Defending the indefensible
Yosof Ewing
Getting specialist contractors paid in full & on time from major contractors | Contract Coaching & Dispute Resolution | Send me a DM to see how I can help ??
I have a theory about some construction lawyers, not all, because I know some absolutely legendary men and women who are of the same mind as me, who want to better this industry and support those who do the work.
But sadly there is a large proportion who will do and say anything to support the status quo that is our industry – by drafting contracts??? that are unfit for purpose and end in dispute (weird how they also make money from that too ??…….), defending disputes when they must know their client is in the wrong, raising spurious jurisdictional challenges and generally being first class ?? ends whose primary motivation is money.
Oh, I’m sorry did that offend you? Well, good!!
A tale of woe...?
Now, before I get to that theory, I wanted to tell you a story about a recent adjudication we won for a small, family run civil engineering company in Englandshire ????
You could not meet nicer guys, a father and son, who are absolute grafters. Who care about what they do and do a f’cking amazing job. So f’cking amazing that even the end client tried to get them on all of their jobs, because their attitude, work ethic and output was second to none ??????
Now, any sane and rational person reading this article would think – “wow, surely the main contractor would put their arm around them and support them”. Or “I bet they got paid on time and then some…” ??
Nope. The main contractor was the lowest form of pond scum you could imagine ??????
Despite the fact these guys could do three months output in one month and the end client loved them. The main contractor saw fit to simply not pay them ??
Now, let me be clear, I am not talking about holding back 5% retention or a small portion of what was due. I mean they held back every damn penny that was due to be paid ???
There were no defects, no reason, no plausible excuse – just silence and then lies and accusations ????
Sheer unadulterated disrespect in my book!! ??
Those who can’t, teach? Wrong!!
I should have mentioned that I was also mentoring these guys via The Contract Coach? 6 month programme ?????
So they asked me for my help, albeit they didn’t fully understand adjudication, as we hadn’t reached that part of the programme, so they had been wasting time and money with debt recovery agencies who could not help them ????♂?
So I was asked to sort this out, not as a coach, but via our adjudication Party Representative service Adjudicate ????♂?
No pay less notice you say? ??
Hold my beer! ??
One technical knockout special Yosof adjudication coming up (I don’t approve of the term smash and grab!) ????
So off we went and got a brilliant female adjudicator appointed, great to see more ladies in the industry! ????♀??????????
And this brings me back to me theory ?
In a criminal matter, a crime has typically been committed and a lawyer will try and get their client a reduced sentence or even off with it, regardless of the rights and wrongs of the case ??
Unsavoury if you ask me, but listen up ????
In an adjudication where lawyers and some party representatives who think they are lawyers argue black is white and up is down to bamboozle, mislead and confuse adjudicators, I put it to you m’lud and our industry that they are complicit in a "crime", albeit a crime of morality ????
Has to be the case, logic dictates it. I would and can honestly say that I have never advanced a case where I had even the tiniest sliver of doubt my client was not entitled to payment ?????
The crime only happens when their client gets out of paying their bill.
So if they assist in that act, surely that makes them accomplices to a crime, morally speaking? ????♀?
Controversial for sure, but that’s what I think and I couldn’t give a f’ck any more about offending some people in this industry I love. Two heart attacks will change your attitude to the world let me tell you!! ????????
The construction industry has some absolutely abhorrent practices and I intend to stop them, so we will break many eggs and we will upset some people, but we will change it ????
Let me demonstrate why I think this way ??
Jurisdictional Challenges
Some people (not me) often infer that certain men who drive large sports cars are overcompensating for a lack of something elsewhere ??
Now I have no idea if this could be true, but some people do think that I am sure we can all agree? ??
When I refer an adjudication, almost without fail these days the other side raise a spurious jurisdictional challenge ????♂? (I had another recently that had four ?? challenges, all failed) ?
What this means in lay terms is the other side try to get the "judge" to step down before the matter is even heard. It’s basically making a dispute about the dispute to avoid dealing with the dispute!! ??
Asking someone to stop doing their job and earning money, interesting strategy......??
Now I am no lawyer (thank f’ck ??), but I have successfully challenged all of them and the disputes have continued to a decision ??
But here’s the thing....??
Let me put it to you this way……..
Tell me you don’t have a strong defence without telling me you don’t have a strong defence – JURISDICTIONAL CHALLENGE. ????♂???
Like I said it’s like someone with a big fancy sports car to deflect the fact they don’t ahem measure up elsewhere ??
So my point is...
So, if you’re still with me (thank you) – let me go back to the absolute tomfoolery we were met with when I started an adjudication for the father and son civils company I mentioned above ?????
The main contractor had already benefitted from my clients’ labours and had not paid a penny for the works, despite many attempts to get paid ??
Their lawyers (a very old and supposedly prestigious firm) raised a jurisdictional challenge ????♂???
They alleged my client and his operatives had signed individual contracts of employment with the main contractor ???
Me: wait, what? ??
Me: okay, if this is true, can we see them? (this would end the adjudication so was pretty important). ??
Game playing…..
The other side’s lawyers refused point blank to produce them until they had issued their response (running up legal bills contrary to the ethos of adjudication) ??
The response arrived – the jurisdictional issue turned out to be a complete fabrication, as none of the alleged "contracts" had been signed ???????♂?
Now I say alleged because this is actually pretty funny in hindsight!! ??
The contract they claimed was signed (which had not been) was in fact a site induction form ??????♂?
Yes, you read that right!!???
Now go back to my theory – in which universe is that ethical or moral for a professional law firm (a very, very old one) to create an absolutely bullsh$t argument and expect an adjudicator to agree with them ?????
We won and my client got paid everything they were owed, plus significant interest, plus the other side had to pay the adjudicators fees ??????
This example of outright abuse of hardworking specialist contractors brings me to the real issue ??
The Construction Act needs urgent reform.
This issue could be drastically reduced if Parliament changed the Act and allowed Adjudicators to award parties costs in the adjudication against the losing party ????
This is just one area that needs reform, more to follow ??
The Adjudication process has been hijacked by lawyers and needs to be changed to deal with this nonsense.
Make sure you follow me for a real persons take on construction ??
Want to know more?
Our 6 month coaching programme actually uses this real world adjudication case as an example to teach delegates how adjudication works and has been very well received to date.
Get in touch and super charge your specialist (not "sub") contractor business by learning about the Construction Act and how to use it to benefit your business, adjudication as noted above, construction law principles, process improvement and much much more.
DM me Yosof Ewing or connect and follow me for more like this.
Expert Delay Analyst & Quantum Consultant
12 个月Some time ago I helped a guy who was employed as a sweeper upper on the building site and he was induced to work self employed and was given a list of tasks as a BOQ with prices attached. All went well for a month or two but he was being asked to do tasks that were not listed or priced. When he asked the Site QS for a bit extra he was told "If it ain't in the BOQ list you don't get paid for it ." This puzzled him so he asked my advice. I told him to get the ruling in writing and have it signed, which the QS obligingly did I then told him to take the piece of paper to the nearest Police fraud officer and press charges. He didn't do that but told the QS directly what would happen. He got a revised list and got his back pay. So: Any attempt to defraud directly or act as an accomplice to defraud is a potential crime and should be prosecuted.