Deep into Deep Fake
This is not another Swiftie post on your feed. It’s a post about the perils of generative A.I. and when it reaches someone like Taylor Swift as deepfake images, something swift comes back around. The disturbing news of deepfake images of the 12 time Grammy award winning singer is more reason why you should be concerned, as not too far from this point, you or someone you know could be at risk.?
The Problem
Think about the infringement on privacy, illegal use of images and the mental agony it reigns on a person and family. It also raises questions about policies and safety measures in using such tools. In 2019, one AI company pegged over 95 percent of the 15,000 deepfake videos online to be pornographic.?
With over 15bn images created from text-image algorithms in the past year, have you stopped to consider when you use that favorite social media filter or generator, you are also helping build A.I and create better responses to your cues in the near future? Therefore, while the temptation to use the technology continues to grow, it’s also important to consider the ramifications it has on you and others. While countries work on A.I. regulations, the debate is how do content creators and social networks regulate the growing misuse of A.I tech??
It wasn’t too far back when fact checkers sprung into action to help counter the rising problem of misinformation and disinformation. Today, journalists, media practitioners, practically anyone who owns a mobile, needs to be equipped to handle A.I better and more responsibly.?
Explorative Solutions:
Will it suffice to say you’ve used A.I to generate an image? While the short answer to this is 'yes', it doesn't stop at that.
Here are a few knowledge resources to help you, your business, your employees and your loved ones feel safe-r.
Self regulate is the classic practice that less is more. If you're not a public figure, closely monitor use of images and or videos online. Ensure your media teams work on metadata, Alt text and watermarks to input relevant details that authenticate you as the originator/owner of that media.