Defense Mechanism
Manoj Onkar
MANAGEMENT INNOVATIONS - PURPOSE: Helping Leaders create extraordinary organizations. _ Future Ready Organizations. _ Organizations where people bring their head, heart and soul. _ Be a positive impact on the planet.
Defense Mechanism is an automatic reaction of a mental process initiated unconsciously to avoid experiencing conflict or anxiety. This unconscious behavior pattern is part of the self concept we develop over a period.
Actually we are programmed to be protective towards ourselves but here we are talking about the defense techniques we use to control the flow of the situation.
What triggers this defensive mode?
1. Something that brings unpleasant emotions
2. Unusual and burdensome situation
3. Unmet expectations
4. Questioning integrity
5. Need to prove worth
The role played by Behavior, Feelings and Self- Concept needs to be focused once we know what triggers defensive mode as these three factors of human element are the rule creators of this game.
Defense Mechanism affects the:
You may behave in a manner expressing opposite to your true feelings. Pretend that you are different. Refuse to face the negative behavior or attach it to something positive. Impulsive behavior in times of inabilities being spotted.
Transferring the unacceptable and registered experiences to people we come across. An incident that you are incapable to face or react gets saturated and the same we try to enforce on whom you can influence. Boss reprimands you in front of office staff then you go home and do the same with your child in front of all the family members. Don’t target others to hide your insecurities.
Behavior is not built in a day and takes more time to change because there is no preexisting alarm system; we have to build it on our own.
Defensiveness gives a flavor of distrust to any relationship due to the uncomfortable feelings they experience, creating inability to express effectively or ignoring the feelings completely. Denial of feelings, suppression of feelings can create distractions for others but you know the truth. Expressing strongly exactly opposite to what you really feel.
Projecting the feelings in completely inverted form like when you hate someone and pretend that they hate you. Refusing to admit to themselves about the habit of being defensive and avoid taking the responsibility for actions.
What we are not aware is the loss of opportunity to innovate; we need to keep learning to survive or we are dead. If we could not figure out what triggers this behavior, certainly we cannot do anything to change the feelings and situation.
Beginning to use the defense mechanism may comfort you initially and at later stage puts you in a comfort zone for ever where the true feelings you have can never be felt by you or others.
Finding excuses to provide good reasons for your poor performance. Taking qualities of others, with an added meaning and disallowing them to be expressive. Keep the unacceptable thoughts deep down within you but relating to people using them.
Protection here is seeked not from people but their presence which is building fretfulness and reassurance that we are Okay comes from the defense mechanism we use.
You get programmed to be one who likes to be secured even before actual attack, using defense mechanism without arousal of need. Guilt of being or not being a certain way can also compel you to use the defense mechanism more than required.
Eg. 1. Maulik’s dislike towards his Boss Sushma started showing up and when she took charge of the project, he got uncomfortable and would react to anything that was said by her and did not send updates in time.
Saturday meeting with the most important client along with his boss was like war scene and the conflict between them damaged the company’s image. Sushma communicated his behavior to HR.
Discussion scheduled by HR did not work well as Maulik kept on saying at top of his voice “She doesn’t like me” no matter what I do I will never be accepted by her.
Eg. 2. Ashok an expert marketing guy was assigned with young energetic trainee Meera who had some fresh ideas that started doing wonders and she got appreciation in her trainee period.
There started building of insecurity and worry in Ashok’s mind, resulting in biased behavior towards the Meera. Meera quit after 6 months.
In both the situations for Maulik and Ashok there was loss of opportunity to renew or build a new relationship and have some new experiences independent of their self-concepts.
Impact on Self due to Defense Mechanism:
1. Stress and Anxiety Barrier to Communication
2. Misunderstand everything easily
3. Confrontational Attitude
4. Illusions stay intact
Impact on Organization due to Defense Mechanism:
1. Spoilt Environment. No team work.
2. Waste of time and energy on unproductive things.
3. Termite attack to the business.
4. Reduced profits and productivity.
5. Long term damage on the professional lives and sometime beyond.
How can we overcome Defense Mechanism.
1. Check what turns your defensiveness on.
2. Allow yourself to be generous with other people.
3. Trust Self and Be Trustworthy.
4. Stop pretending and take responsibility for the damage.
5. Get Support to alter your emotional response and your behavior.
BCon Inc Japan, helps organizations create high performance culture with high people quotient helping people transform their inter personal relationships in a scientific reliable way and creates an environment conducive for all.
The Human Element by Will Shutz was designed to understand and empower the human dimension of the organization excellence in a way that facilitates sustainable success for people and organizations.
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6 年Very true. Leadership development is the enlightenment process of the core. As light is thrown there insights emerge that lead to productive behaviours and productivity enhancement.