DECORATIVE Style Specialists

DECORATIVE Style Specialists

When you need rich, seductive, or dazzling illustrations with sumptuous levels of detail, choose one of our superb decorative illustrators.

Go Suga

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Beautiful, mystical, abstract, naive—there are so many ways to describe this Japanese-Australian artist’s work...

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Svetlana Molodchenko 

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Looking at Svetlana Molodchenko’s artwork is like stepping back to a long-lost era of finery and grandeur – a Renaissance painting, a medieval cathedral or perhaps even an Ancient Greek villa..

view Svetlana's portfolio

Lively Scout

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For bold and graphic illustrations with an organic and tactile feel, look no further than Lively Scout, the Australia-based artist whose work is true to her name...

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Maheswari Janarthanan

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Flower power takes on a whole new meaning in illustrations created by Maheswari Janarthanan – flowers are her biggest source of inspiration and they appear in nearly every image she creates...

view Maheswari's portfolio

Alissandra Seelaus

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Alissandra Seelaus is the go-to artist for beautifully crafted, expressive lettering that explodes off the page – or screen – astounding viewers and pulling them into the project’s narrative...

view Alissandra's portfolio

Ayang Cempaka 

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Books, bags, buses – Ayang Cempaka is an Indonesian artist whose colourful, whimsical illustrations are making an impact in publishing, fashion and even transport...

view Ayang's portfolio

Ely Ely 

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For vibrant, ebullient illustrations that capture lifestyle themes with a positive, feminine vibe, look no further than Mexican illustrator Ely Ely...

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Yixin Zeng

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Playful alternative realities, where deer dance on giant flowers, gangs of pi?atas frolic and curious fairies ride shy white elephants – the impossible is always possible in the fantastical artworks of Chinese illustrator Yixin Zeng...

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