Defining an Apprenticeship: Consultation Survey

Defining an Apprenticeship: Consultation Survey

The Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board’s Defining an Apprenticeship was launched yesterday (20th November), in order to provide a clear and agreed definition of what an apprenticeship is in Scotland’s skills system.

The full family of apprenticeships – Foundation, Modern and Graduate Level – is enabling greater flexibility and choice than ever before and providing learning and progression pathways that people can enter into at different life stages. Our consultation sets out the key principles we view as critical to the integrity of these apprenticeships in Scotland and the development of a system that works for employers and apprentices.

We need as much valuable feedback as possible to ensure we reach a collective view on what an apprenticeship is and that it meets future need. Therefore we would be grateful if you could please take the opportunity to contribute your views to the consultation by midnight on 20th December, which will be used to inform our policy recommendations to Scottish Government.

You can complete the consultation online here

For further details please read our supporting information

We look forward to sharing the feedback with you in the coming months.

Sent on behalf of the Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board,

Frameworks and Standards Working Group on Defining an Apprenticeship


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