Define: "Code quality"!
... if you want to explain your development guidelines to new colleagues what they would need to respect, there are not only naming conventions for fields and methods, but also some more - forgive me the ambitious next part - even "philosophical aspects".
Let me refer to a small presentation, you may appreciate... I indeed think, good code happens seldomly by respecting rigid rules. It does not come neither from reading hundreds of pages in a development manual. "Good code" means: to get it done in the most evident, transparent, simple and performant way. No matter, in which programming language you have to work and which challenge you have to face... How good your code really is, may turn out very lately: sometimes in incident cases, and often, when you are not longer in duty, when another colleague took already over and is confronted with what you have done.
Some people say, good code is defined by a small ratio of "WTFs per minute". Even if this KPI sounds gross, one has to admit, that there is some truth in it.
As I had latin in my schooldays, I still have some faible for old-fashioned expressions. And somehow I still think "axis mundi" (maybe to be translated by valuable points of the world of a developper) fits pretty well... as many dimensions must be hold in a certain equilibrium before having a clear standpoint on the future solution. It could be necessary, to serve at its best, that you have to "over-emphazise" a certain aspect. But "architecture" is the centre of everything: if your design is good, it is very unlikely that you fail in performance or scalability... the last two even evolve naturally out of a good architecture. And good architecture follows the "KISS" principle (keep it simple and stupid).
That's it. But I would like to learn by your disagreement: pleased if programmer colleagues have a look and object or add comments on it. Please be brave and counterstrike ;) if you see aspects I may underestimate. The slides have already a 7-years old patina, and I did not question the basic statements so far.
So, thanks for sharing and helping to discover new aspects of good code.