Defiance despite Desolation

Defiance despite Desolation

The state of desolation requires you to pause.

Are you in a state of everything going smooth in your life?

Bless you.

Stay blessed.

You might be sensing that you are distanced by others now.

At times you are hurt.

That is what I call as "Desolation point".

You might be a very strong personality as well.

Might be it is intimidating for others as well.

And that also means you are amongst little people,


you deserve to be greater.

You have been with freinds, or younger people,

very elderly as well,

You have stood by others to help them overcome,

their difficulties.


Once the act is over,

you are left alone.

Only a warm smile is received when

you reach out.

But there is no communication

from that side.

You may call them insensitive,

which of course may be true as well

but it does not help you after all.

So this is time to take action.

Action is about a SHIFT.

Do wtach the Video I recorded on facebook live yesterday:


??How to do the Reality Check and to become unshakably?productive

??Empowered Reframing of Self-assessment questions

??Using the ‘Super Powers’ to Reign Supreme & Gain Confidence?


Sangeeta N

helping you discover a Synchronized design for Effortless Significance overcoming personal struggles

Useful free Resources available at my YouTube channel at .



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