Deep Look at Instabug #3
UX case study!
Published on Medium
Welcome back, in the previous two articles 1,2 we highlighted some of issues about UX , and today we‘ we’ll continue our journey with an article which maybe the final article of this quick reviews about Instabug.
We’ll review some things IA and other things.
Long story short
It is known that it is best not to use many colours when designing a site or application, and it is also known that it is wrong to use different CSS for the same elements in the site or application.
Let’s take a look at the Home page
Button Color #15cd72
.button — secondary {
background-color: #15cd72;
Hover Button Color #15cd72
.button — secondary:hover {
Button Color #15cd72
.button — secondary:active, .button — secondary:focus, .button — secondary:hover {
background-color: #4ba87b;}
But When we look at the Enterprise page
Button Color #15cd72
.dynamic-button { background-color: #15cd72; color: #ffffff;}
Hover Button Color #00cc16
.dynamic-button:hover {background-color: #00cc16;}
As we note there is no unity between CSS, which make the site does not aspire as one unit, but it seems like it has been cut and installed from several Themes with different CSS files, Or the site has been designed by a different group of designers without coordination or harmony between them.
- Maybe this conflict happed because of the editing of the CSS The original Button color is Blue #1d82dc
.button {background-color: #1d82dc; text-transform: capitalize; font-weight: 600; }
Let’s take another Example
In the In-App Surveys page we’ll find 6 CTA Buttons (Call-to-Action) Get Started, while in a Customers page in Join Our Customers section there is only one single Button at the end of the page and it’s not appear in this picture!
there are some other things about Unity, Gestalt, Informational hierarchy, IA, Content Strategies, to define not only which content should be published, but WHY we’re publishing it in the first place? how the content will bridge the space between audience needs and business requirements?
At the end I hope that my articles had earned your admirations, I really hope that you found useful information or advice, also I hope that these articles didn't bother the guys on Instabug Team,
Thank you all.