Decoding beauty !!
Anurag Singal
Valuation | | IIM Ahmedabad MBA, CA (AIR-22) | Independent Director l Visiting Faculty - IIMs, XLRI, MU l 3 x TEDx l YouTuber l Career Mentor
We often believe that radiant, flawless skin may arise from
a) birth(chromosome driven or sheer luck i.e.random distribution)
b) deft application of Maybelline foundation
c) outcome of having a constipation free stomach or
d) simply " beauty lies in the eye of the beholder"
However, there is a scientific dimension to this as well
The human brain has special part called the fusiform, located in the back of the head near the spine. It's the same neural pathway needed to recognize faces of family, friends and people we have met. When it's damaged, the patients cannot recognize anyone, even people they has just met. Also, in experiments, they cannot discriminate between photographs of plain and beautiful faces.
Studies show that when we recognize a face as "beautiful" we are actually making a judgement about the health and vitality of that individual.
We interpret facial symmetry (the similarity of left and right halves of a face) and the smoothness of the skin to mean that a person has good genes and has been free from diseases. This is part of what we mean by "beautiful" but it is just the beginning.
Bilateral Symmetry is thus equated with heterozygosity and resistance to infection and debilitating pathogens. Bilateral Symmetry and parasite resistance are factors that show optimum health and increase the success in intersexual and intrasexual competition.
So if you are beautiful, probably there's more to it than what just meets the eye