A Defeat, but not Defeated
Ed Gurowitz
Master Coach, Strategy Consultant, Executive and Leadership Development Consultant, Diversity and Inclusion (DEI) Specialist
I spent election day flying to Botswana in Southern Africa. On the plane, I searched for news and finally learned the outcome of the Presidential election.
Readers of this blog will not be surprised to learn I was beyond disappointed – I was sick with dismay, more so when I learned later of the outcomes of the Senate and House races.
It was Joseph de Maistre who wrote in 1811 "Every nation gets the government it deserves” (a quote often attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville). That is a hard pill to swallow in this case. Being here in Botswana, arriving on the day of the inauguration of the nation’s fourth President, and having been here during the terms of the second, third, and now fourth Presidents, people are more interested in their own national change of leadership, but seldom fail to mention the US election. Watching non-US news programs, it is clear that much of the rest of the world is, to put it mildly, nervous about what a second Trump administration will mean.
I’m not nervous – I’m terrified based on what I saw in the first Trump Presidency and on his dumpster fire of a campaign.
I’ve spent the past 60-plus years of my life – my entire adult life, that is – fighting for justice and equality for people of color, women, LGBTQIA+ folks, immigrants, you name it. No matter how I try to spin toward optimism, I can’t find an upside. I know and have heard from many friends and colleagues who have similar sentiments.
My life has, in one dimension, been a journey from cynicism to optimism, and I’m finding myself in a difficult place. If I have one key core belief it is that MLK was right about the moral arc of the Universe – right on two counts: one, that the arc is long, and two, that it bends toward justice. I also know that nothing important in life ascends or descends smoothly – there are ups and downs along the way. Still, I hold with St. Julian of Norwich that “all will be well, all manner of things will be well,” and with the young man in the movie “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” who said “everything turns out OK in the end, so if it’s not OK, it’s not the end.”
Of that last, I’m sure. It’s not the end. A lot can happen in four years, and as I’ve said in a previous blog, I don’t believe Trump will be POTUS that long – he has accomplished what he really ran for – having won the popular vote and the House and Senate, he can say unequivocally that he’s not “a loser” and he can pardon who he wants including himself. He demonstrated in his first term that he has no interest in governing, so I believe that after using his power to avenge himself on his detractors, he will lose interest and resign, with Vance and his Project 2025 buddies taking over.
Vance and the Heritage Foundation, along with so-called Christian Nationalists and other Fascists scare me far more than Trump does, but we’ll have to see. Typically the first by-election in a new term results in big changes in the House and Senate, so we need to go to work on 2026 now.
As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13, And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. Actually, I’m going to give equal time to faith and hope, and add in more than a little action.
Executive in Residence; Instructor-Haas Business School & College of Engineering, UC Berkeley; (Former) Director at HP
3 个月Thank you, Ed. I've been thinking and feeling along the same lines. And writing a proposal for a next step, one that involves you. I'll send you as far as I've got...
Sr. Mortgage Loan Officer & Construction Lending Specialist
3 个月saying nothing about the content of your post - this is a business, career and professional site. Your post is entirely appropriate on say, Facebook/Meta. Not appropriate for LinkedIn. Enormous respect and regard for your thinking and writing, but not on this site.
I voted for the rule of law, legal immigration, sovereignty, 2 sexes, male and female, women’s rights, no men in women’s sports, locker rooms and bathrooms, I voted for smaller government, I voted for the Constitution and all its amendments. I voted for meritocracy, I voted against DEI and CRT. I voted against cancel culture and for Freedom of Speech ! I am very excited to see what Elon Musk will do to remove Government inefficiency, get a handle on this trillions of debt. I am excited to see what RFK, jr will do to bring attention to our Nation’s health. I am very excited that we won’t be funding any foreign wars and bring peace to the Middle East again! I have hope for America!
Owner, HeartWorks
3 个月Let's not forget Hegel's recognition of the dialectic at work in society. We need to get the pendulum swinging back our way!
Ed, the people are not stupid. They spoke up for what was important to them. They voted for who they believed understood their needs. Such is democracy.