Decommissioning operations
and the possibility of being included

Decommissioning operations and the possibility of being included in REPETRO SPED

Decommissioning is the last phase of the exploration and production cycle of oil and gas quarries. According to statements from Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis – ANP in 2018, Brazil has over 122 structures involved in offshore production in a wide range and depth, which requires regulation, investments in appropriate technology, and human resources to deactivate such fields followed by the correct disposal of the remaining assets.

According to Caderno Descomissionamento Offshore no Brasil – Oportunidades, Desafios & Solu??es, edited by FGV Energia and ANP, the planning of offshore projects estimates the lifespan of the field and equipment at “around 20 to 25 years”.

Thus, at the end of the cycle the operator must adopt a series of measures to deactivate the field, remove all unnatural installations, abandon permanently or temporarily the oil wells, correctly dispose of the residues and waste originated from the decommissioning, so to reduce any potential harm to the environment.

In the maritime environment the decommissioning process is divided into three major activities: i) the platform; ii) submarine equipment; and iii) oil wells.

Regarding the first group – platforms – there are currently 40 of them that are over 25 years old, which represents 33% of all platforms operating in Brazil, 13 of which are at Bacia de Campos1. This can be translated as a significant potential for decommissioning operations of these platforms and their underwater equipment.

ANP also estimates that the necessary investments for decommissioning operations from 2021 to 2025 is above R$ 28 billion.

From a regulatory perspective, it was only after Resolution ANP 817/2020 was enacted that these operations perceived developments in the regulation. The abovementioned Resolution determined the establishment of a Technical Regulation for Decommissioning of Structures used in the exploration and production of oil and gas quarries in Brazil, with specific determinations for different scenarios of decommissioning operations.

Moreover, the current understanding of the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service is that decommissioning cannot be supported by the main tax and customs regime REPETRO-SPED, because it is the final stage in the exploration process.

However, with the significant improvements brought by Resolution ANP 817/2020, that clarifies once and for all that decommissioning is, in fact, a part of the cycle of activities surrounding oil and gas quarries, there is hope for a more positive scenario from the tax and customs perspective.

In conclusion, Brazilian IRS shall review internally their position as to the assets that are imported as vessels to operate decommissioning of offshore oil fields, and better define the timespan and legislation under which the decommissioning operations can be carried out in Brazilian jurisdictional waters.

The expectation is that the issues that are being informed to the Brazilian IRS be heard and solved, so that decommissioning operations can be officially considered as stage of REPETRO-SPED.

Jeniffer Adelaide Marques Pires e Gabriela Aguiar Amarante Souki?

1Fonte: ANP – DSO – janeiro de 2021.


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