Defaulting Current Day, Month and Year as Parameter Value of a BI Report
In one of the previous article we have seen how to default current date as a default value of a parameter in BI Data Model Report However, some time there is a need that we need to have three different parameters holding day. Month and year and we even want to have a default value assigned to each of these parameters.
If one tries to use the $SYSDATE() function he would not get the desired results and each of the parameter will be of Date Data Type which means that whenever an end user clicks on the parameter input box a calendar would open and he/she will be asked to enter a Date value but the expectation here is to pass Day (Numeral Between 1- 31), Month (Any Month Between Jan to Dec) and Year ( Four Digit Year). So one has to use a trick to achieve this functionality.
Read about the same here.