Is Deep Learning Overhyped?

Is Deep Learning Overhyped?

There’s been a definite buzz lately about deep learning. On March 2016 Google’s artificially intelligent Go-playing computer system, combining deep neural networks and tree search, has defeated Korean grandmaster Lee Sedol. This was the first time that that a machine topped the best of Go, a 2,500-year-old game that’s exponentially more complex than chess.

 A recent paper published in January 2017 introduces DeepStack, a new algorithm for imperfect information settings which is the first to beat professional No-Limit Texas Hold’em poker players consistently.

During the past few years deep learning algorithms have been successfully applied not just to games but also to text, image, sound and motion. Since 2012 deep learning algorithms dominated the IMAGENET Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVR) competition. Contestants in this competition have a simple task; presented with an image of some kind, they need to decide whether it contains a particular type of object or not. For example, looking Fig 1., a contestant might decide that there is a Soccer player but no Rugby player. With over 1 million images spanning across 1,000 different categories, this is one of the most challenging competitions out there.

Fig 1. Images under the Team Sport category

In 2010 and 2011, the first two years of the ILSVR competition, 28% and 26% error rates were considered good classification error rates. In 2012 Team SuperVision, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever and Geoffrey Hinton came first with 15% classification error rates, training a large, deep convolutional neural network (AlexNet) on raw RGB pixel values. Their approach stood in contrast to the common approach at that time, the feature engineering approach. With feature engineering, a human is applying domain knowledge of the data to create features that make machine learning algorithms work. As an example, looking at the two leftmost images at Fig. 2, the average color of the image may be used to differentiate between the leftmost Football image which is mostly green and red and the Hockey image which is mostly white, but the same feature may not differentiate well between the two rightmost images. Coming up with features is difficult, time consuming and requires expert knowledge.      

Fig. 2. Color as a machine learning feature   

Since 2012, deep learning algorithms dominated the ILSVR competition with the 2016 classification error going as low as 3.0 percent compared to 3.6 percent in 2015, better than the estimated 5.1% human classification error for on the same dataset.

The recent revival of interest in neural networks and deep learning has had a strong impact in other areas such as speech recognition, Natural Language Processing (NLP) including word embedding, part of speech tagging and sentiment analysis improving the state of the art in single sentence positive/negative classification from 80 percent up to 85.4 percent.

What are deep neural networks?

According to Wikipedia, “Neural networks or connectionist systems are a computational approach used in computer science and other research disciplines, which is based on a large collection of neural units (artificial neurons), loosely mimicking the way a biological brain solves problems with large clusters of biological neurons connected by axons. Each neural unit is connected with many others, and links can be enforcing or inhibitory in their effect on the activation state of connected neural units.”

Fig. 3 shows an example of a deep neural network, which is the implementation of neural networks with more than a single hidden layer of neurons. The first layer to the left is the input layer, followed by two hidden layers and an output layer to the right. 

Fig. 3. An example of a deep neural network

Backpropagation is one of the common methods of training neural networks, where a certain image or some data is presented to the input layer of the neural network. During the forward-pass the network predicts a certain outcome, for example the label Soccer player. The output of the network is then compared to the desired output using a loss function, and an error value is calculated for each of the neurons in the output layer. The error values are then propagated backward and the gradient with respect to the weights is used to update the weights in an attempt to minimize the loss function.

The detailed process of building and training deep neural networks is beyond the scope of this article.


The results of applying deep learning algorithms on text, image, sound and video are truly remarkable, transforming application such as self-driving cars, web-search, e-commerce, automatic machine translation, object classification in photographs, speech & face recognition, chatbots and medical application such as detection of diabetic eye disease and tumour tissue image classification.

It is important to remember that deep learning is not the only approach to machine learning being pursued today and that deep learning is not the solution to machine intelligence in general.

Achieving an extremely low error rate at the ILSVR classification challenge doesn’t mean that we had solved computer vision, as the human vision can perceive better and faster in complex situations. Deep learning algorithms requires huge amount of training data and massive amounts of computational power; both may not be available to most organizations.

There’s still a lot of work left to do!

This article was originally published in APAC CIO Outlook


Ofir, nice article! Certainly agree with your conclusion that Deep Learning (and AI in general) has been overhyped. While the recent achievements of computers defeating humans at Go, Poker and Jeopardy are impressive, each of these instances require training of a neural network with massive amounts of data, as you have pointed out. And the deep learning that is accomplished works only for that specific problem at hand (and not to an alternative problem). The prospect of a generalized artificial intelligence being able to learn, adapt and explore like the human brain does is likely still far from reality (unlike what the hype may suggest). Also, it worth noting that many of the fundamental science that underpins deep learning has been around for 20+ years or more. What has happened in recent years is that, due to the exponential increase in computational power, the rise of mobile devices and pervasive wireless connectivty, deep learning systems have scaled to the point that real-time recommendations with tangible business impact can be made . Impressive indeed and machines can now certainly augment humans in many tasks, but I believe the prospect of machines making humans obsolete is still far off.

Yes indeed, herd mentality of human beings. Isn't it a fact that "What rises fast, it falls twice fast". But there is some exciting stuff happening all around us like CXA democratising the insurance industry for corporate!


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