Defective chips and components from China and methods of counteraction.
Dmitrii Khramtsov
SMT Process Engineer | Expert in Electronics Manufacturing & PCB Assembly | IPC 610J Certified | ESD & Reflow Specialist | R&D & Process Optimization
In this article, I want to share with you a variety of schemes of deception on the part of Chinese sellers of electronic components. I will tell you about the methods and techniques for determining counterfeit goods. The article contains several types of deception and ways to counteract it.
Item 1.
Very often, substandard components are found in tapes and coils with components - microchips without legs, curves, and so on. Why? Where does this come from?
It's simple! If you are faced with this, then we can say with confidence that you bought Chinese-made components. The bottom line is that illiquid chips are mixed with a relatively normal clan of chips and all this is packed into one coil. Thus, the Chinese get rid of the illiquid.
Item 2.
Pacifiers. Mass-selling microchips are an excellent reason to mix deliberately empty microchips with them. Such coils are formed like this-80-90% are more or less working clones, and the rest are outright dummies.
Item 3.
Identification of counterfeit chips. At the moment, a good way is a detailed digital comparison of the image of the original component and the one being tested. The Chinese are unable to recreate an ideal component that looks similar to the original. Make digital images of the original in high quality, compare the angles and degrees of the case, the roughness and polishing of the component surfaces, the quality of the casting of the case, the color and font of the component, the font thickness, the clarity of the font lines, the diameter of the key. The quality of pruning of the terminals, the quality of tinning of the terminals, the presence of oxide and corrosion on the sections of the terminals. Remember that when buying in China, you need to realize that you almost always buy a clone.
Before this story with CO**D, the Chinese resold a very large number of European, American originals of components at their sites. The prices were more expensive than those of the manufacturers, but since people loved Ali**press, they obviously believed that it was cheaper there and were very wrong, but these were really original components.
Now the situation between the United States and China has changed very much and it is problematic for the Chinese to buy electronic components in Europe and in the United States, sometimes it is impossible. But the Chinese would not be Chinese and created a lot of clones and also sell them to the same buyers who previously bought the originals from them.
Item 4.
Chinese analogues of components (microchips, passive components) often have other sizes that may differ significantly from the original. If you are developing a printed circuit board by reading the documentation for the original component, it will be a big mistake to buy a Chinese clone, since its dimensions may not coincide with the pads on your printed circuit board. Based on the above, it is necessary to purchase a small trial batch, make sure that all sizes are suitable for your project and only then take an even stronger risk and buy a large batch of Chinese clones.
Item 5.
Wires. For production, it is often necessary to buy wires in coils for further cutting. What is the danger of buying wires in China from an unknown unverified seller? - I will give examples.
? You need a copper AWG20, and actually comes AWG22. A little less, it seems, and not so critical, but you have already been deceived.
? You need a copper AWG20 and actually comes with an AWG20. Still good! - you will say. But the actual cross-section of the veins may be smaller. You have been deceived again.
? You need a copper AWG20 and actually comes AWG20. But.... this is not copper, but some kind of incomprehensible alloy. Tinned copper wires are forged even more easily. Here you can stuff anything at all.
You can search for reliable Chinese suppliers for a very long time and get burned. It is better to buy with a guarantee, more expensive, not not in China.
You always take a risk when buying in China.
How can I prevent the purchase of an illiquid?
There are several options:
* Be located directly in China and check all purchased components on the spot. Thus, you carry out the input control on the spot - in China, and if any defects are detected, you can immediately return the components to the supplier. But the problem is that China has eliminated this opportunity by closing entry to the country for foreigners.
? You may not be in China on your own, but it is important to have your own company, office and loyal Chinese employees there who can carry out control work instead of you. With large purchases, this is an effective way of doing business.
? The most inconvenient option is to stay in your country and buy a small batch for the test first, and then a large one. There is a huge probability that you will still be sold a fake.
Ideas for input control.
Application of automatic inspection technology.?
To speed up the input inspection of components, you can create a device that will compare the received images of the original component (placed in the inspection compartment) and the checked component, which is placed in an adjacent compartment.
The task of the machine is a detailed comparison of the images of the original and the component purchased in a dubious place.
Application of X-ray control.
X-ray control installations can solve some of the problems with illiquid components, especially those related to pacifiers, but a good clone inside will practically not differ, but this is a matter of more careful comparison.
Thank you for reading.
My video about it. With English and German subtitles.