speaker |

5 个月

Great work Darren Wu I'd like to submit portfolio careerpreneur. This is how I define my skills - diverse income streams (which often mean part time work and boards) and interests typical of a portfolio careerist + more of an entrepreneurial bent towards product development, writing books etc

Darren Wu

?? Data & Technology Leader for ESG, Sustainability, Energy, and Critical Infrastructure | Techstars Startup Mentor

5 个月

Thanks to Cita Van Mierlo, Fabian Fleckenstein and folks from other conversations, the article has now been updated.

Fabian Fleckenstein

Design Strategist + Visual Thinker ??? | I help you get your ideas from mind to paper and out into the world ?? | sustainable architecture + urbanism | graphic design for urban professionals and consultants

5 个月

Thank you Darren Wu, I love your article and the breadth of your reasearch, in good generalist manner :) ! I didn't know the skills shapes concept, it's awesome and it resonates very much with my visual thinking brain! So far I only heard about the T-Shape. I'd be curious if we could complete your alphabet. What about: Boundary Crosser – One who moves fluidly across the boundaries of disciplines or industries, thriving in areas where different fields intersect. Eclecticist – A person who draws upon a wide variety of ideas, styles, or tastes from multiple disciplines without committing to any particular one. Fusionist – A person who combines elements from different disciplines or fields to create innovative, hybrid solutions or perspectives. Pathfinder – A person who explores different pathways through a variety of disciplines, often leading others to new, interdisciplinary solutions.


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