The anti-Obama-CIA-“deep state” conspiracy theory that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower to ensnare candidate Trump is simply fantastical. 

Congressional Republicans have uniformly run away from Trump’s Obama-wiretap accusation. Director of National Intelligence Clapper denies it. FBI Director James Comey denies it. Not a single member of Trump’s own administration is willing to say it’s true. 

Loopier still is to demand that Congress find the truth when the president could just pick up the phone and instruct the FBI, CIA and DNI to declare on the record whether this ever occurred. And if there really was an October 2016 FISA court order to wiretap Trump, the president could unilaterally declassify the information yesterday. The bugging story is less plausible than a zombie invasion.

The same cannot be said about the suspicion that Trump and his campaign colluded with Russian intelligence. Suspicion arises because of the apparently otherwise untenable pro-Putin positions and it’s also very hard to explain why Michael Flynn falsely denied discussing sanctions with the Russian ambassador and why Attorney General Jeff Sessions falsely denied having any contacts at all. That suggests concealment. Even though there was nothing inherently inappropriate with either behavior, why conceal? 

#Vault7 #weepingAngel #Wikileaks #Trump #Obama #CIA #deepstate #conspiracytheory #wiretapped #TrumpTower #wiretap #Clapper #FBI #Comey #Congress #CIA #DNI #FISA #zombieinvasion #intelligence #Flynn #Sessions


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