Decommunizing Russia. Kursk = historic Ukrainian territory. Western companies co- finance war.
Jaanika Merilo
Head of Digital Health and Care in Estonian Government / Digital Transformation / HealthTech /AI / OSINT / Security /NE100 Innovators that change the world (Google & FT) / Keynote speaker / Author
Decommunizing Russia one Lenin at a time
This week, Ukraine managed to start decommunizing Russia. Well, actually, incidentally, artillery managed to strike a Lenin monument in Sudzha. This is one of over 6,000 Lenin monuments left in Russia, while only 1000 have been removed. Instead of removing them, Russia continues to appeal to Soviet nostalgy, and during Putin's reign, over 1000 Stalin monuments have been unveiled and memorials opened. This is really a case of what came first: chicken or egg. Is it Putin that is creating the demand for the past, or are Russians people who yearn for the past and inspire Putin? I think it′s synergy: Putin recognises the yearning for a “stable economy ruled by a strong hand,” and the majority appreciates thoughts of returning to it. It is a country where over 50% think that Stalin was a strong leader, and this really encourages repression. “They deserve it,” we need strong? leadership," “If Putin does it, he must know better,” are the usual excuses for increased repressions and the number of political prisoners. Over 78% of Russians think that “the Soviet Union was the best time of their lives." The remaining percentage wasn′t probably born yet. Then again, half of Russians would like the restoration of the Soviet Union, and the number is steadily increasing. Sure, it is cherry-picking nostalgy, preferring to remember the best parts (struggling to find them) while ignoring the total lack of goods, access to services, and any perspectives. The eternal suffering is programmed deep in national DNA, so if it gives stability and strong leadership, never mind the lack of everything.
Meanwhile, over two-thirds of Ukrainians have no warm feelings towards the Soviet Union, and the country has been decommunized completely since 2014. Communism has been declared a totalitarian regime, equal to Nazism, and all the symbols of the Soviet Union are prohibited. The regions, cities, streets, and any objects named after Soviet leaders or heroes have been renamed; Dnipropetrovsk has become Dnipro; Artemivsk is now Bakhmut; Dzerzhinsk is Toretsk, etc. In total, over 50 000 streets, villages, and cities were renamed, and it was supported by almost 80% of the population.
So much about brotherly nations, as Putin states. While almost 80% of Russians live in the past, the same percentage of Ukrainians want nothing to do with it and choose a European future.
Kursk - historic ukrainian territory
Kursk, historic Ukrainian territory
Putin has a passion for history and enjoys giving lectures about it. Indeed, his interpretation of history is as deeply rooted in truth as his ramblings from the screen about the details of a "special military operation." Selective interpretation of history is a double-edged sword because if you start scrolling back, you might find many fascinating facts. For example, Sudzha is a historic Ukrainian settlement. In the 17th century, it was “the headquarters” of the Ukrainian Cossacks, and before the Bolshevic regime, all the Sudzha and Belgorod regions were inhabited by Ukrainians. In 1918, the first capital of Soviet Ukraine was...drummroll... Sudzha. The city is currently temporarily under the control of Ukraine. And the next capital of Soviet Ukraine after Sudzha was... another drumroll... Belgorod. Only then was the capital moved to Kharkiv until 1934. These are tiny facts that Putin would prefer not to remember from history, and when he appeals to “Lenin creating the current Ukraine,"? he tends to forget about Crimea, Sudzha, and many other settlements that are or are part of Ukraine." Another lie is debunked.
North Korean ballistic rockets hit Ukraine.
Despite being the world's biggest superpower, the US continues to cowardly refrain from allowing Ukraine to use their much-needed weapons in Russian territory, which is, as we saw in the previous post, historical Ukrainian territories. Now, North Korean ballistic missiles are targeting the Ukrainian capital. For the third week in a row, with exactly 6-day breaks, KN-23 missiles are targeting Kyiv. We hear that Iranian ballistic missiles might soon accompany them. Meanwhile, allegedly, the US is preventing any missiles produced in the US from being used in Russian territory. Do you recall the numerous restrictions on lend-lease during World War II? “OK, UK, we will supply you with tanks that can be used only in the territory of the UK. Soviet Union, if you want to reach Berlin, please make sure you check the labels of every weapon you use." Can you please define this concept of “fearing escalation” after all the weapons of the axis of evil are used in Ukraine, over 135 000 war crimes are committed, hundreds of thousands of children are deported, and thousands are killed?”?
Chips and coffee for Russians: Western companies' "humanitarian causes"
Many Western companies have decided to stay in Russia, masking their sales, profits, and taxes to the Russian budget as “humanitarian causes." What about terrorist states buying shells for your tax dollars to kill Ukrainians? How does your “humanitarism” sound now?
As an example, the CEO of PepsiCo stated in 2002, after the start of a large-scale war, that "as a food and beverage company, now more than ever, we must stay true to the humanitarian aspect of our business. That means we have a responsibility to continue to offer our other products in Russia."?
Despite announcing the cessation of beverage sales, investment projects, and advertising activities in Russia in March 2022, PepsiCo remains one of the country's leading producers of dairy products.?
In Russia, PepsiCo generated $4.2 billion in revenue in 2023, paying $135 million in profit taxes plus social taxes. PepsiCo employs 60 000 "simple Russians," who contribute to the budget through their taxes. Out of whom, 80% support Putin or are silent “just in case." Who sends their sons to war, or doesn't stop friends' sons from signing up as volunteers? Some harbor nostalgia for the Soviet Union, while half harbor animosity towards the West.?
Kyiv School of Economics research showed that over 2000 Western companies stayed in Russia using different excuses. Let's not forget to boycott them until they start choosing saving lives over profit. You can start with products from PepsiCo and Modalez (Oreo). Read more.
95% of Ukrainian prisoners are tortured in Russia
I may be biased, but I still have some hard feelings about swapping Russian prisoners for killers. Let me explain.
Firstly, this prisoner swap gave Putin's killers the go-ahead, stating, "Do whatever is necessary, and we will swap you." This will lead to a significant increase in the number of hostages, including dual citizens and foreigners, and could potentially encourage further sabotage abroad.
Secondly, it is really annoying to constantly hear Ilya Yashin complaining about how he didn't want to be released and how prison was just okay. In Russian prisons, there are tens of thousands of Ukrainian war prisoners and civilian prisoners. The UN reports that 95% of these prisoners have endured torture since their initial interrogation, and their condition has deteriorated significantly upon swapping. While we should be happy that 16 people made it out of Russian prison, where they were for the condemnation of war, it is strange and tonedeaf to almost defend the system once free. I'm also disappointed in Vladimir Kara-Murza. Ok, bad judgement in an evening press conference after being swapped, but then he started all this rhetoric, how the world needs Russia.
Bittersweet. Bittersweet. Bitter.
Children of Ukrainian war prisoners have a week of vacation
I would like thank each and everyone that is supporting our NGO Heroiam Slava Thanks to you, we were able to offer 23 children of Ukrainian war prisoner and fallen heroes a wonderful vacation in Zakarpattya, the safest region in Ukraine. A week full of visits to the mountains, games and fireplace fairytales has just began.
All of your donations are fully used for humanitarian causes like supporting finding and bringing back Ukrainian children from Russia and offering them the best time to take the mind off the war, even for a moment. You can support us from any country via
Data Science/AI, Finance, Cliodynamics, Investment, Climate Change
6 个月Thanks - great update!
6 个月Aufruf zum Weltfrieden An die verehrten Weltführer und alle Menschen: In dieser Zeit, in der die Welt in gro?e Schwierigkeiten geraten ist und weiter ger?t, bitte ich alle, gemeinsam ihre Kr?fte zu bündeln, um L?sungen zu finden. Der beste Weg, Probleme zu l?sen, ist durch Dialog, nicht durch gegenseitige Opposition. Konfrontation wird die Probleme nicht l?sen, sondern nur verschlimmern. Als Menschen k?nnen wir Probleme durch gegenseitigen Dialog l?sen. Nicht nur Menschen, sondern alle Lebewesen wollen kein Leid erfahren. Wenn wir uns alle bemühen, k?nnen wir die Probleme l?sen. Wenn wir einen Moment nachdenken, k?nnen wir verstehen, wie es w?re, selbst Schwierigkeiten zu haben. Wir müssen uns daran erinnern, dass der andere auch ein Mensch ist wie wir selbst. Als Menschen haben wir die F?higkeit zu sprechen und zu verstehen. Daher sollte das Leben jedes Menschen gleich wertvoll sein. Der Verlust so vieler Menschenleben in Kriegen ist unertr?glich. An die M?chtigen: Tauschen Sie bitte nicht Geld gegen Menschenleben. Was nützt Geld ohne Menschen?
Management Consultant with 40+ years experience working globally
6 个月Thank you Jaanika - your articles are always so helpful and enlightening
Writer, Lecturer, Anti-Fascist Author: Victory in Europe: A People’s History of the Second World War
6 个月Another excellent read Jaanika Merilo You are an essential voice on this platform
Owner at MM SERVICES Micha? Mozo?a
6 个月The Terrorist Bolshevik State of russia Is Now As Vulnerable As Ever We need to escalate to de-escalate and de-occupy Ukraine. And there's no turning back now. Glory to Ukraine! ???? Слава Укра?н?! ???? ?