Def Hacks Outreach Program

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to promote access to relevant educational materials so that people everywhere can find high-quality jobs. Here at Def Hacks, we believe that getting people interested and educated about Computer Science is what will provide them with the skills they need to succeed. Unfortunately, this isn’t easy due to the digital divide— there’s an alarming amount of communities being left in the dust without access to Computer Science learning materials. 

To counter this issue, we are creating our very own online Computer Science curriculum to distribute to those communities most in need of it. 

If you think that your community is underprivileged and lacking in access to Computer Science educational materials, we want to serve you! Fill out this form to apply to be one of the very first communities that our program rolls out to: 

Share this post to help us expand our reach and get much-needed support to those who need it!


