Deeds Are Illuminated
I'm sure everyone's happy about getting almost an inch of rain, but that wicked north wind was definitely something to be dealt with whenever outdoors. Thank goodness I was more tied to the office than out in it, until it stopped raining and the cloud cover started dissipating.
My early morning closing went exceptionally well, and happy everyone involved was pleased with the outcome. Since the seller wasn't able to make it to closing, I later ran out and hand-delivered the proceeds check, along with a little gift of my appreciation.
Before leaving, I happened to run into a past client whom I'd not seen since we closed on his home several years ago, so I sat and had a nice visit with him, and unfortunately his memory issues have grown worse which was making me quite sad. But, I we did have few good laughs when talking about several naughty people we both know, and like always, past memories seem to linger the longest with those suffering from memory issues, so we did compare notes on our gut impressions of the characters of those individuals which were fully aligned. I'm sure there were a few ears burning this afternoon. It was one more confirmation that we don't live in a city, but rather a bloated village where everyone talks. Before leaving, I reminded him once again, that he's one of the kindest men I've ever run into, which of course he had to deny. Yes, running into him, ended up being the highlight of my day.
We did get another drastic price reduction today on my listing over at 24 - 3rd St NE in Nora Springs, so it's now at a bargain-basement price of $29,500, but both my seller and I have made it clear that it's to be sold in an 'AS IS' condition, and only because we don't want someone coming back and wanting additional updates done.
Since it was the last day of the month, I ended up having more drop-ins, and unfortunately they'd arrive when I was either on the phone or busy working on a file, but at least I gave them the time they needed without acting like I was being bothered.
Expecting the day to end without any immediate 'fires' to be put out, I was sadly mistaken because once I received a copy of a title opinion generated on one of my sales, all 'yell' broke loose. Oh my goodness, for the first time in these many years, I was alerted of a title issue which was purposely caused by the previous seller of the home, and all I can say, it's going to get much worse before it gets better. Without going into any detail, what took place some years ago, was purposely done by the previous seller who likely thought it wouldn't come to light for many years. Well, sometimes nefarious deeds are illuminated more sooner than expected. You can bet I'm gonna be busy tomorrow.
We've already received inquiries on my new listing over at 650 - 13th St. NE, so hopefully that'll end up getting sold in a timely manner, and now that we're at the end of October, we'll likely be seeing fewer sales taking place. I did go back out this afternoon and take new exterior photos of it, and only because the ones I took in the rain yesterday, weren't at all appealing.
Tonight's One-liner is: It's easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.
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