Deep Relationship with The Creator Part 3 -- and Seven Components of Drawing Close


This Broadcast continues the discussion of seeking a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator and rebuts a number of objections and criticisms relating to this topic. It then commences to introduce Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty.

This article was Broadcast on W4CY Radio.


Good day!

The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!

If you are an unbeliever, the Creator has said regarding you, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do not believe I exist?"

He has also said concerning believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with me, and have not proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"

Today we are going to continue to talk about the fundamental subject of this programme ? "The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You," and we will then go on to talk about Seven Components in drawing close to the Almighty Creator.

The Almighty has said, "I created human beings, this planet, and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions to explore and learn and to develop together. My greatest grief is that almost no person understands this, let alone seek such a relationship with me."


In tonight's programme, we are going to look at some comments around the subject of “The Almighty Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You”.

We will look at this religion stuff.

We will look at “if the Almighty is so powerful why is this world such a mess?”

We will look at "He demands too much, I cannot comply."

We will look at a few other things that you should know and we will look at what to do if you accept this message.

We will then move on to Seven Components in drawing close to the Almighty Creator. We will look at a summary of those components and an initial introduction, which we will carry on with next week.

To remind you of what I have said before, a Friend earnestly, intentionally, and actively seeks relationship and cares deeply for their Friend.


By way of introduction, who am I?

Dr. James Robertson, a PhD in Civil Engineering, 25 years as an IT management consultant, diversity of experience, travelled quite widely, very committed believer in the Almighty Creator, following an experience 25 years ago where He spoke to me audibly as clearly as you can hear me speaking to you right now.

At that point, I realised my life was a mess, decided to turn around, and seek to draw close to Him. That I have done, some years better than others, but it has given me a lot of insight. I have applied Engineering principles to this journey and then in the process learned a lot, published a lot. This programme is about that which I have learned.

What is End Time Issue Ministries?

It is my organisational vehicle for delivering my message via Internet publishing, couple of websites, and email mailing lists, this radio programme and shortly we will have some physical books.

What about this programme ? "The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You?" That is a fundamental message that I want to share with you. It has become the focus of everything that I do to share that message with as many people as possible and to lead others to become Friends of the Almighty.

See my website at for more information.

Questions from Last Week's Programme

Some questions from last week's programme:

"Will He heal us while we are on the Earth?" Certainly. If you draw close to the Father and get filled with His Spirit, He will heal most people most of the time. Sometimes there are reasons why people do not get the healing, but as a general principle, it is His will for you to prosper and be in health. If you draw close to Him, He will heal you.

Question number two: "How do we know if we are following the correct higher power?" Well, truth be told, there is no correct higher power. There is only one higher power and that is the Almighty Creator. It is important to recognise that Satan is not a higher power. Satan is a Messenger, an Angel created originally as Hillel, the Praise Bearer in Heaven, created to be a servant of mankind. Remember that Messengers, Angels are created to be servants of man, they are not created to lead us and they are not better than us. The worship of Angels, the depiction of Angels as beings that are greater than we are is completely fallacious. They were created to be our servants. So you are either following the correct higher power or you are not following any higher power at all.

As I said last week, if you press in, if you seek to get to hear Him, if you fast and pray the prayers that I have spoken about a few weeks ago and I will speak about more in the future, you will get to a point where you know that you are following the correct power.

It is about a quality decision on your part in the first instance.

"How can we get the Almighty Creator to speak to us?" ? the next question. It is not a case of getting Him to speak to you. He wants to speak to you. It is whether you can hear Him. If you follow all the steps that I am going to talk about in the next few weeks, you will get to a place where He can speak to you clearly and where you will hear Him clearly.

Last question: "Why would we have to stay where we died?" This relates to what I said that if you as an unbeliever die, your spirit will stay where you die unless it is picked up and transported by Messengers or Angels, Satanic Messengers or by other human beings or by animals. The human spirit is reliant on a body to transport it. It has no motive power on its own. So if you die in a remote place when you are an unbeliever or you drown at sea and your body sinks to the bottom of the sea, or you are covered with lava in a volcanic outburst, your spirit will stay attached to your body in a very dark and desperate place in some cases. So you really do not want to take that chance.

So easy to believe, so easy to give your life to the Father. Why would you not want to do that? Easy for me to say now after 25 years of relationship with Him. As I stand today, I just cannot understand why it is so difficult to believe that He exists? The creation is all around us as we have spoken about in the last two weeks.

Body of Article

The Almighty Creator wants a deep personal relationship with YOU as His FRIEND

and wants to REWARD you in the life to come!

So to pick up with the topic of the last two broadcasts and tonight, the Almighty Creator wants a Deep Personal Relationship with you as His Friend and wants to reward you in the life to come.

Yah the Eternally Self Existing, the Almighty Creator says, "I created human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost no person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"

He goes on to say, "The 'Rules of Engagement' between myself (Yah) and Satan prevent me telling you anything you do not know unless you ask me or do something to put yourself in a place to hear new information from me."

He also says, "I (Yah) am limited in speaking to you by the mental barriers you have put in place with regard to what you believe I can say to you and by your vocabulary."

The purpose of serving Yah is not for what He will give us in this life, but for what we will give Him in this life in exchange for His rewards to us in the life to come.

Continuing: But this religion stuff is irrational and illogical, frankly its nonsense!

So to pick up from the message last week, my next point: "Many people say, but this religion stuff is irrational and illogical, frankly it is nonsense." And to be honest, you are absolutely correct. Almost all that organised religion teaches is false and is irrational, illogical, and nonsense.

For example, there are people that teach that the Bible is the "Living word of God." This is just not so. The Bible is not the living word of God or any such thing. It is a book written by human beings. It contains error and the Almighty hates it because people turn away from seeking relationship with Him to worship the book. Consider Bible Church, Bible study, Bible school, all are an abomination in the Sight of the Almighty.

He desires a Deep Personal Relationship with each and every one of us and the Bible gets in the way of that and filters and limits our relationship with Him.

I hear you say, "But I have grown so much in my knowledge of the Almighty through the Bible Church or the Bible study or the Bible school or the Bible this and that." Yes, you have, because you force Him to meet you through the Bible, but you are limited then in terms of what you can experience of Him and what you can hear from Him by the filter that the Bible creates.

The Bible is a useful history book. If you want to get maximum value from the Bible, read about the anointed ones in the Bible. Say, Father how do I get to be like that? I am not saying that you want to be like Samson, doing all the things that Samson did, but how do you get to the place of having such a deep relationship with the Father?

Furthermore, "Bible punchers" (the Almighty’s term) preach messages that are fundamentally false based on inaccurate translations of remnants of texts to which have been ascribed mystical properties that are entirely false. Do not get me wrong. I have read the Bible many times and I have derived a lot of benefit from it. It was only when I stopped relying on the Bible and turned to Father as my entire source and started praying the sort of prayer that I taught about a few weeks ago that I really started to grow in my relationship with Him.

And during that initial period, I had any number of supernatural experiences because I never worshipped the Bible in the way that many people do. It is so important folks. He wants a relationship with you. He is not looking for your relationship with the Bible. He is looking for your relationship with Him, and there is lot more to read apart from the Bible, so much more to read. You really short change yourself if you go that route.

Another example why I say that religion is so wrong, creation did not take place in seven 24 hour days, it took place in seven stages over millions of years as the Almighty carefully crafted each element of what we see today, incremental step by incremental step, learning as He went, refining designs, discarding failed designs – everything that you would expect in an evolutionary Engineering process of this magnitude and complexity.

Another example – the so-called "Flood" did not come about because it rained and rained and rained with water that came from nowhere – the Earth was hit by an Ice Comet from the Kuiper Belt that struck the Earth and melted flooding the Earth. It turns out that an Ice Comet of around 2,250 kilometres in diameter – the size of the Hellas Planitia impact crater on the surface of Mars, once melted would flood the Earth to a depth of around 11.75 kilometres. In the process, the impact knocked the Earth to about 30 degrees off its vertical axis and knocked the Earth into an elliptical orbit around the sun. This massive shift in the axis of the Earth coupled to the change in solar orbit resulted in massive crustal forces which resulted in crustal disruption and tectonic upheaval (Earth crust disruption), around 20,000 volcanoes, upwelling of granite and lava, etc. The evidence is readily visible all over the Earth.

Concurrently with this, dating from its creation, the core of the Earth had reached a super-heated state as a consequence of the nuclear reaction that occurs there. Coupled to the weakened crustal condition this suddenly caused the crust of the Earth to split open and the Earth increased in diameter by about 25%. This caused deep canyons to form, where the seas exist today and caused the water to drain off the continents. This gave rise to massive high velocity erosion resulting in the land forms that we take for granted today. There is much other nonsense that Bible worship is associated with and that religion generally is associated with.

I could talk for days about all the nonsense that different people of different denominations and different religious groupings believe that is not from the Almighty and you will find some reference to this on the website. But it is really not the point. The point is to get to a place where you have a deep relationship with Him and you know the truth, because He has taught you the truth.

Stop relying on other human beings to get you there. I can point you in the right direction. I can share my learnings with you. At the end of the day, do not worship me, do not follow me, do not worship my writings, use them as a useful resource and move on, draw closer to Him. He wants you to be close to Him. It does not matter where you come from, what your education is, what your religion is, what your race is, what your nation is, what language you speak, how old you are ? He wants a deep personal relationship with YOU. Do not get stuck in whatever it is that religion that you may belong to has taught you. Put that all to one side and concentrate on developing a relationship with Him. That is the only message that matters. If you are not seeking a personal relationship with Him and seeking to know Him and to be guided and directed by Him and have Him lead you to the answers to all your questions, you are fundamentally out of line and wasting your time.

Keep in mind that no matter what you do, He knows more than you do and He wants to help you get better at what you do. I am not referring to sin here, I am referring to productive work that you do to earn a living and make a contribution to society. He is also interested in your hobbies and other extramural pursuits and particularly interested in anything that is creative, inventive, seeking new knowledge. He wants to push the boundaries of your knowledge, technology, etc., far more than you do!

So, IF He is so powerful why is there SO much wrong in the world?

Another statement that is frequently made: "So if He is so powerful, why is there so much wrong in the world?" In other words, why is the world such a mess?

It is a very good question. During the creative process, things went wrong. One of the major manufacturing defects was that one of the three most senior Messengers or Angels who was the light bearer and Praise Leader in Heaven, Hillel, developed pride and rebelled. We know him today as Satan, the Adversary. The Almighty (Yah) judged the Adversary defective and was about to cast him into the incinerator (the Lake of Fire and Brimstone) to be destroyed when the Adversary challenged him to a Contest. The rules of the contest were simple – the Adversary and the third of the Messengers who followed him (there were billions) would be cast out of Heaven and onto Earth where Yah was working to create mankind. Once on Earth they would seek to deceive mankind to such an extent that after 7,000 years there was not a single human being in right standing with the Almighty on the Earth. In this event the Adversary (Satan) would be spared from destruction and would rule on Earth forever. If the Adversary failed then he and all those who followed him would be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and, in a moment of torment and terror, they would be utterly destroyed.

In terms of the Rules of Engagement neither party was allowed to directly speak to the humans with regard to changing behaviour or thinking -- they had to work through other humans and by asking questions, etc. At the time Yah was angry and frustrated and believed He would win easily, so He accepted the challenge. In fact it has turned out that the Adversary has been winning hands down and that there are very few human beings today who at any material level are serving the Almighty and in a position to bring judgment on the Adversary. In fact, right now there is no certainty that Yah will win the Contest. It is nearly 1000 years to go. Because of the Rules of Engagement, Yah is heavily constrained and therefore is unable to do anything about all the sin, error and evil that is on the Earth. Until one understands "The Contest" one is not able to really understand what is going on on the Earth today.

BUT – He demands too much, I cannot comply!

Another statement people make: "But He demands too much, I cannot comply." Many people hold that complying with the Commandments of the Creator, commonly referred to as "The Ten Commandments" is difficult or impossible. That is because of the way we have been brought up. In actual fact, the Commandments are not difficult to comply with, it is a matter of understanding and making a quality decision to comply. Yes, it will take time for you to walk out that decision, but with the help of the Almighty, it is entirely achievable. In order to do this one needs to understand the true importance of the Commandments because, as with everything on Earth just about everything we have been taught about the Commandments is false and a lot of what we do that we believe is compliant turns out to be in breach. The talk on the "Commandments" a few weeks ago and the "Commandments" section on my website discuss this in some detail.

Some other things you should know

Some other things you should know: There is a huge amount more that I could talk about to you but I think this is enough for now. I aim to continue teaching on this weekly for a number of weeks to go. In the interim, if you are seeking more information, please visit the website at

I am about to publish a set of books containing most of my teachings. Email me to find out about obtaining a set at [email protected].

What do YOU need to do IF you accept this message?

What do you need to do if you accept this message? So you have read this message, you see that it makes sense that there is a Creator, that He desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You, that things that did not make sense now do make sense. If you already believed maybe you see things in a new light with a new opportunity.

If you did not believe you now see things differently and now choose to believe. You may of course write this all off as so much mumbo jumbo and carry on as before. What do you do? My advice? Get on your knees, repent of your sin and pray something like "Almighty Father I ask you to have mercy on me, I now realize that my entire life to date has failed to accord you the position that you desire to have with me, please forgive me and lead me to a place of having a deep personal relationship with you."

If you are not prepared to do that, please do that understanding the consequences of your decision. Having prayed as above the next series of teaching in the weeks to come address Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator.


So in conclusion, I hope that this teaching has challenged you to seek a Deep Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self Existing. That is our ultimate purpose on Earth and the Eternal rewards are huge. Yes, you will have to make changes in your life, change your priorities and make sacrifices, but I have total assurance that you will find this worthwhile at the end of your life. The fundamental question for each one of us is whether to live life with Eternity in mind or with the here and now as our goal.

It is a choice for each one of us and is the ultimate design choice we were created to make! If this message has really challenged you and you have really decided to go all out to serve the Almighty, please drop me an email at [email protected] and I will add you to my mailing list and send you additional information. I would love to connect with you on Skype or by phone if you are willing.

If you are not challenged I encourage you to at least believe and do enough to become a Wise Virgin, the alternatives really are very unpleasant. If you have found this teaching of value please tell others about the programme

The Article "Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator" gives much information on drawing close to the Almighty summarizing much of what I have learned in the twenty one and a half years prior to writing the article. I plan to start teaching on these principles in the programmes that follow. This is not about a Church or a Mosque or a Synagogue or whatever, it is about you personally developing your own deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator.

In the final analysis, do not rely on any other human being to determine your relationship with the Almighty. Draw on them as resources but you can draw closer to Father than any other person on Earth today if you go all out to know Him and to craft your life the way He wants it for you. I am simply a signpost. I am here to show you the way. You can go way beyond anything that I have accomplished. There is so much more for you.

Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator

I am going to move on to the next part of this message, which is "Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator. "We have looked at “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You”, how do you get there?

This message addresses the measures you can take to draw close to the Almighty Creator starting now. These steps apply whether you have previously believed or whether you have now chosen to believe for the first time – the emphasis will vary depending on how you got to this point.

The seven steps are:

1. Decision. Decide that the Creator exists and decide to seek a deep personal relationship with Him or, if you already believe He exists, chose to seek a much deeper personal relationship with Him. We have talked a lot about that in the last few weeks.

2. Prayer. We have talked about prayers. I spoke a few weeks ago about prayer. There is a range of prayers that I have set out that are intended to enable you to get much closer to the Creator and be led by Him in every possible way. Prayers like "Show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it." Prayers that are intended to enable you to walk directly with the Creator and not rely on other human beings. As I said, refer to the teaching a few weeks ago.

3. Fasting. It is not possible to get really close to the Almighty without fasting. Some basic guidelines on what to do and what to pray I will talk about in the next few weeks.

4. Cleansing. This Earth is controlled by the Satanic realm and Demons, when one first comes to the Almighty one is highly contaminated. This section discusses at length what is required to get to a place where you can draw close to the Almighty and hear Him clearly.

5. Worship. Worship is vital in drawing close to the Almighty. I have presented a few weeks ago a selection of highly effective worship songs that will help you on your journey.

6. Research. You are unique, your needs are unique, the value you can add to the Creator is unique, you need to investigate Him and His Kingdom for yourself and work with Him to craft your unique position in His service.

I cannot stress this enough, do not follow another man or woman. Learn from them and move on.

The situation where people have schools and churches and people abdicate the responsibility to form a relationship with Father by relying on the pastor or the priest or the shepherd or the imam or the rabbi or whatever, it is just so destructive, so unhelpful. They just create carbon copies of themselves. It is not the way Father intended things to be. We should each be helping the other to go further than we have gone. I encourage you to do that. Learn from me, I have got many years of hard, painful learning, which are documented on my website and in my books. You can go much further than I have gone. I encourage you to do that.

7. Action. Having done all the above it is now time for you to step out with the Almighty Creator and start being of service to Him and developing that deep personal relationship that you have chosen to pursue. Each of these steps are discussed in detail in the programmes that follow. Growing close to the Almighty Creator is an iterative and progressive process of all of these points as you deal with your sin and come to a place of hearing Him more clearly and understanding Him and His goals for your life. I cannot stress enough, it is iterative, you need to move forward on all Seven Components concurrently, progressively, iteratively, again and again. Get deeper in your worship, get deeper in your prayer, get deeper in your fasting, get deeper in your action, get deeper in your research and into understanding what He wants for you.


Introduction to this set of teaching:

What will follow in the weeks ahead is a series of measures that you can take in recognition of the harsh reality that virtually every human being on Earth is in gross error and grossly corrupted and contaminated by the evil in this world and then, in order to draw close to our Father in Heaven, we need to take extreme measures to move ourselves out of our current condition to a position where we can be truly close to Him and bring Him joy every day. All the steps and the measures that follow are steps and measures that I had personally actively applied in my life over more than 21 years at the time I wrote the article on which this series is based and I testify that these things do work.

The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU -- Overview

So to wrap up, the Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You. We talked about this religion stuff, we talked about “If the Almighty is so powerful why is this world such a mess?”

We talked about “but He demands too much I cannot comply”.

And we talked about a few other things and the fact that there is a lot more to know and that you can learn much from my website, We talked about what to do if you accept this message and we started to talk about the Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator. We looked at a summary of the points and a basic introduction.

I want to recap and make the point that a Friend of the Almighty earnestly, intentionally, and actively seeks relationship and cares deeply for their Friend. Do you do that towards Father right now? I challenge you that you probably do not. I challenge you that no matter where you are today, you could do more, probably much more.

Wrapping Up

Four Key Documents

I want to refer you again as I do after every broadcast to the documents behind the Home tab in the top left-hand corner of the website:

"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You." It has formed the basis of the last three weeks of teachings.

"The Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator" will form the basis of the next few weeks of teachings. You can download these today from the website. I encourage you to do so, do not wait for me to broadcast it. I will elaborate in the broadcasts.

The next one is "The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing." Understand how the true name of the Almighty Yah permeates the story of true believers through the millennia.

The fourth item ? "Where will you spend Eternity?" A critical question. "What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?" Some important lessons about what we should pray, what we should do, what it means to follow Father.

These are all available at behind the Home page Menu item in the top left-hand corner.

I am busy with books of teachings and I publish regular email articles. Email me at [email protected].

Visit the website and visit the homepage for more information.


In closing, thank you for listening. Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage. I will answer them in the next broadcast. Please email me at [email protected] in order to join the mailing list.

I am compiling a collection of my writings; email me if you would like to obtain a copy. The first volume contains my most important writings including those just listed. If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype and email so that I can help you with your journey. I would love to help you. My greatest passion, what keeps me going in this life is the thought of leading other people to seek the sort of relationship that I have with our Father in Heaven and then to go beyond what I have. I want to pave the way for a dramatic turning around that will last for the next thousand years and will see the Almighty win the contest hands down. The only way we will do that is by people like you and me forming deep personal relationships with Father, understanding what He really wants us to do and getting on and doing it.

I hope that this is touching you.

I hope that this is challenging you.

I would love to hear from you, even if you are just weighing up the options, even if you are not really sure, just take one step at a time, just choose to know Him more than you knew Him before this programme and take it step-by-step.

I hope to connect with you again next week when we will more deeply explore how to become a Friend of the Creator and as I have said before, it does not matter what your racial creed or religion is today, He wants you to become His Friend.

Thank you so much.

Good night!

James Robertson

Emissary and Spokesman of Yah

Broadcast 15 March 2019 on Radio

Published: 19 April 2019

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On Radio at 2 pm Eastern Standard Time every Friday in the United States weekly -- live Radio programme called “Creator Desires Relationship” which will discuss various topics relating to seeking a deep relationship with the Almighty. That is 7 pm in the UK, 8 pm in South Africa, 11:30 pm in India and 4 am Canberra Time (ACT) in Australia. The show will air live on W4CY Radio at

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