Patrick Casale
Insurance Broker contracted around the United States offering health insurance coverage. I specialize in helping Small to Large Businesses attain quality affordable health insurance for their employees.
Since the adoptions of OBAMACARE/THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT insuring individuals and families has never been more difficult!
Technical difficulties, billing and just the basic issues and just made the initial year of ACA very difficult. In the first year Xerox made a mess of the system and many Nevadans struggled in every aspect!
If not for the brokerage community that cost the consumers nothing, many would have been left out to dry with medical issues.
This brings me to current year. This year we have had yet more growing pains especially with the Medicaid changes that are currently going on. Many still have no clue that they may not be covered! The initial thought was more folks would be calling each and every day seeking to enroll.
The broker/agent community really has been a consumer blessing by helping many folks understand the system, qualify for maximum benefits and help making sure claims are paid!
CMS doesn't really want insurance professionals and will attempt to financially capitalize if they are in control. The worst part for the consumer is the lack of customer services, the inability to understand the inner workings of health insurance and the real culprit, large medical exposures!
The ACA needs ti be reconstructed at the very least! Folks over 55 cannot afford health insurance premiums, cannot afford high deductibles and if they are couples the costs are extreme! Within the next few years the out of pockets will be $10,000.00 per individual and $20,000.00 for a family! Seriously, how "affordable" is the ACA?
I strongly back the use if insurance professionals and hope they will all join together and help mitigate these ridiculous high costs across the board.
For more info feel free to reach out and ask any questions you'd like answers without being obligated.