Deduction of Hubble's Law Based on the OLQEM Framework

Deduction of Hubble's Law Based on the OLQEM Framework

In the OLQEM (Organized Logical Quantum of Energy and Matter) framework, the expansion of the universe is governed by the vacuum field ?vac, which influences spacetime geometry and energy distribution. Hubble's Law, which states that galaxies recede from each other at velocities proportional to their distance, emerges naturally from the dynamics of the vacuum field and the cosmological expansion.

Author: Luan Menezes de Souza


Deduction of the Hubble Constant in the OLQEM Framework

In the OLQEM (Organized Logical Quantum of Energy and Matter) framework, the Hubble constant H0 emerges from the interplay between vacuum field dynamics and the large-scale structure of the universe. The Hubble constant represents the present rate of expansion of the universe and is fundamentally tied to the vacuum energy density ρvac and curvature of spacetime.

Algebraic Proof of the OLQEM Framework

The OLQEM (Organized Logical Quantum of Energy and Matter) framework seeks to unify fundamental physical concepts through algebraic deductions, integrating vacuum field dynamics, spacetime curvature, and quantum mechanics into a single formalism. Below, we provide a step-by-step algebraic proof deducing the key components of OLQEM.

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