Deep Leadership, High Results
Barry Lewis Green
I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing high functioning Purpose and Unity through elevated conversations, capacities and Character. Let's move forward together, stronger.
If great Leadership is helping to guide and influence others toward a common vision or goal or Just Cause, and Culture is the shared values, beliefs, meaning and assumptions in getting there… then it is time to move the needle on common endeavour, shared service, collective learning, and advancing together, ever stronger… at school, work, business, play and community.? That is a mouthful, and a heartful lol. That in mind and heart, in my 44 years (so far) of education, experience, evaluation and Enthusiasm... and in my 64 years on Earth (and counting) ... I have observed and ever increasingly realized that Character, Purpose and Unity are three fundamental forces to help us all get there. And that said, I humbly offer that developing such is about a mind and heart set of joyful Excellence, Resourcefulness and Service.
Unprecedented changes and challenges in the world require an assured and formidably cool and confident Strength of Character… forging a more powerful sense of Purpose and Unity… moving ever forward... with a joyful Excellence.. LP Jacks said:
Joyful Excellence is about striving for said Excellence, and having fun getting there. But, it is a fun that engages the trails, trials and triumphs alike, if you will. This is not “kumbaya”.? This is not "Panacea". It is true Optimism... in practice. It faces change and challenge, with choice and Character. It is Studentry over mastery, in my observation. We are works in progress; but in progress. Joyful Excellence is knowing we are getting there, bringing our best to it and enjoying the ride. Ultimately, it is high functioning Unity within and without (Congruence), driven by Character and Purpose.? And, it gets things done!? When we find our best fit (versus simply "fitting in")... we find our best place to do our best work to get our best results, individually and collectively.
All that said, on moving that aforementioned needle (on common endeavour, shared service, collective learning, and advancing together, ever stronger), I educate, speak, train, facilitate, coach, mentor, converse, study, practice, write, blog, vlog, cartoon, sing, dance, box and create to move the kind of confident Character, Purpose and Unity needed to engage an uncertain world … and build a better one.? I bring my hard earned and real Faith and my ongoing study of Stoicism. I bring my 44 years of career, and 64 years of Life. And, I bring joyful Excellence.
Then, there is...
I learned Resourcefulness from my parents; using what you got. They were born and raised through the 1920s and into the Great Depression and World War II... and more... and I share some stories of same in many of my sessions, online and in person. I witnessed the rigors and results of Resourcefulness first hand, and wholehearted. That said, of late, I have shared some information and resources in these 5 articles:
... and my core tool of work is The Humanity Map engaging 126 Virtues, 6 Temperaments and 6 Strategies for navigating same. Resourcefulness is a Strength of Character and bears the fruits of both Resilience and Excellence. I am often reminded that it is not about our resources, but our Resourcefulness. It is using what we got to get where we need best be.
With joyful Excellence and Resourcefulness, we bring our best, trust our capacities to find what we need in doing so, and enjoy the journey. And, then there is...
One of those "resources" for me was Professor Rolf Hattenauer who changed the trajectory of my Life. Profoundly. I share that story too... in many of my sessions. His capacity for Faith in his students, his dedication to Excellence, and his Determination to follow through on same... changed how I saw myself for the rest of my Life, and counting. As a Leader, he chose to serve, and the impact was formidable and foundational. For me, I choose to work with and serve...
... going DEEPER on LEADERSHIP towards?HIGHER on RESULTS. Deeper on Leadership is about exploring the fundamental and vital importance of Character, beyond skill, ability and knowledge. Said skill, ability and knowledge are important indeed but they best serve us in the known game. Amidst change and challenge and uncertainty, Character is the bedrock of great and cooperative Leadership. I suggest that Professor Hattenauer deeply understood this. Character matters.
I intend to serve the "Hattenauers" out there, and those aspiring to be such. That in mind, I suggest that with joyful Excellence and Resourcefulness... and the clarity on who and how we best serve, in true Service... we find our own Integrity of Character, Purpose and Unity.
Furthering on that, in my work, I go deeper on exploring and advancing Character and Leadership… and its impact on sharpened Purpose and high functioning Unity.? I choose to work with Educators, Entrepreneurs and Emerging Leaders forging cultures that “bring it”… forward together, ever stronger… at school, work, business, play and community.? And, for an ever better world and future.? I choose to work with those Educators, Entrepreneurs and Emerging Leaders who are making a lasting difference, or deeply want to do so; and in Honor to Professor Hattenauer. That is my own best sense of Service.
Indeed, I have long believed and said that I will not so much change the world, but I will be the 900 pound gorilla who has the backs and hearts of those that do. And this gorilla has a lot in the tank... with a depth and breadth of education, experience, evaluation and Enthusiasm... including but not limited to:
... and heaping amounts of that joyful Excellence and Resourcefulness thing.
That noted, in this special edition of A PEACE of WORK... where I would normally share content from 3 TUGtv series including:
... all good and great "resources"... today, the larger focus is on Character, Purpose and Unity... and my work and Service around same. I and We… keep it real, fun, accessible and content driven... all that joyful Excellence and Resourcefulness thing. My consciously chosen work and Service is around exploring and advancing Deeper Leadership... for Higher Results. Moving forward together, stronger... with Character Leadership, Forward. Joyful Excellence and Resourcefulness in hand and heart. The exploration of Character Leadership will continue.
Peace, Justice and Unity...