Defining BIM and VDC
Oriole Design Tech Solutions - BIM Service Provider
Leading BIM service provider empowering Architects, Engineers & Contractors with Innovative & Tailored Solutions
#Technology is having a huge impact on the construction industry, primarily bringing about positive changes. Part of these changes has been in the design aspect of projects. #buildinginformationmodeling (BIM) and virtual design and #construction (VDC) allow teams to save time, communicate clearly, and deliver excellence on capital?projects. In June 2020, McKinsey & Company released a milestone executive summary, “The next normal in construction”, examining how disruption is reshaping the construction industry. The report identified the?digitalization of products and processes?as one of the major disruptors within the construction industry. Furthermore, it stated that “companies can improve efficiency and integrate the design phase with the rest of the value chain by using building-information modeling (BIM) to create a full three-dimensional model (a ‘digital twin’)—and add further layers like schedule and cost—early in the project rather than finishing design while construction is already?underway.”
The US National Building Information Model Standard Project Committee defines BIM as a “digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. A #bim model is a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle; defined as existing from earliest conception to demolition”. BIM is a technologically enabled process of collaborative design and production that allows architects, engineers, clients, and contractors to collaboratively work together in a single model — both simultaneously and in sequence. Using a shared computer-generated model and database, decisions can be made and problems defined and solved prior to the project "breaking ground". Clash detection and coordination across trades can be resolved in coordination meetings prior to construction — avoiding delays and issues in the field. This saves time and money as well as reducing environmental impact. BIM also allows for more complex and ambitious 3D design to be realized successfully and safely.
VDC, or Virtual Design and #Construction, is the most difficult of the three terms to define — there is no single agreed upon understanding of this phrase. The use of the word 'virtual' is perhaps misleading here, as this implies that VDC is a form of digital software. But, although information technology will almost certainly be used, VDC like BIM is a process and a way of working that involves the management of integrated multidisciplinary performance models. It is a way of coming up with an ideal strategy for a given project that incorporates the right people and the right technology. VDC emphasizes collaboration and integrated working, and BIM is frequently a valuable part of VDC. BIM and VDC should not be considered analogous, however. Virtual design and construction need not necessarily involve building information modeling, and building information modeling can be undertaken without it being considered part of virtual design and construction. BIM is a much more specific process than VDC, but both are essentially methods of planning and managing a project collaboratively.
At the end of the day, everything comes down to data. The feedback collected on site is the fuel for a successful?BIM?and VDC process. This comes as no surprise if we consider that a 3D model is only as good and helpful as the data added to it.