Defined by your mistakes
Celeste Rains-Turk
Licensed Associate Counselor, National Certified Counselor, Personal Development Mentor, Podcast Host, Best-Selling Author
Sometimes we make mistakes and criticize ourselves so much that we allow them to define us or become our identity.
It ’s easier to do that than to sit with the feelings of letting ourselves down or realizing we did something we shouldn’t have and now have to demand change of ourselves and look within to see what led to that action.
That’s a very painful feeling and the process feels more daunting than just saying it’s who you are and you suck and now you are going to mess up even more.
It ’s logically not easier but because it’s a more predictable outcome, our brain might take us down that path because it’s the path of least resistance.
In talking with clients I often pick up on this fear they have that their mistake defines them or will influence how others see them.
My best friend once told me that the choices I made and ultimately considered mistakes were really hard on me not because they define who I am but because they revealed who I am not… this was such a relieving concept.
To know that I’m bothered by the actions I took because they’re not accurate representations of me or who I want to be.
It was a compassionate way to take responsibility but also evoke change within me to support prevention of the mistake happening again.
The unfortunate reality is that often times in the process of learning, we will make errors or misstep but the beautiful thing is that with grace, humility, and compassion we can move forward.
If you’ve made mistakes or done things “wrong” and need support with your emotional health and well-being I have 1:1 services available and would be happy to see if and how I can help you???? visit