A Deep Look... The Deepest Yet
Saturday night, my wonderful son married his soulmate.?It was the most beautiful wedding I have ever attended. Every detail was perfect.?I can’t describe what my wife and I are feeling right now.?It is a peace beyond any measure knowing that our son married the girl of his dreams... no, she is the girl beyond any of his dreams!?I wish you all could have seen my wife's face during the event. I just stared at her as she radiated the happiness in her soul! I thank God that everything seemed to be in slow motion. With every look I had, I was deeply inspired... so grateful!
We had something else recently happen! I am SO proud of the young lady in the photo, my daughter!!!!! She got all A's in all of her Master's degree classes through the entire sequence. She excelled during the hard chapter of Covid. She graduated and then immediately found her dream job at an incredible place that is focused on the arts and classical education!!!! She will be teaching the arts to thousands of students in the years to come. She is so gifted and talented in the arts. She LOVES art history! When we have travelled over the years, I was always absolutely amazed by her incredible knowledge of and passion for generations of artistic works! The students she leads are going to always remember and cherish the days that they learned from her! I wish you all could see her in her element! In museums in Italy, Paris, London and many other places, I would watch around us as she gave us the backstory on various artworks! Folks would congregate to hear her.?Her stories were mesmerizing. inspiring and memorable!
My wife has been the cornerstone of support for my son and daughter. Yep, the most accurate words ever spoken are - "I absolutely don't deserve my bride or my children." I am sure thankful for them!!! One of the greatest forces in the universe is the deep love of a mother! Through both of these events, I have LOVED looking at my beautiful bride and seeing the happiness in her eyes and in her soul. That sweet smile of happiness and the feeling that bubbles from her regarding these special souls is so beautiful. I have always loved her deeply. Watching her through these moments has allowed that love to grow even more.
Covid had a major impact on my prior industry. My professional journey was jolted as was the case with many leaders. I have always loved my roles and have always given all of me to them. Don’t get me wrong, faith and family are core for me. I just gave every ounce to my teams over the years. For most of the last 20 years, I have been on the road 2 to 3 days a week somewhere in the world and entertaining customers one of the other evenings when home. I would take Herculean steps to get back for family events. I still missed. I was often rushed. Living apart from them five days a week for a year to meet my company’s needs was the hardest chapter of all. It's never been "just a job" for me. It was always deeper than that.
Each day now during this headwind period, I work 8 to 10 hours on finding the next chapter for me. In my core, I can sense that something special is about to happen. I am loving meeting a host of new leaders across the world in the process. I am also learning so much!
During this time, I began walking 5 to 6 miles a night. I will ask for your patience as I get very soulful at this point. The purpose of the walks?
In short:
1) To think about the events of the day and determine next steps
2) To think about my life and reflect on those who have meant so much to me
3) To think about the next chapter in a book I am writing
4) Quiet time in my faith to try to push Bill aside and get at the wishes of the Source of my faith
On item 4, I have often wondered…"Why has this happened to me?” Please, don’t get me wrong, It’s not a "WHY ME?" in desperation or blame. I can think of many personal shortcomings of why I would meet with headwinds. It's more about trying to understand the real purpose of the headwinds so that I can learn the lessons I need to learn.
One that came to mind was my lifelong tendency to “look to Bill” when we faced major headwinds as a family. Though I would always pray deeply, there always seemed like a little too much Bill in the equation regarding getting to a solution. When it came to my family, I went to ungodly lengths to fix what we faced with urgency. Is the purpose of the headwinds to teach me that this is a very flawed strategy? Perhaps. These walks have allowed me to gain some peace on this issue.
A second idea hit me just this week. My family has had some of the most incredibly wonderful chapters in these last few months during my headwind period. Major events! Due to my current situation, I got to enjoy every aspect of them! It was like having the best meal you have ever had and savoring ever bite and experiencing things one has never experienced before. Though my love of family has always been massive, this time in the headwinds has given me a new appreciation for the deep beauty of their souls. My appreciation of them has found exponentially heightened levels!!!! Yep, this whole chapter might be about this issue. If so, my goodness what a gift! I love them more than ever!!!!!
Whatever it is, there is good that is going to come from it and lessons that will change me for the better.
Am I ready to get back into warrior mode in a business role? You had better believe it!!!! HUNGRY!!!! I love business! I love leadership! I love helping people! I love learning! I love helping businesses develop incredible strategies and then implement them with passion! I love helping organizations embrace change. I love seeing beyond the edge and finding a way to get there! I love helping managers become leaders! I love delighting customers! I love to beat a competitor in head on situations! I love it so!!!!! I don't care about money, positions, ego and the like. I just LOVE every aspect of business!
Right now. Optimism fills me. It’s like my whole professional life has been building to something major for these upcoming 15 to 20+ more of working. My anticipation is now fever pitch!
When it does come, I will be a different person, enhanced by the growth I have experienced during the headwinds - as a professional, as a father, as a husband, as a friend, as a son!!!! When I look back over my life, my greatest growth has come during the headwinds. During this, the greatest headwind of my life, I think I have grown the most!
Thanks for allowing me to share from the soul. Have a wonderful July 4th weekend! I hope it goes in slow motion and that you get the chance to really look at the beauty of those in your life!
President and CEO at Resilient Floor Covering Institute
3 年Bill, sure is wonderful to hear from you. From the moment we first met on the business front, you welcomed me and embraced me into a new culture. In the years that we worked together, I was amazed at your professional abilities. You made a huge impact. I was also absolutely amazed at your incredible soul. It’s an honor to be your friend. Thank you for your heartfelt message here. Was a great way to begin Sunday afternoon. Thank you so much! God bless you, my friend.
Senior Business System Analyst at Engineered Floors, LLC
3 年Of every post I have read from you Bill, this one stirred me more powerfully than all the others (and there are a lot that have). I feel your passion and love of life in each word and look for your next chapter in business to be revealed as the greatest one so far! Your sharing of family stories and events both past and present are always so nice to read too. Thank you for giving us a view of what makes a great leader! Congratulations to both your son and daughter!
Transformational Speaker - Purpose Expert & CEO Coach
3 年Bill you are walking this path well. Like few others I’ve ever encountered. You’re doing the hard work; asking yourself the hard questions; and reflecting deeply to find/create meaning in it all. Through it all you’re clearly becoming better and stronger and bringing us along in the process (thank you), AND you’re setting your time with your Source and your family in the priority places they deserve. Bill, I have no doubt that you’ll soon look back on this season of preparation and the answers to those why questions will become obvious. You’ll look back on these days as some of the hardest yet sweetest in your life. You’ll be filled with gratitude for them for they enabled you to meet the challenges ahead that you will now be uniquely prepared to tackle head-on. The challenge on that day, will be to remember how to remain as desperate for guidance, purpose, meaning, and dependence on your Source for provision as you are right now. My good friend Don Oglesby calls this remaining “Desperate in the Promised Land.” It’s a challenge for another day. But that day IS coming. We’ll be celebrating with you when it does!