The Defended Community Initiative
Mike Smock
Senior Strategic Advisor | I help start, fix, and grow businesses | Author - 52 Business Adages Considered Biblically | Eph 6:10-17
UPDATED 12.15.2022 -- 2022 briefing released. Click here to download.
Distributed Security has launched the Defended Community Initiative. The short briefing below outlines the initiative. If you would like a private briefing for your agency, department or community email and he will facilitate the briefing.
A Defended Community is a community that is protected from lawless violence via collaboration between county or municipal law enforcement, and citizen volunteers trained to exacting standards, under the discipline and operational control of local authorities. The objective of the Defended Community Initiative is to provide a self-funding force multiplier for law enforcement agencies facing increasing threats, decreasing budgets and growing public hostility.?
The need for Defended Communities.
Threats. In the recent past it was straightforward to predict and prioritize potential threats. This is no longer the case as violent threats to local communities are evolving rapidly and unpredictably. Decentralized threats driven by accelerating polarization signal an unpredictable future for urban centers and smaller communities.??
Response. Budgetary pressures combined with growing anti-police activism are negatively impacting law enforcement response. Police are now required to do more with less as they confront a violent, unpredictable future.
Discipline. Many communities have a pool of responsible armed citizens who would stand up of their own initiative in a crisis to support local law enforcement, but they usually lack the standardized training, communications, organization, and discipline necessary to earn the confidence of local authorities to act in concert with them.
The elements of a Defended Community Initiative.?
Training curriculum. The initiative is based upon training capable and properly vetted residents to safely and effectively defend community life and property, in support of and coordinated with local law enforcement. The curriculum consists of a progressive training ladder encompassing combative firearms fundamentals, individual tactics, team tactics, tactical medical, and tactical communication skills. The curriculum is delivered via a 360-degree set of online, on-range, and on-site training resources sustained by guided persistent training, practice, and exercises.?
Self-sustaining business model. Tax revenue, grants, or other forms of public financing are becoming inadequate and undependable if not unavailable. The initiative includes a self-funding business model allowing the initiative to pay for itself.
Command and control. Local law enforcement and community leaders would control the initiative including assignments, responsibilities, and use of force policy.?
How to pay for a Defended Community Initiative.?
A fundamental requirement of a defended community is eliminating the need for public funding. There are two ways to accomplish this; enlist local enterprises to financially sponsor the initiative, or, civilian participants pay for their training, the cost of which is similar to training they might seek on their own.
Distributed Security has an established business model that can deliver the platforms necessary to monetize the initiative without impacting the budget of local law enforcement agencies.
Standards for training.?
We have developed guidelines reflecting our belief that sustained training and correct practice are necessary for anyone to be a safe, effective, and disciplined defender of life and property, acting within the law and in concert with local law enforcement. These standards meet or exceed the standards of law enforcement firearms training and qualifications and are adaptable to fit the specific needs of local law enforcement. At every level of training, we insist upon - and provide the resources for - this level of commitment and persistent effort:?
This initiative is controlled by local officials and implemented by Distributed Security. There is no cost to the agency, municipality, or county for implementation, as individuals or sponsoring enterprises pay the price of their training.?
The Defended Community Initiative is composed of modular components allowing a participating community to customize a program to meet their specific needs. The cornerstone of this program is training citizens in the use of firearms to actively defend life and property from violent attack. The DCI program trains civilians to a high and consistent standard and provides LEAs with assurance of their proficiency and reliability, and their ability to link up safely with first responders in the aftermath of an incident. The program has three tiers reflecting the skill achieved and designated role of the civilian. These tiers are:?
Tier 4 - Individual Defender - 18 hours initial training + 74 hours of persistent practice annually. Baseline training for citizens who legally carry concealed weapons in public venues for the purpose of immediate defense of self or others against lethal threats.
Tier 3 - Individual Operator - 48 hours initial training + 103 hours of persistent practice annually. For serious citizens who want to learn the full spectrum of individual skills and tactics for safe and effective defense against lethal threats.??
Tier 2 - Team Operator - 72 hours initial range training + 133 hours of persistent practice annually. For serious citizens who want to work as part of a team to protect their business, church, or school.
The tier(s) trained is dependent upon the security objective of the community. Some communities may want to offer Tier 4 training only, while others may want to develop a more robust capability. As an example, a smaller community facing significant security challenges might have 100 participants in the initiative and may train a blended force consisting of 50 Tier 4, 30 Tier 3, and, 20 Tier 2 participants. The potential security threats determine the mix.?
Program Options
Training Plan: A detailed interactive training plan describing pre-range, on-range, and post-range instruction and practice. Plan integrates DSI’s extensive video and print resources.?
Comprehensive Plan: A detailed written plan created in partnership with the local law enforcement agency describing roles, responsibilities, event response, command and control structure, use of force policy, communication protocols, etc.?
Train the Trainers: DSI trains, certifies, and recertifies annually, agency personnel to administer our curriculum.
Training Exercises: DSI, working in partnership with the local law enforcement agency, will design and supervise scenario driven field exercises intended to train the civilian cadre and first responders on specific threats facing the community.?
Program Management: DSI will provide an on-site or remote program manager to oversee all aspects of the program.?
Interested in a briefing for your department or agency? Email to set-up a video briefing.??
Distributed Security is a private security company. They train, advise, and operate proprietary teams to actively defend enterprise life and property. Their offerings are delivered via online, on-range, and on-site options. Distributed Security is pioneering the development of Distributed Security Networks and Defended Community Initiatives.