Deep foundation=Higher building
A tall building is a wonder to look at. It is hard to not acknowledge it. For those of us who are curious, a lot of questions follow. How did they get to build it so high? Were they scared to reach up their while building and painting the walls? What kind of machines did they use to aid the building? How long did it take them to build it? How much did it cost?
The higher the building, the deeper its foundation; the more likely it will last.
If you were to relate this with our lives, we will find some similarity. For sure nothing comes easy. Be it career success, healthy relationship, healthy body. There is a lot of digging that one needs to do. A lot of preparation of the ground. Reaching into the deep, to create space, lots of it for the building to begin.
The digging of foundations of our lives can be an unpleasant process. Time, energy, space, vulnerability, strength and people, all are needed. For some of us, we may not have these things effortlessly. For others, they can be readily available. The goal remains, a strong enough building that will last forever.
A strong enough career success that outlives you. A strong enough relationship that inspires others for ages. A strong enough body that serves for a lifetime. All these things are admired yet hard to come by.
This is a kind reminder, if you want to build something, reach out to the deep. Go deeper if need be. And as I have always been in the habit of saying, ask for help if you need it.