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I was in two minds about posting this on LinkedIn. It's something very personal to me. I decided to do so in the hope that it helps raise awareness of the importance of public access defibrillators (PADs), in case anyone can share an insight on the charity aspect below, and in case I can help anyone else who has experienced something similar.

Two years ago today, my dad passed away after a completely unexpected heart attack. There was a PAD just across the road from where he collapsed. Fortunately, several passers-by knew it was there and knew how to use it. It didn't save my dad, but it gave him a greater chance of survival. 

This made me realise the importance of PADs, especially knowing where they are in your local area in case of an emergency. I've also learned since that defibrillators aren't something to be intimidated by. Modern defibrillators are typically very smart and have real-time voice prompts to guide the user through how to use them. Emergency services can offer their support too until they arrive on-scene.

One year ago today, an all-day fundraising gig - DefibFest - I organised in memory of my dad took place. Many people who might read this article performed, attended or supported in another way. DefibFest raised enough money to buy two top-of-the-range PADs. One was installed near where I live in London a few months ago (photo below), and the other is due to be installed nearby soon. The cabinet on the pictured unit will be changed so that a code isn't required to open it.

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I'd planned to make DefibFest an annual event. Given current restrictions, it won't take place this year. But it's something I feel very passionate about and, from speaking to others who have, sadly, experienced something similar to me, I know others do too.

Going forward, I'd like to be able to raise awareness around, and funding for, PADs; both with an annual DefibFest event, and during the year through other initiatives. I've been considering setting up a registered charity with this aim. If anyone's done something similar and is happy to share their experiences or tips, I'd be most grateful. Please feel free to message me if you'd rather not comment on this article.

I'd also like to offer my support to anyone affected by this article. Again, please feel free to message me if you'd prefer.

If anyone would like to be kept updated on DefibFest, please search for @defibfest on Twitter / Instagram / Facebook.

#Defib #Defibrillator #DefibFest


