Deep Learning in Python/TensorFlow and Keras for creating AI algorithms/models. Fully connected Neural Network architecture.
Darko Medin
Data Scientist and a Biostatistician. Developer of ML/AI models. Researcher in the fields of Biology and Clinical Research. Helping companies with Digital products, Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning.
Deep Learning is driving large number of solutions and products in Artificial intelligence industry and this is increasing in magnitude on a daily basis. Construction of ANNs or Artificial Neural Networks is the main aspect of most AI solutions, which are becoming the dominant form of AI in different industries.?
?In this series of articles, i will show how to construct, test and deploy neural networks using Python[1] and Tensorflow/Keras API[2,3]. Tensor flow is an open source platform for machine learning developed by Google Brain Team [2], with a set of tools used to speed up and simplify process of creating Deep learning models. I consider it as one of the best platforms in Machine Learning industry today. On the other hand Keras API functions as Python library, also fantastic and one of the best APIs for creating Deep learning pipelines[3]. Keras is integrated with TensorFlow, so its an ideal combination, which i will implement in this series of tutorials and articles.
I will talk and teach about different aspects of neural network data architectures, layer types, practical applications, activation functions, optimizers and other hyperparameters and practical aspects of ANNs.
Going through part 1, i will teach how to create simple neural network architecture. We can observe neural network as a sequence of neuron layers and this is exactly what function called Sequential() from Keras does, creates a sequence of Neuron Layers. There are other ways to create ANNs like functional way, but i will use sequential way in this tutorial and i think its the most efficient way.
Lets analyze the code: First , TensorFlow/Keras API functions are imported as required Python libraries for the construction of Artificial Neural Networks. Note that 'from' and 'import' statements are combined to extract needed functions from the library. This way function will be loaded in operative environment and once called can be directly implemented.
So, a sequential model is specified and Dense function is used to to create hidden layers within the network. Dense function is very straightforward, so number of nodes and activation functions are set for each hidden layer. However, one important aspect is that these are the hidden layers and we need to connect them to the input layer which is an initial segment of the data pipeline within the algorithm. This is achieved by specifying the input and it can be seen that i specified : input_shape=(2,0), which is the random input that I would expect for this example. Variuos input shapes might be set, based on the data to be included. After this step its always good to summarize the model and see what is the structure of the Artifical Neural Network. That can be achieved using model.summary() function.
Summary shows how many nodes and trainable parameters are in different layers. One thing that i would note as very important is Param #, which tells how many parameters are trainable. Neural networks create large number of combinations by connecting nodes from one layer to all nodes from next layer. It can be seen that this number tends to be very high for a hidden layer of 84 nodes, dense_1 layer. Total number of trainable parameters is 3.908.
Now, this would be a a network with 3 dense layers. First two are classical hidden dense layers, while third one is essentially an output layer. I used 'relu' activation function in classic dense layer setting and 'softmax' for output layer( softmax is good for outputting probability for predictions). One important thing to keep in mind is that this neural network also has 4th input layer which i specified before, input layer, but input is not trainable and thus not present here. This network would not actually be Deep Neural Network as it has only few dense layers and i created it just for its simplicity in the first model.
Lets create an actual Deep Neural Network....
As you can see it has much larger number of Dense() layers, all with their own number of nodes and activation functions. This is what makes Deep Neural Networks capable of solving even the most complex predictive problems. Input might be very complex to as Deep learning can be used to stack large number of variables in one model, but for now i will leave input shape as (2,0). Lets summarize the first Deep learning framework...
We can now see the complexity of a neural network and total number of trainable parameters is 41.572. This is an example of medium complexity Deep Neural Network...
In the end i would like to show another way of creating a Deep learning algorithm (neural network) using TensorFlow and Keras API. In the first procedure 'from' and 'import' statements were used to extract specified function from TensorFlow and Keras, then they could be directly implemented like (Dense() example). Alternative way is to first import just tensorflow, using: import tensorflow as tf, and then specify function in the code.
It can be seen that from coding perspective, this will work similarly to the first principle but with a bit more code, so i would always prefer the first principle that i emphasized before. Summary would be the same as in the first model.
This is a way of creating Deep Neural Network structure in an algorithm form. For this algorithm to be trained to predict outcomes, we will need to create the trained model. You can see that this algorithmic part is?contained in the Sequential model, but there are other aspects of a model, like weights and we will talk about them in the next article. We will also talk about how to compile and fit the model to the actual dataset.
Thanks for reading and more in the next article! This article was created by:
Darko Medin, Data Science/AI Expert at Edanz Group
Spyder IDE used for implementation of the code [4].
References :
1.Python Software Foundation.
2.Martín Abadi et al. TensorFlow: Large-scale machine learning on heterogeneous systems, 2015.
3.Chollet Francois et al. Keras. 2015.
4.Raybaut, P. (2009). Spyder-documentation. Available Online at: Pythonhosted. Org.