Decoding my $5M Sales Process!
Saranya Narayana Moorthy
B2B Sales & Lead Gen Consultant | Sales Training & Services | Founder: The Content Bot Marketing Agency & | Let's close more deals!
So before I begin, this Newsletter is a Summary of the LinkedIn Audio event "Decoding the Sales Process".
Decoding my Sales Process
So here we begin!
Firstly, let's start with defining the goals. Unlike the previous Newsletters, this isn't gonna be a storyline, but rather a complete notes & highlighted approach to the concept. So I would recommend you to do a thorough read through this because this isn't something you should just read and get to know, but for you to understand and implement.
So let's Begin!
Goal: Close the next sales deal with Minimal Follow-Ups
Top Takeaways from my Personal Story:
My Behavioral processes that aided:
Streams of Interest & Things I did:
While all these skill development were going on, as a side benefit, I analyzed people more - their display of emotions, behavior, fear, underlying mind frame, core belief system, reasoning, etc.
Now you might wonder why is the sales event all about me. For this, I want you to understand something.?When you sell a smaller product - you sell the product/service/brand. But when you sell a high-ticket product - you sell yourself. So make sure you are MAN ENOUGH to be sold to the prospect.
So let’s now move up to core sales.
Let’s start with understanding the perspective:
Generally, people hold two perspectives on sales:
But most of the time, I see the sales perspective as version 3:
Expectation → Synchronisation → Satisfaction → Sale
Every prospect has an expectation - understand what the expectation is. Read between the lines, and find it. Once you have analyzed your offering, sync your offering with your client’s expectations. Once you meet their?real needs,?you have a sale.
Over 80% of my customers/prospects tell me this, “After speaking with you → we feel confident, satisfied, and happy to pay you. We haven’t felt this anywhere.”
Trust me; this gives me the adrenaline rush after every sales call.
But No! Wait! You don’t get this by saying ‘Yes’ to everything your prospect says. You achieve this by telling them what you believe.
So here is the concept. First, let us see this theoretically, and then I will give you practical steps.
Understand:?A Customer is a person. A person filled with?thoughts, Emotions, Ego, Leverage, and Need.
Don’t be offended. Let’s face it. Only when you accept it can you think of it.
These thoughts, emotions, and his ego tell him something: ' He is a Sales Person, so I need to be careful not to be bluffed at.’ At the same time, his need also tells him something, “I hope this person gives me what exactly I am looking for. ”
So here - as a salesperson, you have?answers, thoughts, emotions, convincability, and product/solution.
With whatever you both have, utilize it and channel it in the right direction.
As the legendary fictional character Harvey Spector, says, “Don’t Play the odds. Play the Man.”
With this confidence, make a strong sales call. Make it soo powerful that they have no option other than to agree that you understand them way better than anyone else.
When you do this confidently, they’ll remember you. Because while many salespeople were selling a product - you went ahead and sold more than just a product - a relationship.
You didn’t only sell a product - you appealed to the Man behind the product.
So now, this being the overall theory - here is how you can practically achieve this:
Disclaimer:?This works only for high ticket sales. Refrain from attempting this for the low ticket. You may be wasting your time.
Steps to Practically make the next sale of yours - a WIN:
Now that you are ready dedicate the first 3 to 7 minutes of the call solely for the observation part. Let the prospect speak, let him address, and you GRASP.
Be a good listener. And while you are observing - get to know the answers to all your previous questions loud and clear.
When the prospect is done, speak about just the?Top 3 ways your solution suits your prospect’s inner WHYs. And do not just be a speaker. Be a reasoner.
Give them a compelling reason why you are the best choice and not the other competitors. Do this without throwing dirt on others. Do it with diligence.
And most importantly, remove objections before it even appears.
Remember:?Mediocre Sales People face objections, and Top Sales People don’t allow room for Objection.?Choose where you want to be.
And once you finish your sales call: Give them a proposal with a Time Claused.
For example, I usually give them a proposal with a discount percentage valid only for 48 hours.
This will increase the odds of prospects beginning a closing negotiation to renew the cash discounts.
So, do you think this would be good for you to implement?
Listen to the Podcast below & understand HOW I arrived at this methodology. Maybe, that would give you the whole shape of the process.