Defending the Underdog
Some in my high school were gay. They still are. We never discussed relationships and they talked about which classmates were nice and which were not. I did not witness homophobia.
Can't say how I would react if I did. Growing up at a time when people used the "Bundle of sticks" word as an insult to anyone of any orientation? It's amazing that no one was belittled for their preferences.
There is a lot of junk in childhood. Adults think children have easy lives; that everything is ideal. They do not have bills and minimal responsibilities. That does not mean they are not navigating a treacherous world. If you think all children are angels? Think again.
In my book which is finished yet in stasis there are references to classmates who harassed me in groups. Anyone who says "You're not alone" was never bullied or taunted. I listen to anyone who is unnecessarily attacked. It might be a reaction to my abusive father. He did not believe that anyone was less than wonderful.
His fantasies and my reality were never in line. Bringing me to the latest trend. The C-word (I don't want to give that site any more publicity than it has) is discussed/obsessed over. I feel fortunate not to waste my time there. Will someone invite me to a place where many hate me?
Seeing the names of "Moderators" who never liked how I questioned their absolute authority? I didn't say they were wrong. There were shades of difference. Why in the name of God would I choose to listen to people who refuse to respond to my comments and merely view my profile as if they are superior to me?
If I mentioned the name of the man who seemed to give me hate views? Many would respond "He's my friend." He is no friend of mine. There has been bullying on that site. Not in every discussion. One bad experience is all it takes to turn the tide.
A man was listening in and the moderator angrily said "Why aren't you following me?!" Why didn't he put a gun to his head? Some on social media pretend their words are more important than anyone else's (hence the title "Content creator) and that site gives some swelled heads. If you want to be humbled? Publish on LinkedIn. No one will see it, no one will know and even if someone does and shares an article? That goes no further.
Conventional wisdom does not apply to me. There is no place for hatred or superiority on social media. I shall defend the bullied and harassed to the death. Just because you own an I Phone does not make you superior. That site opened Pandora's Box.
Before you say "There are very fine people on both sides?" There is no justification for rudeness and berating someone willing to devote time to that site. I never shall. The bad people do not deserve my time. The good people are here already and we are connected. If I want to hear their voices? I can pick up the phone and strike up a conversation- hopefully about something more interesting than LinkedIn.