Deep motivation lifehacks
Yaroslav Shalashov
PC Games Publisher Polden | Indie Dev | Chief Marketing Officer | Gaming Research and Neuroscience Enthusiast
Do you often wake up on Monday morning feeling like all you want to do is keep sleeping?
Monday greetings, friends!
I've noticed that I get this feeling if I haven't slept well the past week and have been mentally tired a lot. The reasons for this tiredness and lack of sleep can be different. Those who have kids will understand. Those who have OCD will also understand.
In the morning it feels like the operating system hasn't booted up yet. The body's demand to sleep further floods the information channels so much that all higher aspirations need time to load. That's where the motivation level comes in. What makes you get up and do something? The question, "Why do I want to do this?". And the answer is, "You have a calling, do it."
A calling can pull you out of total powerlessness, but it is far more important to avoid total powerlessness. For several years now, I've been careful to pay attention to what takes away and gives energy. It was even part of my CBT course. I realized that I don't feel when I'm tired. I just don't feel my body well. That's how depression starts for me. You start this process and after a while, you burn out. It affects both productivity and family.
There are dozens of tools for self-regulation. From meditation and breathing to stretching and exercise. But this is also a separate quest - to understand what practices are suitable and develop a program. And then regularly execute this program, bringing it to a habit. Write comments, if you also, like me, find it hard to do the same actions on a regular basis :). You're not alone. It's super hard for me.
So, what about the team? Monday is all about motivation. To motivate yourself, you need proper rest and recovery. Our bodies are very complex machines, but we often treat them irresponsibly. I bet you don't treat your expensive car (well, or things that aren't cheap) the same way. Oh, and you have to have a certain level of awareness and knowledge of biology, psychology, and nutritional science stuff. Just to control the level of fatigue. And as you can guess, not everyone on the team is always aware of this.
I spent part of my managerial time talking about rest and recovery. A big source of fatigue is information itself. We've reached such an insane density of information in today's world that it's hard to imagine. A simple step like turning off notifications on your phone and using gadgets in moderation is already having a positive impact. Less stress, less information, less fatigue.
My team and I also made sure to get plenty of sleep, get regular exercise, and take care of ourselves. On the way out, there are only pluses. One - the team feels there is genuine care. Second - if it's not a one-time action, but a regular process, they simply get used to treating themselves with respect. Third - if someone resists, it's a red flag. I never have "self-destruction" in my team values. Accordingly, if there's no match here, we're not on the same page. Working on yourself is a manifestation of engagement with the company's ideas. No involvement - either there is a problem with the idea, or the person is interested in something else.
I am sure that for high performance, mental and physical condition is a key factor. In my experience, this story often rests on the shoulders of the employee themselves. It is as if the employer implies that you will sleep well, eat well, take care of wellness for the benefit of the company. But in reality it is not like that at all!
The company, management, HR, the owner or the CEO can take deeper responsibility for the team. True caring and a genuine desire to make people's lives better come back in multiples of dividends for the business. After all, people are spending the time of their lives to accomplish your goals. Make their lives better during that time.