DeepFake Risk Governance
Prabhu Siddhartha Guptara
Board Consultant, Poet, & Publisher - Salt Desert Media Group Ltd. (with 2 imprints: Global Resilience; and Pippa Rann); Ex-Executive Director, Wolfsberg/UBS; Ex-International Advisory Council, London Business School
Do check out the excellent publication, FORGED AUTHENTICITY: GOVERNING DEEPFAKE RISKS
published by the #EPFL's #InternationalRiskGovernanceCenter (SEE
Here is an idea of the publication's contents:
What is #deepfakeDigitalContent?: Fabricated images, video, audio or text created using machine-learning tools.
Why is such content growing so fast?: Because it is becoming exponentially quicker, easier and cheaper to produce.
Result: The pace of change is running way ahead of our ability to understand the implications and respond to them.
What is the role of #Internet #PlatformTechnologies? They are central to the dissemination of deepfake content; and so are central to #deepfakeGovernance.
What have been the consequences of the application of machine learning to the creation of deepfakes?:
- radical alteration of the *quality* of output that is routinely achievable;
- dramatic reduction in the resources required to produce hyper-realistic fake artefacts, enabling their production at previously unimaginable scales;
- “democratization” of the process through the distribution of user-friendly software tools and paid-for services.
What approach can enable us to understand the main risks? Possibly a 3-dimensional matrix covering:
- reputational damage,
- financial damage,
- manipulation of decision-making processes.
How to pick between deepfake risks - e.g. where are regulatory and/ or legislative responses most needed?
Another 3-dimensional matrix is useful:
- severity (the level of harm caused by the deepfake);
- scale (how widespread the harm is)
- resilience (the ability of the “target” to withstand the impact).
The publication's conclusion: "there is a prima facie case for prioritizing responses to deepfakes that cause intense harm to individuals or that contribute to sytemic societal risks such as the erosion of trust and truth".
#forgery #DeepFakes #FakeNews #Risks #DigitalRisk #TechnologyGovernance #TechnologyRegulation #RiskGovernance #RiskRegulation #SocialMediaPlatforms #AIethics #MachineLearning #PlatformTechnologies