Decompression FRIDAY
In the old normality Friday was a time to wrap things up, clean off the desktop, and prepared for a much needed period of relaxation. With the new normal it would appear that the old normality is slowly giving way to relaxation during the course of the so called ‘work week’. The ramp up lead in period of transitioning of routines is concerning, enlightening and perplexing. We will learn from this based on behavioral habits and outcomes, not something that can be mandated or guided.
Keeping with the time to relax and to contemplate I started a list of what I first called misconceptions. I chose to rethink this description and relabeled it as points of contemplation. Certainly you have some that you would add to the list as it’s something that will introduce enlightenment over the course of time.
1. Training isn’t the answer to all problems and certainly it cannot address problems that have yet to be discovered,
2. Brilliance is found in lofty titles in recognized enterprises, it comes as a virtue owned by individuals. The same is also true for stupidity and inappropriate behavior,
3. Laments about leaders is directly related to your ability to work independently,
4. Teams are not always applicable to all work types. It for this reason that use is not a matter to be directed by policy but as an approach where suitably applicable. Forcing team concepts on non-team situations creates added burden and inefficiency,
5. Collaborations take effort,
6. Partnerships do not exist where the expectation is that the partner will solely promote your products/services while leaving their own business as a silent participant,
7. If you ask me to refer business to you, don’t expect that this means I’m putting your business first,
8. Your title should match your responsibilities. It’s unlikely a C-level’s job involves doing the ground level work,
9. Technologies do not solve problems that are entrenched in process and human behavior,
10. Analytics are more than charts, diagrams and graphs,
11. Contaminated data requires aggressive sanitation (even if only somewhat dirty),
12. Bad investments happen every day, laments only happen once they become visible realities,
13. Stating the obvious is absurd,
14. Appeal is achieved through emotions and can be amplified through the power of mass participation appeal. This is a major shift from celebrity appeal attempting to penetrate the masses,
15. Conflicts between entities routinely point to specific points but in actually are the result of a lack in cultural understanding, consideration for appropriate compromise and the aptitude for leadership,
16. Most critics could never become the roles they criticize,
17. Resilience has proven to be an ideal with many limitations,
18. Digitization is simply the deployment of information technology applied,
19. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no more of a concern to employment as was the concerned with the advent of data processing,
20. Prophecy is welcoming to uncertainty only when it fits your needs. Prophecy otherwise is merely speculation, surround by incidental factoids, that we hope will not be checked later, and
21. Yours…..?????
Food for thought for a wonderful mark of traditional end of work week Friday. Don’t waste a moment without seeking opportunities to produce value.
(Incidentally Happy Father’s Day to one and all).
Clarity Group Global is an intellectual decision validation institution dedicated to the support of leaders, companies and organizations that face challenging choices. Making right decisions that produce significant value equates to less disruption and chaos, "non-tradition made exceptional".