Deep and Dark Web Round Up
Middle East Conflict
Cyber incidents continue to accompany the air and ground conflicts in the Middle East. The blur between digital operations, hacks, events, and attacks from physical conflicts is ongoing. DarkOwl analysts will remain vigilant to brief and distil the impacts of these events to our customers and their global business operations.
Energy company BHI Energy reveals inside details of Akira ransomware incident
Akira actors first used stolen VPN credentials from a third-party contractor’s account to access internal BHI networks. This same account was used to conduct continued recon of the internal network. It took the actors just over a week (nine days) to take 767,000 files/690 GB of data. Exposed data included full names, SSNs, DOBs, and more PII of BHI customers.
An Indian Threat Actor’s Firebird Backdoor Targets AF/PAK Region
Threat group DoNot Team (aka APT-C-35) is using the Firebird backdoor in Pakistan and Afghanistan. DoNot is known for spear phishing emails and malicious Android apps.
Threat Actors
DarkOwl analysts ID new ransomware forum, advertisements from RAMP
The admin of Ramp posted an in-depth advertisement and endorsement for Ransomed Forums. This is a new forum that advertises topics related to ransomware. DarkOwl analysts additionally identified Ransomed Forums chatter has increased during the month of October, so anticipation from the wider threat actor community is likely high as this forum comes online.
DarkOwl analysts observe new XSS hidden content requirements
DarkOwl analysts observed a user on XSS advertising information as hidden content requiring 9,999 posts to reveal all content. The information relates to leaking the panel for a particular botnet.
Notable Leaks and Breaches
Suggested Further Reading
About DarkOwl
DarkOwl uses machine learning to collect automatically, continuously, and anonymously, index and rank darknet, deep web, and high-risk surface net data that allows for simplicity in searching.
Our platform collects and stores data in near real-time, allowing darknet sites that frequently change location and availability, be queried in a safe and secure manner without having to access the darknet itself.
DarkOwl is unique not only in the depth and breadth of its darknet data, but also in the relevance and searchability of its data, its investigation tools, and its passionate customer service. As importantly, DarkOwl data is ethically and safely collected from the darknet, allowing users secure and anonymous access to information and threats relevant to their mission. Our passion, our focus, and our expertise is the darknet.
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