A deep dive into science subject expertise – sequencing a learning curriculum
Captruring the imagination of young minds - science at the core of learning

A deep dive into science subject expertise – sequencing a learning curriculum

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A deep dive into science subject expertise was the focus of our first face-to-face event at the Science Museum in Birmingham, it was so successful we have scheduled a second event on 24th June 2022. Science forms an integral part of the core knowledge that pupils in both primary and early secondary schools need to know in order that they have the skills, the conceptual understanding and the expertise for the next stage of their education. We have undertaken an in-depth look at the science standards that are carefully crafted in the Programmes of Study from Early Years to key stage 3.

We know from our considerable research that those who plan and deliver the curriculum must spend the time looking in detail at the science subject requirements and how the standards are sequenced. We have created a suite of resources that will provide science leads, Heads of Science and teachers with planning tools and a deep insight into the knowledge, conceptual understanding and the skills to think scientifically that pupils will need as they progress through their primary and early secondary years.

We are very excited to be able to offer this training again before the end of the academic year. We have chosen the same venue The Science Museum in Birmingham’s Think Tank on 24th June 2022. The feedback from delegates who attended in March was outstanding and we know how much they have appreciated the detailed resources and materials we have provided them with since.

“Thank you, you answered every question I had and gave me so much more. This has been the most informative and enlightening training session I have attended in a very long time.

A science lead from an all through school in Birmingham

“Thank you very much indeed for these resources, they are exactly what I was hoping for. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and learnt a great deal. These materials ensure I can continue to build on that learning.”

Head of Science and STEM lead from a school in Leeds

A deep dive into the science vision and purpose of study

The science curriculum in the primary phase is complex and requires an understanding of how the standards are progressive and create a pedagogical opportunity to deepen knowledge over time. Understanding this is vital for primary science leads and is just as important for those involved in planning science in year 7 and for the rest of key stage 3.

Where pupils have developed the skills and knowledge to think scientifically as part of their learning in key stage 2, they will have the vocabulary, the ability and the motivation to continue to build on their learning and be absolutely ready for GCSE and beyond.

We have looked in detail at the language that defines the standards based curriculum for science. There is much more to it than simply focusing on the statutory requirements that provide a basis for the subjects pupils are expected to study. Creating a suite of informative resources allows delegates to raise their awareness of the powerful ways there are to help pupils to think and work scientifically. The activities are carefully crafted to be interactive and provide excellent opportunities for the sharing of good practice and to look in detail at their potential to create a curriculum that is deep, has breadth, builds on prior learning, weaves a tapestry of rich knowledge, develops conceptual understanding and secures a range of scientific skills.

A deep dive science curriculum review

It is the purpose of study, the aims and the nature, processes and methods of science that are explained in an overarching introduction to the complete programme of study for key stage 1,2 and 3. We create for the science lead and their teams an opportunity to focus on some of the vocabulary that requires high level thinking and professional conversations that lead to a profound understanding of what should be taught, how it should be taught and perhaps most importantly, how it should be assessed to ensure deep learning and understanding.

“I have so much to take away and use, the work that has gone into the resources is amazing. I am new to teaching and today has given me so much more than any other training I have attended in my quest to learn my craft.”

An ECT from a school in Thirsk

Sequencing Science in the Primary School and Key Stage 3 24th June 2022 at the Science Museum, Millenium Point, Central Birmingham.

Science a pivotal subject in the quest for depth and breadth across the curriculum

Creating the evidence that the curriculum is well-sequenced, delivers a learning culture across all subjects and creates a foundation for pupils that will serve them well throughout their lives is an essential of a high-quality education. Science is a key subject in the quest for knowledge across a range of domains. For senior and subject leaders using science as the pivotal subject in the planning of a holistic and well-structured curriculum offer strengthens pupils’ ability to remember and become conceptually aware.

Pupils learn about influential people in history, this includes medical developments, technical advances in transport, printing, manufacturing and other discoveries such as electricity and gravity.

Pupils are expected to know about plants, their habitat and the conditions they need to grow, this is a feature of the geography curriculum as is the study of rocks and fossils.

Design technology creates opportunities for pupils to design products using pulleys, gears and levers, learn about food and ingredients and the science of baking, roasting or steaming. Forces, electricity, day and night, space and the study of light all provide a backdrop to our lives today and how through discovery our world is ever changing.

Science and the core subjects of English and Maths

Science enquiry and discovery strengthens learning of the English Curriculum requiring pupils to read, to share ideas and write eloquently and positively about their findings. Pupils are asked to observe over time, seek to find patterns, identify, classify and group, all of which require competence in good literacy, grammar and vocabulary. Maths is integral to science. Pupils are expected to ask and answer questions, to use secondary data sources, to analyse and present data, all of which require pupils to read well and use numeracy skills to be able to say why, what for and when. The rich tapestry of learning that shines through a deep dive into the science curriculum is exciting and putting the resources together for our training event was very uplifting. So, joining us for our second venture into face-to-face training is a must for all science leads and their teams.

24th June at the Science Museum, Millenium Point, Central Birmingham.

Deep dive coaching conversations create consistency, clarity and collaboration

Creating a cohesive deep dive into learning about science concepts

There are many schools across the UK and beyond that have benefited from training courses run by Learning Cultures. We want always to emulate high quality pedagogy. Interaction and learning are essential elements of the experience. We want delegates to learn how through using powerful questioning, active listening and the ability to influence change they take back to school the ability to cascade their learning and continue to use professional conversations to build powerful teams that deliver cohesion, build collaborative cultures and ultimately create outstanding learning experiences for all pupils.

Sequencing Science in the Primary Curriculum and Key Stage 3

24th June 2022 at the Science Museum, Millenium Point, Central Birmingham.


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